7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

ah ok. I guess i should look for a marble male, they should have pretty nice patterns.
Im right in thinking i should get a male slightly smaler than the female? So if the female is 11" i should get a male from 8-10"? Shouldnt be hard to find a male that size. Now you've said that about the 'blues' i will definitely aim for a marble. It will be a couple of months before i have the cash for another but if any one see's a decent priced marbled motoro at 8-10" let me know!
hey dave, this tank is amazing! really sorry about your losses, hope all goes well :D
cheers, well picking up the lovely female motoro tomorrow, also see what they have in bas, you never know, and hopefully i'll be bringing home a stunning marbled motoro male, just sorting out collection etc
will try and get some pictures of the new arrival tomorrow, im excited!
well, went to go pick up my female motoro ray, im home now, another tigerfish jumped in for the ride too! ha
was well mad he said at bas that it was only a couple of weeks ago that they had some campbelli in, i want one, and then only need a pulcher to complete my collection!
anyway took a couple of pictures of the motoro, whilst it was still in the poly box, just aswel as it has a quick nosy around and then buried its self! i mixed the water in the box for about half hour or so, and luckily the ph in the box was near enough the same as mine so will help in settling in.here is a coupe of pictures of it in the box, i will try and get some of it in the tank soon as it starts coming out!


and here is the tigerfish, its a datnioides quadrifasciatus, and its a good 8-9", i think the dat microlepis has taken a dislike to it invading its space but can't do much about it, its quite a bit bigger! ha, will settle and get on fine i should have thought!

again, will get some pictures tomorrow when it settles hopefully.
its very lively, swims about a lot more than the microlepis or the undecimradiatus, its coloured up already so hopefully all is well so far!
also hopefully in the next couple of weeks will be getting a nice male marbled motoro to hopefully breed with this female!
loving the ray it looks fantastic

If I ever get a bigger tank I shall be going for the motoros me thinkm
well i hope it lasts longewr than my last 2 female rays! haha bit more cash at stake here!
hope i can manage to get this male marbled motoro, they are better looking than the normal ones, then next step is breeding them and then its p14's hopefully!
this new tigerfish is very lively, much more so than the others i have! they had a little hydrocynus goliath (goliath tigerfish) at bas he was trying to get me to buy for £60, he said 'that would be really nice in your tank' then told me they can get to 5 foot, i said naaaa keep it mate! ha very nice fish though, can't help but think they should be left where they are though, in the river i meen!
The ray is awesome Dave.

& your tank has come along superbly! Congratz

Very nice ray, and really like the tigerfish. How big do they get and where have you got yours from?
cheers guys!

i got the dat microlepis which is about 7" from my lfs, these can reach around 18" but usually slightly smaller, got the two smaller dat undecimradiatus 1 is 3" 1 is a bit bigger from world of water in blackpool, these can reach 16" but usually stay slightly smaller and just got that dat quadrifasciatus which is about 9" from bas in bolton, this will reach about 12".
well, was getting a bit worried about the new ray, hadnt eaten yet, went and got a new pack of fresh prawns from morrisons and chucked a handful in and she ate about 4. Happy now!
well got the best pictures i can, only got this crap hp camera for now but got a few.
this is the female motoro;

this is what happened literally a second or 2 after the first photo;

think the retics must be able to smell females! haha

then just tried to get a picture of the new tigerfish, to get an idea of its size, its about 8-9" i think.


will try and get some better ones when i can get the better camera but just thought id show her in her new home!

cheers, Dave
Like the now you see me now you don't pic. How big is your house lol, cracking fish :good:
They have seemed to settle in well Dave, the new ray looks especially good :good:
the house is tiny! ha its only a 3 bed mid terrace, always4lora will know he's been, downstairs there is the living room at the front and walk through to the dining room, which is where the big tank is, and it takes up almost half the room, i can't stand back far enough to get a full tank shot in front of the tank, i have to do it on an angle half way through the kitchen door! its my mums house so i can't really complain, she has been very layed back about this! hopefully within the next year or 2 me and the other half will be looking for our own place so will take room for tanks into consideration when viewing, either that or a big enough garden to have a massive fish house, i want 12x6x4 (lxwxh) so need a bit of room!

cheers Davo!

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