ok then ill take out the clown goby
how many cardianls? i was thinking the black and white striped ones um. bengaii i think they are called?
and would a regal tang work?
sorry i meant achilles tang
or if i can replace the tang with seahorses? (mom told me she wanted to as about one of those)
If you want a tang, you will have to take out much more than just one little goby, tangs get huge. An achilles tang is very difficult to take care of and therefore I would not suggest it to you and they are quite pricey.
aww.. well i was prefering activity and quantity more than just 1 big fish, like a salt water community.
Bangaii Cardinals are gorgeous, make sure you get a tank raised one

no wild caught please! They are endangered!
are tank raised more common than wild caught? also heard wild caught dont last long too.
Seahorses should definitely not be in that tank. Seahorses should only be kept in tanks by themselves for the most part. In a tank like you're planning they would never be able to compete for food and would be picked on by others. Also, any stinging corals could harm them and the flow in the tank would be way too much for them.
yeah! now my mom owes me 10$! i bet we coudnt keep one and she disaggreed