Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

It's only bruising and swelling, if it was broken bones then I'd threaten legal action, but I have had a word with them.
Rant of today - been recording some tracks and was on literally the last line of a perfect recording and in walks dad and slams the door. Fab. Great. No amount of editing software can get rid of that without losing a whole 2 beats of the music hahahaha. Guess I'll be re-recording it tomorrow when he's out then... :lol:
I have another one, brace for impact

Dear LFS,
Do not sell me crap. Do not consistently sell me diseased or unwell fish, and then when I come in for advice and meds to treat them, you start criticizing me on how I "may have poor water quality" and i need to "do a better job" Jerk you don't know what i do! I do 50% water changes 1-2 times a week! My stats are flawless! I even have almost 0 Nitrates! I have bought over 8 fish from your store, and all but 3 have died! From popeye and now dropsy. This was not obtained in my tank. Don't give me #105### for my "bad water quality" and then try to sell me useless meds and useless advice. You're lucky your the only LFS within a 100 miles of my house besides PetSmart, and your super lucky I like Pink Jewel Tetras enough to keep coming back to buy more. So pucker up and kiss my #17#####, because I'm sick of it :grr:
Small rant about trolls in disguise.
They come across as wanting to learn & ask questions, but when you really read their posts, they have every size tank possible, or are getting it & have or want every species of fish possible.
Does my head in
Or they want a couple of Oscars for their 55g plus a few EBJDs. Sure! Anything else you want to toss in there? A few sharks and some loaches?

All better now. Thanks.
Just a small rant;

In general I just hate most of the Human population, thats why I like fish so much.
my festering rant - the sales form we're required to use.

to be honest, rant is too much of a strong word, it just irritates me a bit. im not even selling anything, but it irritates me when im reading about what somebody is selling and the first post is "USE THE SALES FORM OR DIE !!!!!!"

or something like that. i was just reading a thread, i knew exactly what the guy was selling, how much, where he was, everything i needed to know. little description of what he was selling, just to whet my appetite, then BOOM the sales form police show up, to make as far as i can tell absolutely zero difference to my forum shopping experience. other than irritate me.

im sure theres a reason, but of all the forums ive ever been on, this is the only one thats been this anal about a 'sales form'. if you ask me the sales form is worse, people will describe their item/fish/whatever a lot better/more naturally without the confines of a list of bulletpoints they need to fill out.

but yeah, i just see it as a bit of a waste of everybodies time.
I don't know if this has already been said but I bloody hate it when I'm in a shop/post office/library etc and as I'm being served the phone rings and of course the person serving answers and chats away as though I have all the time in the world!!!!! I know they're possibly a customer but so am I!!!!!!!
Instant experts.
They've had a tank a few months, & suddenly they know everything about every species of fish..
I feel sorry for people who take their advice, as they appear knowledgable, but are just regurgitating stuff they may have read on the net
People in high-viz vests who knock on my door just as we're sitting down to dinner or have just put the kids to bed. Go aaawwwaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
People at work who watch you mop all around them THEN decide its time for them to get up and leave.....over your clean floor :angry:

People at work who can walk an alternate way to avoid messing up your freshly mopped floor.....BUT DONT :grr:

People at the shops who decide to have a gossip meeting at the openings of aisles, blocking it with prams, trolleys and other paraphenalia. Hello?? Go to the #41#### coffee shop outside and get out of my #41#### WAY!!!!:shout:

People who.....well, just people generally......
*is in a particularly anti-social mood*:grr:

People who post huge long links that stretch the page.
I can't then read the thread on my iPad
Another rant.
People who don't take their wheelie bins in once they're emptied in a gale & I can't get to sleep as I hear them being blown about
I know I know, it's an age thing, you get less tolerant the older you get

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