Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

ignorant human beings who park their chuffin great white van etc... in the parent and child spaces at the supermarket!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Having to get up and leave for work half an hour earlier than I should need to because people drive like idiots.

The A4074 near me is known as "the 13 bends of death" because numerous people die on it very year because they or someone else drive like idiots, not just because someone thought it would be a hilarious name for the road!

And its not dark... its not raining... the road is wide... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM:???

Its a #138## 60mph limit and you are doing 30!!! Why???? And why are you slamming your breaks on every time you approach a bend or a car comes the other way!? WHHHYYYY are you doing this to me!? If it wasnt for the fact that i actually need my car... i would ram my muddy little fiest right into the back of your stupid slow Jag!

I hate my car... but i hate other people damaging my car even more :angry: I have 2 red and 3 blue dents on the right side of my car alone my people slamming their car doors into mine when im at work! I have a nice rust problem because some idiot drove their volvo estate tank into the side of my car! (oh yeah! who won that one? yes... yes i think that would be me you idiot who managed to write their tank off on a fiesta haha hope it cost you loads!) and wrecked bumped where someone slammed on their brakes and handbreak to answer their phone in the middle of the road... might only have been at 5mph and your car wasnt damaged but mine really was!

If you cant drive safely in the wet/dark/snow/ice/sun then dont bloominwell go out driving and risking other peoples lives!

Its not even funny!!!
:D Oh God yeah!!! Even worse when they have a half day. All that rushing around for a 12.30 finish!
Need a rant.

I applied for a job, the person sounded really keen on me and wanted to arrange an interview. I gave them my mobile number and waited for a call but I woke up this morning to an email saying they'd filled the positions already. Yet in the email they sent they said that I sound perfect for the job. I'm so angry right now that they would do that but I suppose that's just how the world works and I'm destined to be on Soul Suckers allowance for the rest of my life.

Ugh. The world's economy needs to pick up so people like me can get a job. I'm only 21, it's not as if I can retire early.
The threat of hosepipe bans.

We had this 4/5 years ago.
Not enough rain, ban hosepipes. Ok, fine.
The water companies promised to repair the ageing pipe system. Build more reservoirs. There was talk of piping water in from the north. The water companies were going to come up with a solution. The government was going to get involved. The following winter, there was plenty of rain, bans were lifted. And everyone patted themselves on the back.

And now we have had another winter with "less than average" rain. And what has been done in the interim. Absolutely nothing.

There are more houses being built, so demand has gone up. 2 new developments in my little village in the last year or so.
And yes, there has been less rain than normal (without debating that issue - because the whole Global Warming Debate really p*sses me off too)
So now we have to pay the price of the price of the water companies failure to do long term development on their infrastructure.
I live in the northwest - we have 365 days a year of rain (or so it feels!)

You are welcome to take as much of it as you want

Bring a bucket :ninja:
Send some over to Minnesota, will you?

My rant is again about my neighbor, who has succeeded in killing most of the wildlife that I treasure. He was out early this morning shooting at something, although I don't know what it could have been since it was pitch dark. Guess that doesn't matter when you're drunk. :angry:
I live in the northwest - we have 365 days a year of rain (or so it feels!)

You are welcome to take as much of it as you want

Bring a bucket :ninja:

Perhaps I can pipe some water down from your place, and sell it to my neighbours, in competition to the water company :rofl:

You have discovered my master plan to make millions and take over the world mwhahaha
I love rant threads! hehe

I can relate to the first poster. My parents use to have a family living down the street from them with kids who were serious PiTA. The oldes was in Juvie by 12, the middle child was only 7 but he would run around and let people's dogs loose, steal stuff, etc. The youngest (whom I felt sorry for, he had a sweet disposition) would just follow around the 7 year old and be acessory to his crimes. The two kids were even on top of their own parents house one day, pulling tiles off and throwing them in the yard. I don't know how they even got on the roof in the first place. They were terrors. I never saw their parents so I don't know if they both worked and just left their kids alone or were to lazy to leave their house. Might have been a single mom (I know the mom was living there but no clue about dad). Anyways, serious pains in the asses. I threatned to call the cops on the little kid the one day he let my parents dog out, at least that kept him from coming back.

Most of my rants are in the realm of controversy... ie it would #101## someone off on this board. My biggest one, "not everyone is your religion or even religious. It will never be that way, get over it, and religion should be a private personal choice. Not something used to judge or control the masses!"
Most of my rants are in the realm of controversy... ie it would #101## someone off on this board. My biggest one, "not everyone is your religion or even religious. It will never be that way, get over it, and religion should be a private personal choice. Not something used to judge or control the masses!"
I think this rant may be related to a thread I made regarding lent? If so that's fine, it wasn't based on a religious theme, although I am quite religious but many people I know aren't or are various other religions yet they still do lent, some for a personal challenge, some for religious reasons.
If this is not the case then no harm done, I just wanted to clear this up if it was the issue.

My rant for the day is sales people who call to my door, This includes religious groups, donation groups, sponsoring animal groups, charity groups.
I'm polite, if I have money in my pocket or in the house then they can have it, I rarely carry cash so this isn't too often but I never slam a door in anyones face. Just because I'm not being ignorant it does not mean that you can push and keep pushing trying to get me to change my mind as like I said, if I haven't got the cash on me, your out of luck. I already donate money to various charities that I wish to and one of which I'm cancelling the direct debit to tomorrow as I had someone calling me up asking for twice the monthly donation I already give, then when I said no they asked to at least add half of my donation on, again, I said no and they then asked for another £2.50. I told them I already give generously and that if they really wanted more money then maybe they shouldn't be wasting money harassing people for more money.
Sales people, I don't care if your selling windows and doors, SKY, kitchens and bathrooms or anything else, if I need anything I get it, if I cannot afford to get it I will save up for it, not pay for it in dribs and drabs for the rest of my life, I don't care how many years I can pay it off over or how good the deal is, I won't buy anything from anyone calling to my door.
Religious groups I listen to, politely saying I have my own religion and I'm not wishing to change. I dont know why they then insist on trying to give me some literature from their place of worship, it won't be read I'm sorry to say.

I feel a whole lot better after getting that off my chest.
my neighbour is in the RAF, and is very un-religious, and also 6'6 and enormous. one week we had religious doorknockers round everyday. eventually he answered his door in his cammies and just said "i kill people for a living" and shut the door :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

he never heard from them again.

as above, if i want i can get it in my own time, when i want, at a price im happy with. and i can even do it while sitting in my pants drinking a beer with some zeppelin on. if i want :unsure:

i do not want you knocking on my door, or ringing me up wasting my time.

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