I hold great regard for Eheim pumps, but I don't think they have released a single pump large enough for you at the moment. I do like Tunze, but they are a lot of money to outlay (but will run forever and are pretty much the best you can buy).
At 270 gallons, you will want a pump in the 1,000 gallons per hour range. But remember most UK pumps will give you the Imperial gallons per hour, given your tank's dimensions you have a 187 imperial gallon tank, so getting around 800 to 1,000 gallons per hour is about what you want.
Your cheapest bet will be to look into pond pumps. I know Paul_MTS holds the Ocean Runner pumps in high regard. They do a 6,500 LPH model that should suit you nicely. It will cost about £110. Otherwise, I am sure there are plenty of other pond pumps you can look into.
As a quick piece of advice, might I recommend a double weir for draining? Get some acrylic and make a second weir a little larger than the existing one so that it fits all around the current glass weir. Then have "teeth" cut into the top and bottom (but more teeth in the bottom). This will make the weir pull water from the bottom and help prevent food sitting in the tank. This isn't used much in SW, but SW tanks have far more circulation preventing any detritus from settling.