Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10

Clearly that one egg/fry is the most advanced of the group, I'll take that one :lol: Just put a tag on his fins for me!!
i am happy for you and with you luck with your red headed sevs :) i think i kniw what my prob was wid my eggs i didnt put the air stone next to them so there was no fanning affect like what the mother an father fish would have done i had them in the stillest part of the tank :( You have inspired me to go and buy a red head i am going to get it from an aquafrium where i live :) (Liverpool) haha :drool:
4 moving eggs now :hyper: Minxy I have put an "M" on yours in waterproof marker pen, it should come off eventually :lol:

(That is just a joke BTW If anyone thought I would draw on my fish)
its cool watching them hatch, i watched my cutteri cichlid eggs hatch and now they actually look like their parents and swim around everywhere!
they take a while to loose their stripes though and start getting colour, my biggest are getting on at about 3" and still not got their red neck, got red fins though!
goo luck i hope they all do well!
4 moving eggs now :hyper: Minxy I have put an "M" on yours in waterproof marker pen, it should come off eventually :lol:

(That is just a joke BTW If anyone thought I would draw on my fish)

Sign of the times when you have to put the disclaimer in lol ;)

Cool stuff, looking forward to hear on progress

Poor little Jethro :lol: big sloppy thing he is, he has already eaten 3 batches of serv eggs that I know of, 4 batches of Ellioti eggs and a batch of firemouth eggs!, he is rather partial to eggs lol.
Do all big pleccs eat cichlid eggs? I thought they were vegetarian. I was wondering why my convicts never bred. Maybe they do and my 8inch L001 plec eats all their Eggs!!!
Poor little Jethro :lol: big sloppy thing he is, he has already eaten 3 batches of serv eggs that I know of, 4 batches of Ellioti eggs and a batch of firemouth eggs!, he is rather partial to eggs lol.
Do all big pleccs eat cichlid eggs? I thought they were vegetarian. I was wondering why my convicts never bred. Maybe they do and my 8inch L001 plec eats all their Eggs!!!

My guys do like some meat in their diet, wafer thin ham, prawn as well as the veggies, but if there are eggs they hoover them up. The L001 is also rather partial to some meat, I have just re-homed mine (splodge, he was such a sweetie, but found him a nice home in a 6ft tank) he loved prawn and more meatier foods, cichlid pellets etc, but drop a algae wafer in his tank and he would really sulk.

Ok this morning we have tails poking out of eggs :hyper: wiggling away like the blazes. I have turned down the current on the filter, got a few white eggs to remove this morning, unfortunately it looks like I missed a white egg hidden in the crevis of the ornament and its gone fluffy taking about 20 eggs with it, but I couldnt sleep last night and tried counting the eggs, I got to 250 there abouts :crazy:
250 :hyper: bloomin heck thats great news, least everyone on here can now own a roti :lol:

Glad to here you have come out the other side, good luck with them, and try tipex marking the M As it scapes of easier :huh:

Pics pics pics come on :snap:
I am sure there will be losses there always is, natures way so I very much doubt I will raise many I dont really like doing it this way, but in this case it was for the best, if I raise 50 I will be very happy, will keep 2 for myself. Never though of tippex, that would have worked better. :lol:

I would guess 90% of the eggs are wiggling away like stink, made getting the white eggs really difficult, there are about 10 on the tank floor wiggling away that have got off the ornament, looks like (hopefully) the rest will be leaving the rock later today.

Its a shame I dont have a camera, but I will try and borrow one as soon as they are big enough to photograph.
Poor little Jethro :lol: big sloppy thing he is, he has already eaten 3 batches of serv eggs that I know of, 4 batches of Ellioti eggs and a batch of firemouth eggs!, he is rather partial to eggs lol.
Do all big pleccs eat cichlid eggs? I thought they were vegetarian. I was wondering why my convicts never bred. Maybe they do and my 8inch L001 plec eats all their Eggs!!!

My guys do like some meat in their diet, wafer thin ham, prawn as well as the veggies, but if there are eggs they hoover them up. The L001 is also rather partial to some meat, I have just re-homed mine (splodge, he was such a sweetie, but found him a nice home in a 6ft tank) he loved prawn and more meatier foods, cichlid pellets etc, but drop a algae wafer in his tank and he would really sulk.

Ok this morning we have tails poking out of eggs :hyper: wiggling away like the blazes. I have turned down the current on the filter, got a few white eggs to remove this morning, unfortunately it looks like I missed a white egg hidden in the crevis of the ornament and its gone fluffy taking about 20 eggs with it, but I couldnt sleep last night and tried counting the eggs, I got to 250 there abouts :crazy:

thats good keep us posted and i have dibbs on a baby :) hahaha
i wanted to know how my fish eggs turned white when i had taken them all out in to a nursery? is it because i didnt have them near my air ston? any advice?
thanks :good: :hyper: :good: :hyper: :good:
Sorry Pikey I thought I had answered you. Not all eggs get fertilised by the male, these are the ones that turn white and can cause fungal infections if not removed. If you remove eggs to a nursing tank you should use an airstone to create the fanning affect from the parents, however I have tried this and it wasnt successful with removing Kribensis eggs. I have used an aquaball internal filter with a stocking over it, they have an inbuilt air nozzel so my eggs are being fanned by the current and recieving plenty of air, the filter is not directly pointed at the eggs it is circulating the tank first, the aquaball is great as you can turn the flow up and down and direct the nozzel anywhere in the tank without moving the filter itself. When hatching eggs by hand, you need to remove all the white eggs, you will continue to get white eggs throughout untill they have all hatched, not all make it, I am removing eggs every 4 hours, some are not fertile others just dont form. There is a chemical that some breeders use, it turns the water blue and supposedly stops eggs from getting any fungus on. Personally I dont really like this idea as nature is not allowed to kill off any weak developing fish and the majority of the batch survives. Hence me saying I have counted 250+ eggs and I am hoping that I may get 50 good strong healthy fish, but thats just my personal opinion.

I recon those that are going to hatch have now done so, roughly 80% are still attatched to the rock ornament the rest on in a pit in the gravel and I can see them wiggling away on the bottom of the tank, just waiting now for the rest to make the first free swimm away from the rock.
Sorry Pikey I thought I had answered you. Not all eggs get fertilised by the male, these are the ones that turn white and can cause fungal infections if not removed. If you remove eggs to a nursing tank you should use an airstone to create the fanning affect from the parents, however I have tried this and it wasnt successful with removing Kribensis eggs. I have used an aquaball internal filter with a stocking over it, they have an inbuilt air nozzel so my eggs are being fanned by the current and recieving plenty of air, the filter is not directly pointed at the eggs it is circulating the tank first, the aquaball is great as you can turn the flow up and down and direct the nozzel anywhere in the tank without moving the filter itself. When hatching eggs by hand, you need to remove all the white eggs, you will continue to get white eggs throughout untill they have all hatched, not all make it, I am removing eggs every 4 hours, some are not fertile others just dont form. There is a chemical that some breeders use, it turns the water blue and supposedly stops eggs from getting any fungus on. Personally I dont really like this idea as nature is not allowed to kill off any weak developing fish and the majority of the batch survives. Hence me saying I have counted 250+ eggs and I am hoping that I may get 50 good strong healthy fish, but thats just my personal opinion.

I recon those that are going to hatch have now done so, roughly 80% are still attatched to the rock ornament the rest on in a pit in the gravel and I can see them wiggling away on the bottom of the tank, just waiting now for the rest to make the first free swimm away from the rock.

what it was that happend is that the spawned on the inside of the flower pot and the few unfertile ones went white and i removed them, then you could see the majority of the eggs mooving and with the brown/grey spots on the inside. i went to sleep that night and when i woje up in the morning every thing went white exept a few so i dont know what happend the weak ones went white and i removed them nut i even had wriggelers tha went white and i am devoed :( i jst dont know what went wrong :no: :fish: :no:
Was your fry tank well cycled? I think this is where I went wrong with my Kribs, the tank was super clean no substrate or anything, now this tank I raised the Elliot from a couple of weeks old, (the parents were moved away from the plecs, but the dad started eating them) and I have just had a pair of convicts spawn in the tank, removed the parents (had to split them up the male tried to kill the female :crazy: ). Although I keep the water clean with water changes daily and a well over sized filter, the tank itself is (what I would call) dirty with algae growth on the glass, I dont know if this makes any difference but I have sucessfully raise 2 sets of fry this way (so far). Its all a huge learning curve for me.

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