
  1. D

    Help! My glofish are dying and I can’t figure out why. :(

    I’m going to try to provide as much information as possible, so please bare with me. On March 26th I bought a Aqueon Neoglow Aquarium Kit Hexagon. It is an 8 gal. tank, I realized afterwards that the fish have to be in a tank of 10 gal. or more. My mom told me that we had to let the filter run...
  2. abegonzalez0221

    Need help trying to figure out the species.

    Hi there, was wondering if anybody could help me identify the type of school fish I have. I’ve never seen them before, a friend gave them to me and she didn’t know the name either. They have a little green vibrant spot under their eyes, and black tipped fins. Ignore the cardinal in the back...
  3. R84achey

    Help fluval 207 canister filter stopped working

    I accidentally switched my filter off whilst trying to turn on my air pump and now it’s not working. I’ve taken it apart as if to do maintenance and nothing looks broken etc and still nothing? Help
  4. sweeteybabey

    I Need Some Quick Reasurance!

    Hello everyone! I'm not particularly stressed, but I'm just curious and slightly worried about one of my albino female corydoras. She had a red spot that faded to black on her egg area around a week ago, but it's completely gone now and she was lethargic for one day but instantly improved (it...
  5. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    Last night I boiled a small amount of romaine lettuce, red cabbage, and carrot. I left this in my 20 gallon tank overnight and removed it the next day. In the morning, my pleco‘s stomach was blue and a tiny bit big, but it seemed normal. I had a piece of lettuce in the tank attached to an algae...
  6. M

    Gourami not eating

    I have a 60 gallon planted tank with a dwarf gourami, two opaline gouramis, a veil angel and 6 Von Rio flame tetras. I’ve had the gouramis and the angel for about two and half months without a problem, and the tetras were added 3 weeks ago and have been doing great. Then a week ago, my dwarf...
  7. fishiefreak

    Weird leafy bug? on Fancy Goldfish tail - what is it?

    Hey there, today I pulled this odd looking character off my niece's fancy goldfish... it's super thin and leafy looking with legs/arms - anyone know what it is? Video Tina
  8. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 mollies, 3 platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. I usually siphon the tank every week and my filter is the one that came with a tank. (Its either Tetra or Aqueon). Recently I found fry in my tank. There were only two left by the time I found them, but I moved...
  9. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with three mollies, three platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. Yesterday I noticed fry in the tank. I’m not sure how old they are, but there were only a few left by the time I saw them. I was going to leave them in the tank but I felt bad and ended up moving the two...
  10. Lgoldman

    Nerite snails had babies in freshwater

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with mollies, platys, a albino bristle nose pleco, and two nerite snails. Today I came home to both fish fry (I’m not sure if they are mollies or platys, and I am not removing them because I do not care if they survive), and at least one baby snail. I’m not surprised...
  11. K

    Still can't figure out what's killing my fish

    I made a post before still can't figure out what's killing my fish it's like wasting away disease but have treated for internal parasites and external. it takes them 2 to 3 months to die, now I took everything out but one plant and I'm trying salt again. Also the males don't seem to be affected...
  12. Dopatri

    Was my guppy fish suffering from a disease?

    Hi, I’m wondering if I can have some opinions on what really happened to my female guppy! I bought her 3 days ago from a fish store and was told she was carrying, and would give birth to fry soon. However, upon observing her for the past two days I must say I was wondering whether she really was...
  13. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Hi, So I recently noticed some white cotton-ish growth on my male BN, around his gills - started on only one side and then quickly became evident on the other side too. I immediately took some photos and went to my LFS who suggested its probably a fungus (i suspected this!). I purchased some...
  14. T

    HELP! Algea, Fungus, and Snail Eggs???

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon aquarium that's been cycled for a month or so at least. No fish in it at the moment but a while ago a fish died and I couldn't find it so I couldn't take it out of the tank. Now I have - brown algea looking stuff on my rocks and plants - Some dark green or black algea...
  15. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Please don't shame me, I really have tried my best to care for this fish but everything has been going wrong and I really need someone to save what I've done to my poor Ester ? Last year I cycled a tank and bought a fancy ryukin goldfish and everything has been going down hill. First the filter...
  16. D

    Betta Diet Help Appreciated

    Hi everyone, I'm getting a Betta fish and have read a lot of conflicting information online about their diet. Can anyone give me some idea of what to feed a betta for a balanced diet? Sorry if that's a bit of a silly question, I just want to get this right. Thank you for any and all advice
  17. Geordie Paul

    Kuhli Loach identification

    Does anyone know what type of Kuhli Loach this guy is? He's always just had a blue/grey body with no stripes. I've had him for over a year now and still unsure. He's very healthy and comes out to eat every day. Any thoughts?
  18. carligraceee

    Need some opinions on Female Betta tank

    I have a betta sorority currently (4 females) and have been super stressed. I was thinking about removing them all and taking them back to the LFS. They just seem to never get along and there is always something wrong. I just don't know if they are worth keeping around with the stress they are...
  19. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  20. C

    Is my 1y/o cory dying?? I dont want to lose her.

    I had an albino cory since i started my 5g with my betta about a year ago. Petstore said it was a good algae cleaner. I didnt know better. Since then i learned about groups. Finally saved for a bigger tank. Got a 20g. Lost my betta. It was just my cory, mystery snail, and some hitchhikers from...
  21. Aquarist2020

    Emergency!! Fish food dumped into aquarium. Please Help!

    My little brother dumped an entire fish food container into the tank. Tank 30 gallon. Fish 5 with cleaners 10 about. Tank is 1 year old. Please help. Also does quick start work good enough? My lfs is closed and petco is my only option.
  22. C

    Please identify this species

    Hi everyone I am from the UK and as anyone who's from here will be aware we have a pet store chain called jolleys. Well I recent went to jolleys and I bought for £5 what I thought was a bristlenose pleco as that's what they had it advertised. I am now beginning to believe it is not a...
  23. J

    Help with Platy

    Hi everyone, first time posting here and just looking for advice. Does this look like Dropsy in our Platy fish? And if you think it is, is there any advice on what we should do? Our tank is an established tank (about 3 year old). No new fish added for over a year and no sudden fish deaths. I am...
  24. primsloaches16

    Ammonia 1ppm, are my fish safe for now???

    So update to my bad losses after the Texas snowstorm. My 29 fish were in a 20 gal for emergency for the last 4 days (were in a 10 gal for 3 days prior) The water just came on allowing me to set up the tank. I had the filter from the 65 running on the 20 gal while they were in there to get the...
  25. CreecherFeature

    What causes these white patches on my betta???

    I've had my betta for months now and have changed nothing in my routine, but lately he has developed white spots on his left face and top of his back (and a few other places that didn't show up well in photos, all small). I've seen posts of somewhat similar conditions being aggressively deadly...
  26. R

    Very sick, Very Loved Betta. Treating for Columnaris. Please help me heal him. It's been weeks. Very Detailed.

    I copied this from another forum for help, here is everything I posted: What is the water volume of the tank? His home: 55gal community tank. Quarantine: 10gal, by himself. How long has the tank been running? His home: 4 months. Quarantine: Setup the day I noticed he was sick, he's been...
  27. A

    How to Cycle 5.5 Gal Betta tank

    I got a 5.5 gal tank today as an upgrade for my betta. I need to cycle it but I need to know where to start and what to do. Today I put rocks, water, the filter, and stress coat in the tank and a couple cups of water from my other tank. Is there a way to cycle without buying ammonia? Thanks for...
  28. G

    HELP! I can’t figure out what’s wrong with my balloon Molly

    Hi! I have a 20 Gal tank and I am relatively new to fish keeping. One of my ballon mollies started growing some white stuff on her gill and its been going on for a while. I kept her in a hospital tank for about a month treating her with anti fungal and ani parasitic medications but nothing...
  29. R

    Why isn't my platy giving birth?

    Hi there, First time having a pregnant platy. She has been pregnant over a month and a half, it's becoming an on going joke of when she's going to give birth! Tested waters and it's fine other than the Ph maybe being a little low on 6.5, could that be it? She's in her own tank now 30L
  30. R

    My new tanks and stocking plan! Any ideas?

    Hey I’m new here! Just found this website while doing some research. Anyway I currently own three fish tanks, a 75g with a red Texas, jack dempsey and rainbow shark, a 20 gallon with just plants, and a new 10g that’s been cycling for a while now! Anyway I’ve been trying to figure out what type...
  31. H

    Molly died giving birth?

    My molly looked pregnant and like she was going to give birth this morning (she appeared to be crowning - I guess?). When I came back a few hours later she still looked like she was crowning and she also had what looked like a wound the front of her abdomen with something stringy coming out. She...
  32. S

    Jade goby growth in nose

    Hello everyone, this grew pretty quick in about two weeks and seems to continue. For a moment noticed a red strand coming out. My jade is about 5 years old and can't seem to figure out exactly what this is. Thank you.
  33. S

    Axolotl Bite

    Hi. We've had 2 axolotls in a 20gal long for 2 1/2 years. Today it looks like we got our first bite or bad scrape and am not sure what to do. I know they heal but should I take any action? Picture is attached
  34. S

    Leopard Danio Breeding HELP!!!

    I have a total of 5 danios- 3 zebras and 2 leopards. I think I have 2 females (I didn't really try to figure it out when I got them because I didn't know they would spawn so quickly) but I know for sure that one is heavily pregnant. I think she is going to spawn tomorrow but she is in a 29...
  35. B

    OMG!! Please help me and my Banjo!

    so basically i moved him to my corydora breeder i think it all started by getting nipped by my semi aggressive yo yo loaches, giving the catfish its stress. There after a week went by i gave half doses of melafix. Then i started to notice huge white sore on him, they are so big i almost...
  36. R

    Is my Mickey Mouse Platy Pregnant?

    I was looking at my fish today and felt like it’s stomach looks like it’s big and need to know if I’m going to need to watch out for babies so I can separate them when they’re born so they don’t get eaten. I’m wondering if anyone is able to tell! Thank you for your help!
  37. C

    Beginner question

    Hi all I am very new into the fish keeping world and I made the horrid mistake of buying a black comet goldfish and a shubunkin a while back (3 years) and they have been kept in a small prison 30L tank which not to my knowledge until recently is far far too small for them. I have actually...
  38. A

    Vampire crab BREEDING!!

    Hey guys! Wondering if there's any information you guys can give me about breeding vampire crabs? There isn't much information online only categorizes it as difficult and tells you what the female does once pregnant. Any information would be brilliant!! Cheers Ath
  39. W

    Pregnant or not?

    Hi, One of me dwarf guaramis has gradually become bloated, originally we thought pregnant but now after researching this I’m unsure. Please let me know what to do, I’m pretty new to the fish keeping life. I know my tank isn’t clean was in the process before I noticed the fish! They were my first...
  40. A


    EDIT!!!! Update!!!! MOLLY HAD BABIES ABOUT 3 HOURS AFTER POSTED. HERES PICS. My molly is pregnant and about to pop I just don’t know what I’m doing and need help lol. Here she is. Idk how long she’s been pregnant all I know is she’s about to give birth maybe. The male is freaking out hanging...