20 Gallon Salt Water Set-Up

iknow but he might get one and i cant do **** about it.

If he does, just tazer him :good:. Then when he's on the floor immobilized you say "You can either listen too the advice Daddy dearest, or you can get tazed again" :lol:
where can we put phosban? and would 20lbs of sand be enough for a 4-6" sand bed on a 20 gal. high? 24"by12"

Whats the measurements of your tank? Because you have wrote 24" by 12";-thats the same size as my tank, and its only 16G. Also you said the lights were 18" so are my T8 Tank lights.

-nemo- I have a flame angel fish and although I dont reconmmend them for a 20gal my one hasnt once looked at my zoas, clove polyps, kenya tree, brain coral and acropora
-nemo- I have a flame angel fish and although I dont reconmmend them for a 20gal my one hasnt once looked at my zoas, clove polyps, kenya tree, brain coral and acropora

Then you got the good side of the 50/50 chance ;)
Each fish is different.
I've read a lot of the information on here. Some things I didn't know. I did not know that corals introduce toxins to the water. I have FOWLR, and I've been getting my with no (zero) water changes. I guess this will make me think carefully about getting coral.

My tank is only 10 gallons. I got a clown fish and sixline wrasse. They became best buddies -- which was really good, because the juvenile ocellaris clown would just stay in the same place hour after hour and not eat much until I put the sixline in the tank -- then he was So Happy ..... :D

Then my LFS got in a new shipment of gumdrop gobies (similar to clown gobies) .... they did not warn me that the sixline might pick on the gumdrop gobie.

He started picking on the poor guy the minute he noticed him. The gumdrop would not eat. He started to lose weight. People at the aquarium suggested mysis shrimp -- still won't eat --- suggested cyclops (frozen copepods) -- still won't eat--- "we can't tank back sick fish" ---

within five weeks, my poor little gumdrop goby died of starvation. I'm so angry at my LFS .


#71### aquariums --- if I can trust them and spend money there, they should be able to trust me -- I spent a lot of money there and they Know who I am when I go in there. #71### them with a foreign object .... that's what I say.
point of fact: the above post was censored. (I'm very angry)

I can see you are very angry, but as we always say, research your livestock before buying it. Treat it as a lesson learnt!

As for the censoring, my 10 year granddaughter reads this forum, it's a family forum and I certainly don't want her reading your angry thoughts, even if they are justified.

I'm really sorry about the goby, its a sad story indeed :sad:

Seffie x
well ..... They got some clown gobies in at my LFS. I took my sixline back so that I could rearrange the rocks in the tank. I'm also going to cut up some PVC pipe and glue it together so the the clown goby may have a place to hide, but mainly so the tank will look different. You're right, it may have helped if I had known more before I bought the sixline, I should have put him in long after I bought the goby. I'm going to wait a long time before I go back to the LFS and pick up the sixline. They only gave me a $5.00 credit --- jokes on them though --- the sixline has an injury on his eye from trying to jump out of the tank (that's another thing they might have warned me about) so I don't think anyone will buy him. I had this cheap LED night light on that came with the fixture, since the lighting is not diffuse, it may have encouraged him to jump out of the tank. Now I use a human night light at the side of the tank, he did not try to jump out again after I started using the human night light.

If they do sell my sixline, I will think twice about getting another one, but I'm just assuming that he will be there a month from now. I've read a lot about the clown goby and it may take him that long to become comfortable.
Probably best in the long run, not the best fish for your tank imo. Can we have some photos when you do your tubes, will be interesting :good:

Seffie x
no offence but hijack much?

sorry for the long wait if youve been waiting, but we have gone with stocking 2 (after the lfs confirmed the anemone thing errg)

and the tank cycled in 1 week and we got the clownfish, 2 occileris and they seem to like each other, havent left each others side and the lfs said theyve been like that since they got there which was 2 months ago.

well be getting another koralia power head and hermits and snails this tues. then next weekend our fist coral, im thinking a mushroom but they go real quick at the lfs, would there be other relatively cheap alternatives you could refer me too? and if there is a 1.99$ frag with a easy soft coral, will it grow eventually and would it be a good deal?

and btw me and my family are moving back to IMO the worst place on earth alpharetta georgia, good news is well change the tanks agin, ill be getiing a 75+ tank and hell get my 55, so ive been assigned to do a futrure stock plan and weve been considering these fish to add (yes hell get a protein skimmer for this one! lol and maybe some enhanced lghting)

clowns we currently have
2 flame angels
longnose hawkfish
and hopefully if allowed by you, a personal project for me, a mandarin goby
cardianl fish
fire fish
clown goby
jester goby
chalk basslet
6 line wrasse
tail spot blenny
and a center piece fish if this isnt too much, looks like alot but they are relatively small if it matters
also btw the clownfish since day 1 have been having twitching contests together,chasing and close contact and cleaning. uhh does this mean i might have babys? i honestly cannot do all the work NEMO has done to get clownfish (tough it would be very cool)
no offence but hijack much?

sorry for the long wait if youve been waiting, but we have gone with stocking 2 (after the lfs confirmed the anemone thing errg)

and the tank cycled in 1 week and we got the clownfish, 2 occileris and they seem to like each other, havent left each others side and the lfs said theyve been like that since they got there which was 2 months ago.

well be getting another koralia power head and hermits and snails this tues. then next weekend our fist coral, im thinking a mushroom but they go real quick at the lfs, would there be other relatively cheap alternatives you could refer me too? and if there is a 1.99$ frag with a easy soft coral, will it grow eventually and would it be a good deal?

and btw me and my family are moving back to IMO the worst place on earth alpharetta georgia, good news is well change the tanks agin, ill be getiing a 75+ tank and hell get my 55, so ive been assigned to do a futrure stock plan and weve been considering these fish to add (yes hell get a protein skimmer for this one! lol and maybe some enhanced lghting)

clowns we currently have
2 flame angels
longnose hawkfish
and hopefully if allowed by you, a personal project for me, a mandarin goby
cardianl fish
fire fish
clown goby
jester goby
chalk basslet
6 line wrasse
tail spot blenny
and a center piece fish if this isnt too much, looks like alot but they are relatively small if it matters

2 flame angels - bad idea IMO, two dwarf angels together usually end up fighting even if they're different species. Two of the same, would probably not work out well.

Long nose hawkfish - Good, but be aware they are not reef safe and will msot likely go after your inverts, especially shrimp.

firefish - good

Clown goby - good

Jester goby - good

Chalk basslet - good

Sixline - good

Tailspot blenny - good

+ 2 clownfish that you already have

Looks good, all fish should be compatible, just make sure the gobies are one of the first added and are definitely added before the sixline.

also btw the clownfish since day 1 have been having twitching contests together,chasing and close contact and cleaning. uhh does this mean i might have babys? i honestly cannot do all the work NEMO has done to get clownfish (tough it would be very cool)

Twitching is good, the one doing the twitching usually suggests it is showing it's submissiveness towards the more dominant one. I wouldn't look forward to babies until they are both sexually mature (usually around the one year mark).
ok then one angel and no hawkfish

what would be good for one final center ish fish?

and thanks for the clown info, i got scared for a second since we have no space for baby clownfish to do what your doing now lol

and i think you forgot to mention:

mandarin goby


of course advise always appreciated and i will take into account any and all advise
Woops... how'd I forget them.

Mandarin - lots of LR and preferably one that eats frozen food or if it doesn't, you training it to. Also, having a copepod culture for them might be a must.

Cardinal - which type? Most are good.

As for a centerpiece, you may think about ditching a few of these smaller fish and opting for a tang. One of the smaller tang species (smaller meaning 8-10") would be a nice centerpiece fish.

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