
  1. Meg0000

    Pearl gourami gasping for air during like 2 minute

    My pearl gourami are gasping for air for a very long time and then they go back to exploring the tank so I am worried something is wrong.. I added 6 rasboras hengeli yesterday and 6 bronze cory (I will get more) and they all act fine. My tank is a month and a week old or something like that so I...
  2. Filip

    Cleaning Post-Disease Aquarium/Filter

    Hello! I recently had a fungus infestation in my 20-gallon tank, and it sadly killed all my fish because I was having ammonia problems at the same time, and the combination was too deadly for the little guys:( Anyway, I want to get back at it, and I want to make sure that I get rid of ALL...
  3. F

    Worried about platy

    Hello, I am posting because I’m concerned my platy may have pop eye but I’m not entirely sure. I’ll post pictures at the end. He’s perfectly healthy otherwise so I’m having a hard time telling if he might have pop eye or if I’m just worrying about him too much. He’s my favourite fish and I’m...
  4. F

    Help with aquarium heater?

    I need some opinions on what to do regarding my aquarium heater. I have a 3.5 gallon tank and the Aqueon 10W mini heater. My thermometer (which I’m not sure I fully trust, but anyway) says that when I leave the heater plugged in the water gets up to about 83 degrees Fahrenheit. It stays...
  5. J

    African Dwarf Frogs

    Hello! About two months ago I got two African dwarf frogs. It’s my first time ever owning them. They’ve been perfectly fine for the past two months, but about four days ago they started doing that amplexus thing, which they’ve done a few times before. Except this time, it’s been four days and...
  6. A


    First post here guys. I've had the tank on the right for a good while now 8 months. Seems to be well established. I have 10 guppy's, 1 male Betta and God knows how many cherry shrimp. Everyone seems to get along just fine. But I've had this persistent cloudy grey water for 2/3months. Comes and...
  7. K

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    Hello, I’m worried about my black mustard betta. I might be paranoid but I just want to make sure that’s he’s ok. I’ve noticed some of his scales are a little bruised up and on top of his eyes, there’s like a white clear dot. I got rid of the plastic plant that might have caused damaged. I’ve...
  8. D

    Balloon Molly Sitting on the Bottom of a Cycled Tank PLZ HELP

    Hi everyone! My black balloon molly is sitting on the bottom of the tank without moving. He eats normally, swims normally. Whenever I go check and he sees me he swims to the surface for food, and he is still swimming to me when he sees me. But when I am far away from the tank I see him sitting...
  9. D

    help to breed platys

    I have 3 female and one male platy 3 Mickley mouse (1 male 2 female) and 1 panda (female) I have had them for months but they won't breed the male is chasing but none are getting pregnant Don't say they probably already have been because there has been no signs from the gravid spot to any...
  10. F

    Swordtail is sick?

    I know something is wrong with my swordtail but I don’t know what is up. One week ago I cleaned their tank as I usually do. A couple days after that I noticed the swordtail was hanging on on the bottom of the tank, which was abnormal because he usually sleeps in the middle of the tank. He did...
  11. B

    Eggs on bogwood?

    Hi everyone, I'm starting my first ever tropical fish tank. Andin our current quarantine situation I'm limited to what I can order online. I ordered this piece of bogwood with java fern already attached to it. But it seems to be COVERED in these white spots which I can only assume are eggs...
  12. Quin

    Does Hank look okay?

    I'm not sure if the video format works, but I came back inside to see this. Hank is lying against his moss ball in the back of the tank, and I think he is breathing heavy. Pardon the quality, I recorded his reflection since he was hidden behind his bridge. He has since moved to rest on his leafy...
  13. X

    Cycling my fish tank with fish in them and need help (stuck on nitrite stage)

    So I'm trying to cycle my 29 gallons with fish in them, I bought pretty hardy fish but think I got too many in there for it to cycle well. I currently have 5 guppies, 1 platy, and a spotted catfish. I recently moved them from my ten-gallon tank so it has some of the substrate from it (that...
  14. C

    Please help! Fin rot

    Hi I am new to the forum, I have a 29g tank that has been fully cycled for about 4 months. I have sand but no live plants. I have 5 guppys and 5 bronze corys. About a week and a half ago I noticed one of my corys looked like it had the early signs of fin rot. I checked the nitrates with the...
  15. S

    Serious help needed diseases

    This pearl gourami seems to have pretty bad fin rot on it's too fin and what seems to be fungus on it's eye and on it's front two fin bases. treating with eSha gdex and eSha 2000 any ideas
  16. nasy

    Need urgent help with my red parrot fish!!!

    Hello all, I hope this reaches someone soon. I have had these red parrot fish for almost six years. Today I noticed that they swam to the top of the tank, started to loose their color, and are swimming erratically. I've never seen them have all these symptoms in one, and I am very confused and...
  17. Kamdavid

    Questions on Mollies

    Hello everyone, had some questions on my Mollies... Started a tank about a month ago now. Currently I have one male and two female mollies. I had one other male, which ended up not making it. I did see him a couple times try to breed with one of the females. But like I said he passed on.. The...
  18. X

    Are my catfish fighting or playing??

    Hey guys, im pretty new to the hobby and I have a question about two of my catfish, one is a spotted Raphael catfish and one is a stripped. They live in a 10 gallon with 6 other guppies, i had them for about a month and plan on upgrading tanks in less than 2 weeks. I noticed when i turn off the...
  19. M

    What is this on my new betta?

    1 day after purchasing this betta I noticed a white thing hanging off her. It’s been 2 days and it’s not going anywhere. It’s very close to her anus (right next to I think)and she is able to poop, which is a light brown color. I watched her and the feces came out just fine but didn’t phase the...
  20. X

    Do my guppies look unhealthy?

    Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole hobby and am still trying to learn the ropes. I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies (now 5) , 1 panda platy and 2 stripped catfish. (I plan on upgrading to a bigger tank in a month). And I recently had one guppie die due To what I think was fin rot, the...
  21. T

    Is my Balloon Molly pregnant?

    We have noticed the black spot on her belly which also looks a bit boxed-shaped (usually signs of pregnancy). She has been a bit aggressive with the other fish but staying particularly close to one of the other balloon mollies pretty much all the time. She has been staying close to the heater...
  22. RenC

    Help! Sick fish!

    I’m a new fish owner and I have 4 male guppies and one Cory catfish. This tank is only 3 days old. I had one guppy bully the others by nipping fins so I took him out for a few hours after adding a new decoration which was recommended for aggression. Today I noticed the ends of some of their...
  23. T

    Suggestions!? Goldfish at bottom of tank...

    I have an Oranda goldfish whos just sitting at the bottom of the tank. Noticed he was acting different a few days ago, after another goldfish died in the tank. Did a water change... but noticed he still wasnt swimming much. Now it seems like he tries to swim and sinks back down. Anything i...
  24. K

    Aquarium plants

    Can any plant be poisonous to shrimp? I bought 3 new plants from an aquarium yesterday - they were in a tank with snails and shrimp already so there isn't a copper issue, but my shrimp this evening seems to have taken a turn for the worse. Here are my plants
  25. R

    Bloated gourami

    Hello, super new to the group and first time gourami keeper . We woke up today to one of our females (Our gourami’s sexes are just an assumption) looking quite large . Don’t get me wrong, Perla has always been thicker but she’s uncomfortably bloated looking today . She isn’t lethargic at all...
  26. KLG1234

    What in the world is killing all my fish

    The pleco has since died and I assume the other is going to be gone very soon. I haven’t had any luck identifying this but it seems to affect every fish in the tank besides the tetra which I’m not surprised cause those guys are known to be extremely hardy. Honestly expecting this entire tank to...
  27. L

    Please help!!! Betta Fish with facial swelling/injury (?)

    Please help! My female betta, Lady Fish, has what appears to be some swelling/roughed up area of scaled and whitish discoloration to the left side of her face. I just noticed this tonight, she looked perfectly fine yesterday. I'm not sure if this is an injury or some sort of...
  28. S

    SICK platy fish - please help identify the sickness!

    Hello, Can anyone recognise which sickness is hurting my platy tank? I have an idea, but I am not sure. Basically out of the blue (no new fish added, no change in diet, but doing weekly water changes), quite a few of my platies started having light patches on their bodies -at first i thought it...
  29. A

    PLEASE HELP!!!! Axolotl very sick :(

    Hello- Today I came home, to my mom telling me the unfortunate news that my Axolotl had jumped out of its container! (we have been keeping it in. Container because we have it’s whole cycling thing wrong) We have no idea how long it had been out, but my dad found it and scooped it back in the...
  30. O

    Help! My anemone is swollen!

    Hello all. I recently purchased a Nano tank. I have 2 ocellaris clownfish, a royal dottyback, one Banggai cardinal and a yellow angelfish. (The yellow angelfish was brought to my tank only 3 days ago) I noticed around 2 days ago that my anemone had suddenly shrunk (It was never that big but...
  31. O

    I need general advice!

    Hello! I am completely new to fishkeeping. I mean, I had a goldfish fish when I was 5 that my father took care of but that is it. I am most likely going to buy a 16.5-gallon nano tank, that I will put saltwater fish in. I have read lots about fish in the last few weeks so I do understand the...
  32. Meg0000


    Hi, I think I have algea on my plants, what type is it and how can I get rid of it?
  33. B

    Weird white algae

    a small amount of white fuzzy looking algae has started to accumulate on some of my plants and around the intake of the filter. I recently re-aranged the plants and rocks to better suite the fish and I’m just wondering if this might be the cause, any help is appreciated
  34. T

    Guppy? Endler? Other? Help...!

    So a few months ago I went to a local fish store to pick out a guppy. They had a nice variety of colors and patterns on males, so i bought one, but didnt notice a tiny "guppy" fry that came along in the bag. A few months later... he's not matching the shape, size, or colors available I have...
  35. F

    Cardinal tetra disease? Help!

    Hello, I have 5 beautiful cardinal tetras and I’ve noticed one has lost its colour and has flaky/peeling skin. I have no idea if it is a disease or any type of illness. I have guppies and Corydoras in the tank so I don’t think it’s being attacked. Could someone suggest from the pictures what it...
  36. F

    Betta developing dark spots please help!

    Pictured below is my male betta in the store (20 December 19) followed by his first days in his new home. He instantly became much more vibrant which I was very happy about. However he then developed a dark spot by his lip - starting off as a small grey dot. He was also glass surfing for...
  37. R

    Can anyone help me with the name of my tank I have?

    Not sure of the make and model of my tank. Can anyone fill me in on what type it is?
  38. bettabbypearl

    Betta Fish With A Torn Fin, Help Needed!!

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his...
  39. K


    Hi, I'm new here, my name is Katie. I am a very new fish owner who has been very very lucky, but I think my luck is running out. I have a ten gallon tank, Aqueon if it matters, with three Anubis plants, one fern looking plant, and a piece of driftwood along with the standard gravel etc. The past...
  40. C

    Honey Gourami pale and lethargic with lump on his side? Please help :(

    My honey gourami is pale and lethargic please help :(. I’ve had him for a week and he’s always had this pale color and was never very active. However, recently he can’t swim and whenever he does he seems to sink back down. He just lays on his side or on plants. What can I do? (Water parameters...