He actually hit you?I've probably mentioned this before, but people that have a complete disregard for cyclists, I looked behind, there was a car about 30 metres away behind me, I indicated and veered to the right into the centre of the road in order to turn right, and he tried to overtake me as I was turning in, why are these morons allowed on the road? At least it was slow so I'm not hurt, he didn't even stop and check if I was okay, the ****wipe.
I'm with you on that Stu, it really annoys me, in fact all cyclists who don't obey the highway code irritate me, because they give us all a bad name! Non-indicating cyclists and cyclists that ride side-by-side annoy me also.
Rant for today: my bank.
Have a few different accounts with a bank, never use one of the accounts but had money in it. Received a letter today saying I was over-drawn, by £125.75. Went into my bank to question this and it seems that the account went over-drawn by 75 pence and they've whacked £125 worth of charges on it. I haven't used the card for over six months, check every statement when they come in and the card is still where I left it 6+ months ago. Not even my girlfriend knew it was there and wouldn't use the card anyway. So the money I had in the bank has gone, and now I'm in debt on that account. The idiot I was speaking to couldn't tell me where the money went and said "the manager will phone you on Monday".
I won't be paying no £125.75 bill and want my money back unless they can show me where its gone.
Even if I did go 75 pemce over-drawn, which I know I didn't, whacking £125 on is total madness and would rather go to jail than pay it.