270 Gal

Is there a top to the stand? If the top is an open frame, you could just drop the sump tank in there...
Cheesy Feet your knowledge just outstands me I'm in complete awe. I used to liv ein Wisbech just down the road from you.
I'll be keeping an eye on your threads as i feel i can learn alot from you.

Keep it up!!!
Thanks :good:

Is there a top to the stand? If the top is an open frame, you could just drop the sump tank in there...
I would if i could lol.Heres how it goes-washing line ahah

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your not getting a sump in there you start chopping those bars and you weaken the whole frame and that tank is bloody heavy. Couldnt you get a new stand from somewhere.
If i find 1 under £50.00.Yes, probably :rolleyes: .But i know i am not going to get 1 that cheap.Guess i will have to get the fx5
Who says you can't use mutiple tanks connected with bulkhead fittings? ;)
Skifletch could you please explain that in some detail.I need stuff dumbed down to the max to understand it lol
Ok, you basically drop two tanks side by side into the space and drill holes in the sides of them. Fit those holes with what's commonly known as bulkhead or tank fittings (basically seal to the outside to prevent a leak), and attach the two with a level piece of pipe and voila... instantly connected tanks. That make sense? Or would ou like a picture?
I think i get you lol.What size tanks would be ideal to do this with.Bearing in mind I don't have alot of money!
Havn't got a tape measurebut the bars are about 2 inch wide add an extra inch for space so theres room for 30x30 floor space and plenty of height.
Well, 30" gives you room for a pair of 20 Longs or 29 gallon tanks. Its ideal for "cube" tanks, but those are generally a little more expensive than a bare 20L/29g... Anyway, a pair of tanks, a pair of bulkheads, a drill bit (or someone to drill them for you), some acrylic/glass for any dividing walls to hold your foam and you're all set. BTW, nobody says you cant use just one tank, although I must admit I have no idea how much foam you're gonna need to stick in there to be effective.
Well, 30" gives you room for a pair of 20 Longs or 29 gallon tanks. Its ideal for "cube" tanks, but those are generally a little more expensive than a bare 20L/29g... Anyway, a pair of tanks, a pair of bulkheads, a drill bit (or someone to drill them for you), some acrylic/glass for any dividing walls to hold your foam and you're all set. BTW, nobody says you cant use just one tank, although I must admit I have no idea how much foam you're gonna need to stick in there to be effective.

Thanks, dunno what i am going to do .I thought the volume of water had to be more than just 60 gals for a 270 gallon tank or am i rong?

How do you drill glass without cracking it then?! :shout: lol
You use a diamond bit holesaw designed for cutting glass :shifty:. Can get em off of ebay for a decent price. Use that and some water to keep the cut clear as you're drilling and its easy. As for the water volume, I honestly dont know for freshwater tanks. In a saltwater setup you could make do with a couple tanks that size as most filtration is done via rock in the display and the sump is more for refugium, hiding equipment, and additives (some sumps look like they came out of the space shuttle with all the hardware in there :lol:). I do know that its all about having enough foam and/or other media in there and if you ask me, that much water would be more than enough, but I'm not the freshwater expert.
My dad says he would do it but atm we have no tanks of that size :unsure: I'll ogo see how much boss will do it for!

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