Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10


Jethro has forgiven me :lol: I got kisses. (jethro above btw)

Mum and dad fine, no problems in the main tank (keeping fingers crossed) 7 hours now since they were laid, will report the minute they hatch. Going need a plaster for the end of my nose as its going to be pressed on the glass for the next 2-3 days :lol:

Edited title: I have already bitten one nail off already :lol:
Should be arond 72 hrs before hatching (from laying). They should go a nice creamy colour, those that are not fertile will remain white. The fry will eat their egg sacks for the first 24 hrs or so, then you need to start feeding them :good: Partial water changes daily will help their growth.

Keep us updated :)
All is fairly well this morning, there has been a sqabble in the main tank, but its Mrs Sparkles the Ellioti again she keeps on at the Texas, she has a bit of a bump on her head nothing serious, I think she is trying to get the Texas to spawn with her :crazy: . Mum and dad are doing great, only taken 4 white eggs off the batch so far, which is pretty good! Yeah the fun of daily waterchanges with wrigglers, oh well will get them trained like I did with the Ellioti and the convicts :lol:
This is great news, only four whites that very good going, congratulations...looking forward to you rotkeil dairy :good:

poor little jethro,what a nice meal he might have had, but he may not have even touched the eggs...
Poor little Jethro :lol: big sloppy thing he is, he has already eaten 3 batches of serv eggs that I know of, 4 batches of Ellioti eggs and a batch of firemouth eggs!, he is rather partial to eggs lol.
i do think the other fry would have eaten them, my cutteri fry ate newly hatched cutteri fry, even though the older oners were only a week or so old, they waited for them to hatch and then attacked them all! vicious! ha
just over a month old now and doing well, showing pattern and colour!
will look forward to seeeing if your rotkeils hatch, my rotkeils are about 3 inch now, about 3 out of the 10 are still about 1.5-2" though, must be runts!
Finally caught the last 2 convict babies I dont think there are any more in the tank with the eggs. The eggs are looking great, starting to go darker in places looking like eyes forming, never had eggs this close to the glass before, I can hardly keep away. Mum & dad are cleaning off another patch, looks like they are going for a second batch :crazy: Still got angel eggs in the other tank with the parents but all the eggs look white :sad: its there first spawn and it looked like the male kept missing. Its really eggsighting here :blush:
You need to get photos of them as they grow, I want to hand pick them from teeny :lol: See if I can spot which are mine when I come to collect them :hey: :S
Blimey this is hard work! I dont have the stediest hand for picking off the white eggs and have ended up knocking some off :sad: but the rest are looking fine, hopefully tomorrow I should start seeing some wiggling tails (I hope). Definately not raising fry this way again, leave the egg picking to the parents next time :crazy:

Minxy I will ask my friend if I can borrow their camera once a week or something, but its not the greatest camera. Shame we dont live a little closer (or easier journey lol) you could pop in for a cuppa and a look each week, but if you are over this way you know you are most welcome to drop in.
keep posted about the wrigglers :) i have some sad new though my jade eye cichlids spawned the day before a few days ago and a few turned white, half turned into wrigglers an about half had not but they wer deffo fertile :hyper: then woke up today and all the eggs and the wrigglers turned white :rip: anybody lnow why???? thanks
Could be a fungal infection, once they start turning white. I am having the same problem now as I am caring for the eggs not the fish, I have lots going white now :sad: some of them are hard when I remove them and some are just exploding white goo. Clean water is essential for eggs and its usually best the parents take care of them too :crazy: I will have some hatch else Minxyfish will be very cross with me :lol:
I was kidding about the photos :lol: Wish I was closer, I would be there popping in to check on them :hyper:
I got a moving egg!!!!!!!! :hyper: no sign of a tail yes but the egg keeps shaking, at first I thought it was the current but no its a definate wiggly egg. 26 hours thereabouts till hatching time.

Bitten off another 3 nails :lol:

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