Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

its been sorted now :) just a bit annoying (and scary) when you see your wage is half what it usually is!!

Anti rant - when people youve been horrible to buy you lovely presents!
I used to loan a horse, but had to stop because of work. I stopped texting her, talking to her anything, and then i lost her number so couldnt wish her happy birthday or merry christmas or anything, and she still bought me a £50 gilet for riding and invited me back whenever i wanted. i felt like such a horrible person.

Just to say i didnt mean to not talk to her! i kept forgettin g because we arent allowed phones at work, and when i get home at 2/3 in the morning i dont think shed appreciate it!!

All i bought her was a teeny bottle of pin k champagne, guylian choccies and an 8 pack of diet cherry coke!!
So many rants for me but my worst atm...

I used to live in a quiet little village where the postman would come round about 7am and that was it. Now ive moved to a busier area i get the postman around 1pmish which is ok but i have someone deliver the free local paper in the morn, another deliver indian or kebab menus, another bring round fliers for local supermarkets and occasionally various others bringing catalogues. The annoying part is they all, apart from postie, slam the gate and make a lot of noise with the letterbox!
That is bad! In the states, no one but the mail carrier is allowed to put anything in the mailboxes. It's a federal offense if you do!
Wow, what if your neighbour has a Christmas card for you lol
Lol that would be funny, you go to put a christmas card in your neighbors mail box and you get arrested LOL.
Sad, but possible! It's not acted upon often, thankfully, but it does tend to keep the riff-raff out.
That is bad! In the states, no one but the mail carrier is allowed to put anything in the mailboxes. It's a federal offense if you do!
OMG I would be so happy if that was the case here! :lol: I'm sick to the back teeth of pizza menus (I have 1 place I buy pizza from, always have!), chinese menus (again, 1 place!), indian menus (can you sense a theme here - I already have the menus of the places I order from, and I don't want others!), AVON catalogues, Betterware catalogues, Kleeneze catalogues, free local newspapers, "what is for sale in Netto/Asda/Tesco/Morrisons/Aldi this week" catalogues... my biggest pet hate is those blimmin charity bags! I have so many of those I am considering not buying bin liners ever again! :grr:
Def wish that was a law here! How could i forget about the charity bags?

Also get annoyed when we get mail for the man who used to live here although i cant complain too much as my parents still get some of my unwanted mail lol
I hate junk mail, & especially those charity bags.
It seems like every day one is pushed through my letterbox.
I live in a small town we have 8 charity shops (that's another rant) so if I have anything to donate I take it there
GAH!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: Having hoovered up about a third of a bag of gerbil food this morning after the cat ragged the bag off the shelf, I've just been upstairs and discovered the nice clean bedroom COVERED in gerbil food, AGAIN as the cat has been back up on the shelf and ragged the food down again, this time resulting in the whole bag going EVERYWHERE, and he's also had a go at a second bag as well! :grr: :grr: :grr: food now confiscated and cat banished to garden. Now I have to clear it up, AGAIN! :shout: :shout: like I don't have anything better to do with my life than clean up... :<
My Rant.... Seeing people smoking in their brand new cars....I know its their car but can't they wait till then get out and these cars are less than 3 months old.... :sick: :shout:

Hello other students in my class. Did you know we're doing midterms? Everyone has studied for weeks, and we're all nervous. I understand its the cold season, but does that really give you an excuse to SNIFFLE AND SNORT YOUR DISGUSTING SNOT AND PHLEGM LITERALLY EVERY 5 #60###ING SECONDS? There was a box of tissues literally 3 ft away!!!!!! I do not want to be writing an essay on the impact of immigration and lowering of the crude death rate to the population pyramid of Brazil WHILE YOU COUGH UP A LOOGIE Did you notice the evil eyes that everyone gave you every time you did? I almost punched you in your snotty face.

eBay sellers who only send half what you paid for, then don't reply to your mails!
My Rant.... Seeing people smoking in their brand new cars....I know its their car but can't they wait till then get out and these cars are less than 3 months old.... :sick: :shout:

The thing that gets me is when parents smoke about 2" away from their babies/kids... Feel like going over to them and stubbing it out in their eye. :angry:

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