Anyone Else Think This Is Disgusting?

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Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
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I think that's absolutely horrible :(

I mean I know there are plenty of these threads. And plenty of horribly small tanks sold specifically for Bettas.
But I hadn't seen this one before and it still makes me a bit sad.
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I think that's absolutely horrible :(

I mean I know there are plenty of these threads. And plenty of horribly small tanks sold specifically for Bettas.
But I hadn't seen this one before and it still makes me a bit sad.
Just typical, they are getting even smaller. :blink:
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Its the 34oz before or after the gravel is added?

Thats really disgusting!!!

Wheres the heater going to go?
What heater....or filter for that matter.

I was wondering if maybe I mis read it. But the person really is suggesting you could put a fish in there aren't they?
I'm utterly shocked..... OMG!.... HOW is that even legal?!?!!?!?!

*insert more generic comments here*

I'd like to see a thread with effort to change this and maybe even some results.... not complaining about the same ol', same ol'.

I'm not hurting anyone by mentioning this am I?

And it's the smallest yet that I've seen so I put a post on...

Really is no need for sarcasm.
I'm not hurting anyone by mentioning this am I?

And it's the smallest yet that I've seen so I put a post on...

Really is no need for sarcasm.

Dont worry , i am disgusted aswell
whenever i see these or smaller advertised on ebay uk i message the seller and ebay stating why the bowl is too small , i do the same when i see bowls advertised suitable for goldfish to live in
:unsure: Horrible. Although as long as there are people stupid enough to buy these there will be people willing to make and sell them. People really need to research before getting any animal!
Well that guy has his own blog on the web, i know because i've been emailing him for the past month. On his blog he says he welcomes feedback, yeh right. I have been very polite to him, explaining that these vases are not suitable etc etc but to date have received no replies.
This was the first one i sent -
Whilst your designs are asthetically pleasing to the eye, i can assure you that a betta will NOT flourish in 0.2 of a gallon. Its a bit like a healthy human being, spending their whole life in their bathroom! Whilst wallowing in their own waste.
Firstly, Ammonia from fish food and waste will build up within hours, poisoning the fish. I know this for a fact. I have monitored the ammonia levels in a 1.5 gallon jar containing a juvenile betta and found that the ammonia started showing after approx 18 hours!
Secondly, and contrary to popular belief, bettas do not live in little puddles. They live in 1000's of gallons of water in Rice paddies, slow moving streams and canals.

For someone who has taken so much time and effort over their adverts and blog, you have actually not taken in to account the needs of the fish at all. You, I'm afraid, are simply adding to 1000's of premature fish deaths."

And then -
"Is it just good feedback you want to hear? I believed the idea of asking for feedback was to hear the views of all? I can only assume that you really have no interest in the health of the fish that find themselves confined in these jars. There are far too many people trying to make a fast buck regardless of whom or what they harm".
I hate to think this way, but bettas are better than goldfish for a bowl. some one put a GOLDFISH in a bowl that size :/ :sick:
in some ways yes as a goldfish gets huge but a betta needs a heater and both need a life so no neither are better as its absolute **** for anything sorry to be blunt but that tank is pathetic
You would have thought even someone who doesn't know about fish wouldn't think that's acceptable.

You can sorta accept when people put a tiny goldfish into a 17l plastic theory it looks ok sizewise for a couple of months will the fish is still very young. (And if they don't know about proper filtration and aeration of course)

But that bowl is something else...
I wouldn't even force one of my african dwarf frogs to live in that.
Yeah, that is a pretty typical example of what the chains and independent stores around me carry. That, and little cubes that look more like candle holders :crazy:

This has to be one of the worse I've seen, terrible design.

The "Lavarium"

So, from the way I understand it, the poor fish will always be caught in a current of bubbles, and will have nowhere to hide from the constant light show.

The top looks too small to even get a net into, so you probably have to just try and pour the fish out, which doesn't always work if they swim against it enough. It's a shame the product gets such a high rating, but some people will never learn, nor care to learn.
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