Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10

Very nice. The dad has some good color. Now we have to wait to see what they fry look like.
Not alot happening now, the eggsiting :blush: bit is over watching them hatch, just all lying on the bottom wiggling away using up their egg sacks, looking tiny and helpless.
Not alot happening now, the eggsiting :blush: bit is over watching them hatch, just all lying on the bottom wiggling away using up their egg sacks, looking tiny and helpless.

good to hear evrything is going ok :D, i have gone and bought some more today :) i gt 2 haha Im made up haha they were gttn bullied as soon as put them in the tank and took the bullie out strait away BULLIE WAS A YELLO SEV ABT THE SAME SIZE :unsure: he is really mistevious :shifty: little #28### hahah

i was wondering how to put pics up on the a message??? and have you any of the fry?? :ninja: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :ninja:
I have 10 stubborn little wrigglers that absolutely refuse to leave the rock face, I have tried to gently move them but they swim straight back and latch back on. I have sat and picked the rock clean now with tweezers rather than doing it the easy way by removing it whole and washing it in tank water (thanks guys :crazy: ) and sadly found 1 unwriggler this morning (rip). On a brighter note, I have had a rough count up, got to 176, thats not including those that have left the pit and are wiggling away somewhere in the gravel, more than likely counted a couple twice and missed others as there is quite a big group huddled together, its realy hard trying to count eyes so I tried just counting the egg sacks. I am now going to spend the rest of the day trying to uncross my eyes :lol:
Sure would be nice if they all sold, might have enough to get a can of pop for everyone to share after we have cleared Jodie's vet bill :lol:
I can only see about 30 babies this morning, I hope they are all hiding in the stones somewhere :crazy:
Quite a few starting to actually swim about a bit now. Minxy your little devil has ended up in the container I use for water changes twice this morning and nearly ended up going down the sink :crazy:
I'd love one of these little guys once they've hatched and such, Severums are awesome fish and mine needs a buddy ;)

Gorgeous pair you've got by the way.
Quite a few starting to actually swim about a bit now. Minxy your little devil has ended up in the container I use for water changes twice this morning and nearly ended up going down the sink :crazy:

:blink: Dont flush little Rico down the sink :sly:
Rico, thats a nice name for him, will start calling him it so he is use to it when you collect him lol. Starting a to look a little more like fish today rather than eggs with eyes and a tail. Its great watching them taking their first swims round the tank bless them.
Wow congrats on the large spawn, and now wrigglers good luck with raising them.
Sad day, pulled out 5 unwrigglers today, all very very tiny and not brilliantly formed, so guessing thats just nature taking care of those, expect I will loose a few more yet its a big brood (brood, clutch, batch, what do you call a bunch of wrigglers lol, spawn would be the eggs, but the wrigglies?).
One week old already!, everyone now is totally free swimming and looking for food by the looks, I have made up my "first swim" baby formula lol. Now they are all swimming about the tank if definately not going to last very long they are going to need to be transferred to a bigger tank quite quickly. Luckily a friend has lent me a 150l tank, just need to get something to put over the top.

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