Oh where to begin with this one.
Drunk people - my downstairs neighbour in particular, pressing the flat buzzer every 2 mins between 2am-5am trying to get a different flat number but pressing mine. My little girl, crying and bawling because this buzzer sounds like a foghorn and of course she's trying to sleep but keeps getting a fright

I went and told him he's pressing the wrong buzzer and to get away from my door before I politely remove his legs and have him bed bound. The next day I disconnected my buzzer
Chavs - Just because I drive a GTI which is pretty quick for a naturally aspirated engine, it does not give you the right to sit on my bumper in your pathetic 1.2 puddle jumper AAARRGGGHHHH BUY A REAL CAR!!!!!No offence to any normal person who drives a smaller engined car-you probably don't drive around thinking your in a ferrari.
Sticking cheap plastic crap onto your car doesn't make it fast, neither does cramming your mates into it-what are you trying to achieve? world record for how many people can fit in a corsa? neither does big banging bass, neither does a big trash can exhaust-esp on a 1L what the hell are you thinking? It's just noise then it disappears after 3k revs and it's just a whooshing sound. No power behind it what so ever, do yourself a favour, save the embarrassment and get the bus. Sitting revving it next to me wont get my attention once again save yourself the embarrassment I cringe on your behalf.
Sitting sellotaped to my bumper doesn't make you the big man I mean really you want to be sitting in my boot? Cus that's where you'll be if I brake. I have a 2 year old in the back #63###, I can't stand it. They think they are all high and mighty in their cringe worthy ticky 12v timing chains
Taxi drivers are the same, they must think they have a different set of speed limits than everyone else. Also sitting on my bumper. Nobody cares about the "baby on board"
That feels so much better. I probably come across as a #118#### but all these little boys who think they are in the fast and furious need to sit back and think they cause the insurance to go up themselves by being statistics. I am no better than anyone else but I don't drive my cupra thinking i'm all that, I drive it modestly. I don't race around acting a fool, cutting people up, not using indicators cus that's a sad thing to do