where can i get macro algae?
I find eBay a good source for macro algae like chaetomorpha. Its probably the best algae for aborbing nitrates and phosphates. It grows quickly and doesn't go sexual and overrun your tank.
i changed the christmas tree to either polyps. they are both somewhat easy right?
Any of the corals I mentioned previously and a few others are good beginner corals. Mushrooms, xenia and leather corals are all very good for beginners.
and what are macro algae's requirments?
Light and nutrients. Nitrates and Phosphates are absorbed and oxygen released.
is there a way i can sorta fence it off if fish start to nibble?
Most fish leave chaetomorpha alone. You could create a refugium in the back of your tank. If you look at my nano build thread, you'll see what I mean. You create a false back and hide equipment in there. You could also grow macro algae in there, as I do. All you need is a sheet of acrylic cut to size. You could then silicone it in place. Although silicone isn't designed to bond to acrylic, it should be sufficient to hold it firmly, as its not taking any weight.
cured live rock is colorful right?
Not always no. If you're refering to coraline growth, it usually occurs in well matured tanks that have little to no phosphates. Phosphates inhibit the calcification of coraline algae. If you can find very pink/purple live rock, you usually pay a premium for it. Cured rock and be brown if its covered in nuisance algae.
and the uncured is brown right?
Uncured rock is pretty much live rock that is taken from the ocean and hasn't be cleaned to remove unwanted plants, crabs and other beasties. Its usually cheaper than cured rock. It will also have a lot of organic matter on it that needs to be removed and will take longer to cycle your tank as the die off from uncured rock can be substantial in comparison.
how do you test? with a test kit?
Not quite sure what you're refering to here? If you mean test for nitrates, phosphates, calcium etc, etc, then yup, use water testing kits. Salifert are pretty much the best ones available. PH is done with a PH probe and SG with a refractometer. If you mean test whether live rock is cured or uncured, it will be by its appearance. Uncured rock will have all manner of stuff growing all over it usually. If you LFS sells both, then the vats should be labelled up.
and can you guys do the stocking for me? it would be a better learning curve for me so if i plan on doing another one ill know what to do.
I'd personally start with easy to keep fish. Clownfish are a good bet. If you want to be a bit different, get some black and white percula clowns. I'd also recommend a goby, like the yellow watchman together with a species of pistol shrimp. These two form a symbiotic relationship. The shrimp builds a little chute in the sand which both the goby and shrimp live in. The fish often brings food back for the shrimp. Try watching some videos on youtube or google video. Another very pretty fish that doesn't grow huge is the royal gramma, which is a striking yellow and purple. They are pretty lively, usually peaceful and will add a lot of colour to your tank.
these are the last questions ill be needing before i feel confident enough to start this, i dont just want to go with what the lfs is sayin and get ripped about the live rock
thanks for all the info so far! nearly convinced my dad.