
  1. Sgooosh

    Is she pregnant? Sry if wrong place

    Blue one she is heavily breathing
  2. carligraceee


    HEY GUYS THIS IS SUPER URGENT! So my Dalmatian molly (Sherlock) was doing fine ever since I purchased him. However, I just purchased a new tank with a filter and heater. I set the heater to around 75 degrees and everything was fine until this morning. One of my girls went into hiding in the...
  3. jedimildred54

    Help is this dropsy? African Dwarf Frog

    I fed my African dwarf frog brine shrimp for the first time a day and a half ago. He was floating near the top, but he DOES go down. I did a 25% water change today. All the levels are good.. He seems more bloated then usual. Is this dropsy? Link to video of him swimming: .
  4. L

    Missing fish?

    Hello, I have only had my tropical fish and the tank for a week now, however in that week some fish have started to go missing. 3 tetras and one guppy have mysteriously vanished with no sign of their bodies (we also checked the filter today with no luck). We have reason to believe they have...
  5. N

    Random Pattern Appeared (Blue RCS)

    Hi all! Any ideas what this random pattern is? I doubt it is associated with being berried as I have 8 others who currently are and all is well with them! Yesterday it was 4 dots, today it is 5!
  6. K

    synodontis catfish sudden death :'(

    Hi everyone. We have had a synodontis catfish for most of our fish keeping life. I came downstairs this morning to see he had passed away. I am utterly devastated, he was the friendliest fish we have had in our tank and he was absolutely gorgeous, even neon looking around his edges. He was my 3...
  7. ShmolanMcGolan

    Round beetle-like creatures found in my aquarium (and flatworms)

    I need some assistance... I recently bought some aquarium plants, and with them came detritus worms (which I expected) but after a while, small flea looking bugs started swimming around my aquarium. There seem to be two different types as well. Some tend to glide around, while others dart super...
  8. M

    Help is my Cory dying?

    Hi, I'm new to fishkeeping and have been loving it, however I am worried about one of my Corys. I have 3 in a 57 litre (12.5g) tank along with 6 neon tetras, 4 danios and a dwarf gouramis. A few weeks ago the smallest Cory disappeared and I couldn't find him. A few days later I found him stuck...
  9. S


    Hi, I have a 60 liter tank quite a few live plants a eheim classic 250 and a seachem tidal 35. My nitrates have slightly spiked to about 40ppm and have done lots of water changes but I think my tap water has naturally high nitrates can't get rodi machines or water. So was thinking about Nitra...
  10. E

    Betta Illness Help

    Hello! I got my betta Neptune four months ago and he has been doing amazing until this past sunday (five days ago). I noticed he was tending to the corner of the tank and didn’t sleep in the leaves of my java fern like he normally does. I noticed a bulge towards his tail and that he would tend...
  11. valentea

    Betta Fish is sick... don't know what he has

    Hello! I've had my betta for around a year now, he's always a very hungry guy and energetic. A week ago I noticed his fins were starting to get folded but I didn't think much of it (out of ignorance). Then, two days ago he was just at the bottom of the tank, didn't come up to eat, had no...
  12. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    Heya! so I've got three honey gourami, one male? in sunset colours who's starting to show some black on the cheeks, one wild coloured variant lady?? who I got from a really renowned fish store but who is now starting to show a black nose to anal fin and white dorsal, is she a he?? and another...
  13. newmag1659

    I cannot shake this algae and it’s starting to starve my plants

    I just tested my parameters about 10 minutes ago so I know they’re pretty accurate. pH: 8.4 (tap is nearly 9.0) Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm It is a 20 gallon high with 6 corys, 2 adult Gardneri killifish, and a couple Gardneri fry. Relatively under stocked I think, but fully...
  14. J

    Celestial pearl danio feeding habits

    Hi guys, i recently got 3 cpds for my 10g tank (will be adding more as time goes by, i do not want any ammonia spikes). They are a really shy bunch and they hardly ever eat the food i throw into the aquarium unless it has sunk to the floor. I have noticed that if they feel like eating they will...
  15. pkenziep

    Help! What did my catfish die of and is it contagious?

    First off - I apologize as this will probably be a novel. Can anyone help me ID what killed my albino corydora? I've had two for over a year (which I know they need more friends, but I didn't have tank space until very recently and haven't even had a chance to increase their school size), and...
  16. primsloaches16

    Help!! Synodontis Nigrita or Ocellifer?

    Hey y'all! I was under the impression that my two fish, Shade and Midnight, were Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis Nigriventis) as they were SOLD AS SUCH, WITH MY NIGRIVENTIS. Looking further into it, they do not match the coloration or shape, so I went sleuthing. As far as I can see, I believe...
  17. D

    Betty fin rot or fin nipping ?

    Hello. I have been noticing that my beta fish fin has been looking a little rugged lately. I’m not quite sure if it could be mild fin rot, tear, or nipping. Water conditions are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 15 nitrate If it’s fin rot, how could I help prevent it from getting worse & can it spread to...
  18. N

    Poorly baby brittlenose

    I purchased 2 brittlenoses on Saturday from Pets at Home. One is very active the other (pictured) is very shy and hides away. Today I noticed golden barbs pecking at him while he was motionless on the gravel. I took him out of the tank and have now put him a newer tank with just minnows and...
  19. Jennifer Gonzales

    Help! I’m moving LONG DISTANCE

    Hello all, I’m not a very experienced fish keeper... that being said, we are getting ready to move 10 hours away. I have a 40 gallon tank with 10 guppies, 3 mollies, 4 dojo loaches, 1 pleco, and a bunch of snails, as well as a 5 gallon fry tank with somewhere around 30-40 guppy fry. Re-homing...
  20. M

    Help! My peppered Cory has lost its barbels

    Help! I got a new 45 litre tank 5 weeks ago, cycled it, and put 6 neon tetras in a few weeks later as the water was fine. A week later I tested the water and it was good so put in 3 peppered corys. A week after they've gone in and one has lost its barbels and is breathing really heavily. The...
  21. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello it’s me again, my fish are now pooping pretty normal, however I did a cleaning of the tank I think I did too much of a water change and gravel clean. I added dechlorinator though. However I think I overfed them. Now they r staying at the top all of the together. Maybe they r in shock. They...
  22. Bruce1975

    Nitrate won’t go down, Oscar with Popeye(?)

    A couple days ago I noticed that one of my Oscar’s eyes seemed a bit bigger than usual. I looked it up and read that it might be popeye. I freaked out and tested the water, everything was perfect except the nitrate level. I did a 50% percent water change, and added my usual water primer...
  23. J

    Unusual Fish

    Hello! I am not great with this forum stuff, but I really cannot figure out what this fish is! We were given some more Tetras and some Guppies too. Amongst those was this strange fish. I’m not sure if I’m being stupid or if it is genuinely an unusual cross breed. Does anyone have any answers for...
  24. Geordie Paul

    BN Peco behaviour

    Hey all its been a while since I've posted because my 34 gallon is finally stocked and all was well. However, my juvenile bushynose pleco (I got when he was just weeks old.) is about 4 months now, and is the tank bully. Still not sure of the sex because it's still young. When he eats, he hogs...
  25. HoldenOn

    Cory banging itself

    Hey all, One of my cories is like hitting its body against a rock. What does this mean?
  26. L

    What species is this Cory?

    So I grabbed the last 3 of them from the LFS. And they were obviously not albinos though labeled as such the worker at the time sold them to me as albinos since he did not know what they were. This was a couple of years ago and 2 have died I want to get him a group but have not seen any like him...
  27. N

    Betta is in trouble UPDATE

    This is Sushi, my precious betta in trouble...he is experiencing lump like clusters all over body. He has had it a long time not (4-5 months) I have tried it all from betta fix, almond leaves to kanaplex to no avail. Please if anyone had suggestions please let me know what I can do. It looks...
  28. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello I am fairly new to this forum, I am now a owner of four male guppies. They live in a 6.7 gallon tank and unfortunately I feel like it’s my fault for not noticing that when I brought my three new fish to add to the tank one of them was acting odd. I’m talking about swimming by the filter...
  29. J

    Guppy seems to be suffering :(

    Greetings from Amsterdam Fish community! This is my first post on this forum so hopefully it goes well! since one or two days one of my guppy is swimming upright with his head up and his tail down he seems to be struggling to stay afloat and moves rather slowly, sometimes he also hides in his...
  30. E

    Need some help with my Danios tail issues

    I got 3 Longfin Danios from my LFS 5 days ago and put them in my quarantine tank. I noticed some white spots on their tails, figure it was ich and kept the temperature high and did a full course of treatment with API Super Ich. I have not seen much improvement, but I know ich can be hard to get...
  31. newmag1659

    Trouble with Algae

    So I was having some trouble in my 10 gallon with this algae, but I moved and then transferred the fish and plants to a new 20 high. The 10 now has a betta and snails. Anyway, on my amazon swords and a little bit on my cabomba and rotala indica, there’s this fuzzy algae. Diatoms? What do y’all...
  32. P

    [HELP ME] What species are these two fishes ?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here so sorry if the formatting isn't what you're used to :) As the title suggest; I need some help pinpointing which species of barb these two fishes are from(Photo down below) While I love fish, I know very little about them and how to properly keep them. Backstory...
  33. M

    What's this on my Corydora?

    Hi all, This is our first post here. I purchased some corydoras about 7 months ago and within a couple of days, one of the corys started developing these lumps. At first they looked like fungal infections. They were fuzzy/fluffy looking. They grew quickly and then stopped. The lump on her side...
  34. T

    Pregnant guppy w/ probable dropsy

    Hey all. So I have a this very pretty, very pregnant, female guppy, that I noticed today hanging in the back of the tank. Once I was able to get her closer and inspect, the scales on her belly seem to now be protruding. And she is also no longer eating. I've experienced dropsy before but always...
  35. Oscarlover300

    EMERGENCY female Oscar bloated/worms? day#15

    My 3 yr old female Oscar fish has been fighting for weeks now what started as a swollen anus has now swollen her chest and fins, I believe I narrowed this down to Camallanus worms. I can see a brown/red thread like thing coming from her anus? I’m almost positive this is Camallanus worms?! Here...
  36. N

    My new gourami is sick

    Today I got a new dwarf gourami from petsmart, but I didn’t realize there was an issue with it until I got home. I was hoping someone might have an idea what it is but I think it might be fin rot.
  37. K

    Betta Fish Emergency!

    Please help! I’m literally freaking out right now. My betta fish is constipated. He has a long black fece hanging from his body. I tried to leave him alone overnight to see it’ll help but this morning he’s laying on his side and not moving! I’m putting him in an epsom salt bath right now but idk...
  38. newmag1659

    What is this algae and how can I get rid of it?

    10 gallon cycled tank with 3 Gardneri killifish, 6 corys, and 2 nerite snails. Cycled, 0/0/15. It is only on my amazon sword plants. I’ve not noticed it until I moved today and had to completely redo my tank! what do you think? I have algaefix chemicals but that’s a last resort.
  39. N

    What can I do

    I had a bit of an algae problem recently, bright green growths on the glass, with greenish water. I've managed to settle that problem by reducing the amount of light in the tank. I haven't been able to get the growths on the plants under control. I've cut back/trimmed most of the plant due to...
  40. newmag1659

    Mystery Snail Losing Shell?

    I have 4 mystery snails in a 5 gallon vertical with my betta, Cheesecake. Temp is about 78 degrees F, parameters are 0/0/15. pH is around 6.4. Soft water around 50 ppm.Betta is fed daily, but the tank is fully planted so I only feed the snails every 2-3 days. They get homemade snello, which has...