Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

oh no i know but its a bit different when its an animal you train, bond with and love. people breed them because foals are cute, and then get bored and sell them on and dont care where they end up.

one woman i know of had her horse 'stolen' and was laughing about it in the pub. it was well known she had no desire to keep it.
My rant for today has to be the growing ammount of foolish wee boys, and girls might I add who decide to take over one of the main carparks in the town, day or night, they're always there. Spinning their wheels, handbrake turns, reversing at speed and just being a total waste of air really.
The worst I find though has to be sitting, stationary, revving the car. What's that all about?
There are no cameras in that carpark so they've all merged from the previous two carparks there was that have since got cameras in them.
Old people are especially scared to now use this carpark but it was good for them as its the main one in the town, close to the post office.

I have stopped my kids from walking through it anymore as its really that dangerous.

I'm not "old" and having a moan about them, I'm sure teenagers who've just passed their tests are going to do this sort of thing in most towns, but I know men of near 50yrs of age down there doing the same thing.

I find it all totally pointless, any fool can do the same, I could even do it in our Zafira, but what good would it do me? Or my tyres?
people threatening my boyfriend.

so angry right now. he works for a big bank and im so scared of him getting jumped for account information, i know it happens because they had a whole day of security when leaving the office training.

then last night we went to morrisons and he walked out to get his ID and there was a group of lads walking about 2inches behind him and shining laser pens at him.

its so pathetic it makes me angry, its like if someone ever held a gun to your head would you feel as hard as you do now? no. Go back to your mummies.
Rant for today.

Our 12 year old, soon to be 13 if he gets there.

Comes home from school today and said, "oh, you'll be mad at me" "why?" "I've got two rips in my school trousers" "how did you do that?" "Sliding on my knees in the gym" "you have worn them for two days, and you've ruined them" "its not my fault" "you were sliding, its your fault" "its the schools fault, they varnished the school gym floor" "OK, you get your principle that I was £25 for new school trousers as its their fault" "well, I'm accecpting responsibilty for it" "how?" "Its not my fault"

Its a good job I love him
I know this is a minor one, compared to people's 'proper' rants (especially your poor Bf, Hanny, that's awful), but..

'corydoras' is not a blimming plural!! You don't have 'one corydora' :shout:
Dont you hate it when you buy a tank off ebay and the seller take a lifetime to reply!!!

They should have a rough idea when the listing will end!

It works the other way too, when you sell something and they take a week to pay and another week to collect!
Dont you hate it when you buy a tank off ebay and the seller take a lifetime to reply!!!

They should have a rough idea when the listing will end!

It works the other way too, when you sell something and they take a week to pay and another week to collect!

What is it with these sorts of people on ebay. If you buy something, pay appropriately after the auction end. If I send you a message about your item, reply.

Its like they list things and go on holiday.
I know this is a minor one, compared to people's 'proper' rants (especially your poor Bf, Hanny, that's awful), but..

'corydoras' is not a blimming plural!! You don't have 'one corydora' :shout:

LOL every time i see someone write 'corydora' im like ?D>wefw3g2[g[obg3b
Chestnut has just been past again; properly shod; hurrah!!!
I #138## hate stingy marine things!! :angry: :crazy:

Spent all friday evening in A+E because i got stung late Thursday andby friday evening my hand had ballooned, there was an obvious infection and puncture wounds.

Then saturday we were back in A+E because my mum decided to use her fingers when sharpening the kitchen knives :rolleyes: so she got a few stitches too.

Still got my arm in a 'sling' or i ought to but it makes me look a right tit. Hand is generally much better than it was, still very painful and slightly swollen and now the joints feel painful.

Whhhhyyyy me!?

And on wednesday, we broke our friends greyhound, took her out for a run and she ripped her foot open from toes to mid leg, exposed muscle and tendons and all >.< £250 and some stitches and banages later...
Chestnut has just been past again; properly shod; hurrah!!!

yaya! my horse took me for a lovely canter down some muddy 'steps' on our usual hack. then decided to jump the last one. i have been riding a year and dont jump... lol i was proud i actually handled it well though!!

I #138## hate stingy marine things!! :angry: :crazy:

Spent all friday evening in A+E because i got stung late Thursday andby friday evening my hand had ballooned, there was an obvious infection and puncture wounds.

Then saturday we were back in A+E because my mum decided to use her fingers when sharpening the kitchen knives :rolleyes: so she got a few stitches too.

Still got my arm in a 'sling' or i ought to but it makes me look a right tit. Hand is generally much better than it was, still very painful and slightly swollen and now the joints feel painful.

Whhhhyyyy me!?

And on wednesday, we broke our friends greyhound, took her out for a run and she ripped her foot open from toes to mid leg, exposed muscle and tendons and all >.< £250 and some stitches and banages later...

oh no :(:( we've had to spend a fair bit on our whippet because all the thistles are ripping his skin :(
Yeah, greyhounds, whippets and lurchers are so thin skinned; they just pop open :crazy:

Well done for sticking on there, Hanny!
O2 have SERIOUSLY annoyed me this weekend. My girlfriends mobile was up for renewal, just a new phone, mid term of the contract.
They always mess about our contracts, they usually tend to add some strange bolt-on, or put roaming on and then charge us for it, charging for calls that's supposedly free is another good on they try to pull.
They've surpassed themselves this weekend though, she gets her new phone and they decided to change my internet from BlackBerry to IPhone so I had no acess to anything other than when using WIFI.
Three times I called and asked about this, they rambled on that it would be in the next 24 hours and it would be ok. It wasn't, each and everytime.
I complained to them regarding this and have got 3 months free of the business package were on. That's an extra £90 per month saved.
ooooh BIG RANT.

1) ignoramus people. i fell off my horse at full gallop becuse i lost both my stirrups and had to duck to avoid a branch, thus bruising my entire right hand side.

went to work today limping, and had numerous people tell me i was being lazy and slow that day, and when i explained why, got the response, well you shouldnt fall off...

2)cheats and work gossip. basically a guy at work who has a girlfriend and a daughter has been accused of sleeping with a girl from bar staff. he swore on his daughters life nothing was going on, but new evidence shows there is, or at least was. i find it disgusting that he even can consider cheating on his wonderful, beautiful girlfriend, and he flies off the handle every time this girls name is mentioned. its stupid.

3) bad dogs!
I'm with you there, except for #3. Any dog can be a "bad" dog, but if it's domesticated, it's the owner's problem! And 9 times out of 10 it's because the animal doesn't get enough exercise. Just sayin'.

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