270 Gal

Ok, thanks for your help.Hopefully mage to organise some peeps to movbe this weekend.As a quick piece of advice, might I recommend a double weir for draining? Get some acrylic and make a second weir a little larger than the existing one so that it fits all around the current glass weir. Then have "teeth" cut into the top and bottom (but more teeth in the bottom). This will make the weir pull water from the bottom and help prevent food sitting in the tank. This isn't used much in SW, but SW tanks have far more circulation preventing any detritus from settling.

Wait, I think i got that...As the water is being sucked in through the top it also creates a bottem suction pulling waste up between the weirs? I hope i'm not rong :rolleyes: .Incase you missed my question how big should the trickle tower be?

Just to make sure, I am right arn't I :fun: ?
Not sure what you're suggesting about the weirs, but for the trickle tower, how about as big as you can? :). Somethin like 24x24x18"?
The point about the weirs, ski, was made by me. Cheesey isn't putting it in quotes.

In FW tanks you won't have the same sort of flow around the tank and as such detritus can settle on the bottom easier. By having the inside weir as just glass to the height you want the water to sit at, and a second weir in front of this (with about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch gap).

This second weir wants to be mostly teeth at the bottom (with some teeth at the top to prevent a protein film) so that the majority of water being drawn into the weir is from the bottom of the tank. This helps prevent detritus settling on the bottom.
Sorry for my late reply, but thanks for clearing that up :good: .Now I just need to find a time for some people to help move it :shout: I'm so frustrated.I want it done now! :fun:
Was in the house nearly 2 weeks ago.But computer crashed :blink: .So I havn't been able to get on here and get all the bits I need.I will get pics soon!
Slow progress, lol.I know exactly what needs to be done now, first of I need to know how to get that peice of grey pipework out from the overflow to attach a new fitting.Any ideas?
On the first page you can see the grey pipe which needs taking off.Or were you talking about pictures of it in the house.Will get them up soon anyhow! :good:
Pictures, it's a bit dirty lol.



I've just scraped the silocone of around it and it looks like it is one hole pipe in there, and not two bits connected at each side (a bulkhead...right?)
I have been looking for bulkhead fittings with a hole of 1 inch but I can't find any.I don't know if this sounds stupid but I can't find any bulkheads for sale on wetwebmedia.com, or anything for sale!
Silly me it is a bulkhead, obviously lol :good: .Just covered with sylocone :shout:
Thanks mate! Thats a good website :good: I found the bulkhead size I need.

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