270 Gal

Sorry if i'm getting anoying but i do not want to mess this sump up...I'm a little confused.
It's ok cheesy feet, this isn't the most intuitive thing in the world :). Does the pump have any markings on it? Manufactuer? Model number? Performance capabilities? Anything?
Ahh the pumps only a little crappy one (1000lph) which we use for our waterfall.Found this-http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/OCEANRUNNER-OR6500-OCEAN-RUNNER-6500-SUMP-PUMP_W0QQitemZ190114884141QQihZ009QQcategoryZ20758QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem
I'll have to say to my dad that is will be cheaper then the fx5 as i'm definetely not backing out of this sump thing now :lol:
Nice pump. I'd take a guess that around 4 feet of head (have to take in to account tubing and fittings), you'll be pushin 600gph out of it. That'll likely do the job for you. Now you just have to size/construct a drain (probably 1"), create your trickle tower with egg-crate and bioballs, and you're all set.
I just found this diagram on the net.The dimentions of the tropiquarium 68 are 26.5 inches long, 18.5 inches high, 12.5.If i were to put the trickle tower simialer to that(diagram) and half or qaurterly submerge it how big do you think it should be?

As a quick piece of advice, might I recommend a double weir for draining? Get some acrylic and make a second weir a little larger than the existing one so that it fits all around the current glass weir. Then have "teeth" cut into the top and bottom (but more teeth in the bottom). This will make the weir pull water from the bottom and help prevent food sitting in the tank. This isn't used much in SW, but SW tanks have far more circulation preventing any detritus from settling.

Wait, I think i got that...As the water is being sucked in through the top it also creates a bottem suction pulling waste up between the weirs? I hope i'm not rong :rolleyes: .Incase you missed my question how big should the trickle tower be?
wow. what you're doing must be good. I've understood half of it. LOLLL..
That rough sketch looks good actually. Make the trickle tower as large as you reasonably can. Using layers of bioballs with egg-rate platforms is the solution here. Perhaps the easiest way to construct it is to use some wider PVC tube with holes drilled in the ends and plastic wire tie the egg crate to the PVC feet.
Confused as to the PVC idea :unsure: ...But apart from that i think i know what i'm doing!

Thanks :good:

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