Yes it will show up on your statements
Wow, 6 pages and still no finished product

this better be a grand design!
lol don't you mean over 6 months

I'm making a custom vivarium for my chinese water dragon atm and thats costing a couple of hundred...Plus my dad has no money since, obviously, very few people want a conservatory etc this time of year.(he's a saleman for a dodgy company called superseal lol)
However as an airpump and heater (a new 300 watt which I was temporarely using on my aquaqube, what I was going to use on this tank) have packed up (Still have 2 300watts heaters though) I needed new ones (well technically not for the airpump) anyway my dad spotted a 2ft x 1ft x 16inch (guess) basically brand new with fluval 3, air pump, heater, gravel hood and light for £15.00 he snapped it up and brought it home today, I switched my 2 new bn's (from azaezl

) moonlight gourami, zebra danios and annoying platties, plus my massive lot of crypt wendtii's and becketii to it straight away as it is near to perfect condition...
To the point now, I now have a spare 20 gal which I'm going to use as another sump (connected with bulkheads, as ski said I could do) to provide some extra space for stocking and more space for filtration B) So I hope it will be a bit grander
..You never know it might be better than you think, I might get a flood!

Ahh well its in the conservatory so if it does flood it doesn't matter.
Indeed, I had some madras or whatever you call it yesterday...It really hurt my tongue lol, I havn't had a hot curry in ageessss
Garrrr I need money