Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

:angry: Texas heat made my house 86 degrees inside and my A.C. couldn't keep up.
You think that's hot?
Try 104+. Been through that, house turned into microwave. My fish were all sitting there doing nothing all day. Good thing it rained.
oh do i ever need a was payday on friday or it was supposed to be are you listening natwest!!!! im broke and have bills to pay, ive just been signed off work for a month and cant do any retail therapy untill i get paid :angry:
oh do i ever need a was payday on friday or it was supposed to be are you listening natwest!!!! im broke and have bills to pay, ive just been signed off work for a month and cant do any retail therapy untill i get paid :angry:
I need a new job... -.- My boss still can't bring back the business yet, I have no idea how to run it and I'm trying to get into college to take PHP and website creation lessons to get better at stuff and not rely on preset websites for the company. Then I could create websites for other companies same time, could earn me some money so I can increase the water changes and pay the water bills instead of my dad. Then nobody will complain about water use. Man, soon the air itself will... wait, never mind...
Yeah, tell me about it. I work in Finance/HR for a set of Academies and we are sweating right now. Suppliers calling us all day wanting to know where their money is when we sent payment last week and I won't dare mention the payroll lol - it's not due to be released just yet so fingers, toes and everything else are crossed that it gets sorted in the next 48 hours!
It's supposed to be 98 here Friday. Good thing I won't be here.
Right now its thundering here... Thunder makes my frog croak, and boy is he loud...
I have to cut my qt about a week short because we're going on vacation and I'd rather have my fish in the maintank than elsewhere. :angry:

I still don't know what to do about the guppy fry. Main tank for the week, or no food for a week :angry:
oh do i ever need a was payday on friday or it was supposed to be are you listening natwest!!!! im broke and have bills to pay, ive just been signed off work for a month and cant do any retail therapy untill i get paid :angry:

I got paid on Thursday and couldn't get any money from the machine. I went into the bank in person with my stack of bills and they said they could give me up to £300 in cash so long as I knew there was enough funds in my account. I'd already double checked I'd definitely been paid so I got enough cash to pay the bills and get some food in.

If you go into the bank they should do the same for you. Good luck :)
A plant order came. I was trying out a new online store and :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I got the ugliest batch of bacopa I have ever seen. Its fugly! They sent me 5 free plants though, so I don't think I am going to throw a fit over it. I am mad though.
Yeah, I'm up for a ranting...

You know how much I hate flies, right?
Well... just when I need them, the freakin' things are nowhere to be found! Not even the mosquitoes!
My newt is starving and no shop sells live or frozen food until the 28th! My newt has been on hunger strike (refusing to eat dried daphnia and fish flakes) for a week now! -.-
And the tip of stupidity: My dad bought bananas and put pieces of them in my newt's tank this morning, because someone told him that lizards eat fruit (note, it's a newt and dad thought it was a lizard, hence the bad advice). -_-
Flippin' hayfever. I'm scratching my eyes out!!! I hate to say it buy roll on the end of July!!!!!!! :angry:
I must rant!
What the freak of nature is THIS?!
I thought it was a locust since my lights were too dim, but then it ran like a Ferrari!
Waaaaay too many legs to count.
Can I feed it to my fish?


UGH! That's a centipede of some kind, probably the Centipede From Hell. As their latin name suggests, centipedes have about thirty legs. Most are venomous (though pose no threat to humans) so I would not drop it in the fish tank as a bite might kill a fish.

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