Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

They say that violence isn't the answer, but in serious cases your gonna have to toughen up. When I was younger, some b*tch girl began taunting me and my friends. We ignored her, walked away, told teachers, no results. So we were standing outside, and it was drizzling so I had a umbrella with a built in flashlight with me. Same girl was giving me and my friends trouble, and she was saying rude and immature things. Evenutally, tensions rose and and she pushed my friend. And therefore she ended up with an umbrella/flashlight up the nose. She got a bloody nose, but I did'nt get in trouble. She never bothered us again :good:
I'm not normally a violent person, when I was younger kids picked on me all of the time, I told teachers, got bullied worse.
Telling someone never helped me, the kids ended up stabbing me for telling the teachers on them, weren't nothing major just very painful.
I promised myself from then on, I will not tolerate no crap.
i tolerate no crap anyway, if anyone picks on me, they go home in a matchbox

i'm not otherwise violent, i never start it, but if they want to pick a fight with me, then i make them suffer.
"they go home in a matchbox"

Even better when said in a Clint Eastwood accent. Brilliant.
its true though! by the time i've finished with them they just go limp
LOL!! Blubble37... really? REALLY?? Thats better than Snakes 200 gallon tank! And nearly as good as your uncle's cars and land... etc etc etc etc.

My rant is that i can't stand liars and dreamers... :rolleyes:
Some post people wind me up, this morning I was waiting for a package, and for a period of 10 minutes (10:50-11) I was listening to music...quite loud I admit, and the postman wrote 8:30 on the card :angry: why?!

Political correctness annoys me as well.

Sometimes i feel they cant be bothered to carry it, so just leave it and drop you a card

This is true, our postie was caught out doing this. Imagine his surprise when the door was flung open as he went to place the card through the letterbox, no parcel in hand. By god did he look a lazy fool.

My rant is that i can't stand liars and dreamers... :rolleyes:

+1 & those people who ask for stocking advice on non existent tanks

Do people actually do this?! :blink:
First rant, making the wrong i dont mean anything life changing, just those annoying little decisions such as:

Going to a restaurant and deciding between 2 dishes then regretting your decision when you see the waitress walk past with your other decision.

Going shopping and choosing the short queue only to find out once you are in it that it slows right down whilst the other queue flies by.

Having to go to two shops before an appointment only to realise you only have time for one and have to chose which to leave. Usually the appointment is then behind schedule so you would have had chance to go to both anyway.

And trying to get to the doctors on time on a busy bus. The traffic is at standstill so you decide to get off a stop early and try to beat it only to arrive at the front door just as the bus goes past so you would have been better off staying on!

And another rant, going in a clothes shop grabbing different items to try on and when you get in the changing rooms you realise someone has put a size 6 item on a size 12 hanger. Great.
On the subject of postmen, why when you wait at home for a package to be delivered do they just put a red slip in your door saying "sorry you weren't in"?? I'M RIGHT #58### HERE YOU LAZY S.O.B!! And surely it would have been less effort for you to just ring the doorbell? :grr:

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