
  1. Meesh

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    My betta recently has been depressed and pale compared to the usual, so I have added a new plant (as opposed to a plastic leaf) and heater which he seems to enjoy. While he is looking better (and his water is also looking better), I am wondering if anyone knows if this is fin rot, or if it is...
  2. H

    Help me identify this fish disease please :(

    Hello! Im new to this forum but I rrally need help. Ive had my tank established for over 2 years.(30gal freshwater) I had 4 fish in it the whole time and just recently I wanted to get more. Bought 3 more a little over a week ago. Now I have 2 goldfish, 2 molys, 1 angelfish, 2 algae eaters I...
  3. Flinkbag

    Please help! Parasites on Elephant Ear Betta

    Hello there! My once-beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has been looking scrappy and droopy for a while now, and today I noticed he has what I suspect is either velvet or some other nasty external parasite mainly on his head and somewhat on his back. It looks like a slight fuzz has grown on his...
  4. P

    Help please! Filtration water etc

    aquamode 600 tank with ceramic noodles, charcoal filter and sponge layer, all in filter. White bits in tank, noodles disintegrate? Should I replace old noodles with new? If so what preparation do I need to undertake? Is it harmful to goldfish?
  5. S

    Help curing tank of whitespot?

    So i suspect my tank has whitespot and i need to begin treatment to get it under control, just looking for a bit of help or advise! Got a african dwarf frog, plec, bamboo shrimp and a bengal loach in there as well im a little concerned about adding treatment to the tank with also. The tank uses...
  6. Fish-mates

    What is on my dwarf gourami's side?

    Can anyone help my fish please? I thought the gourami had damaged it's side crashing into a branch in the tank. As the side wasn't healing and looked white in the damaged area I moved the gourami to a QT and started treating with Melafix. What's weird is the white is not cotton like but looks...
  7. S

    Who has attacked the barb!

    Hey guys bit of a problem! Purchased a few new fish a few days back including 3 melon barbs and a figure of 8 puffer. Now the store assistants informed me that the figure of 8 can be a bit nippy but should be compatible with my tank as i have no long finned fish. Today however i have woken up to...
  8. S

    Series of deaths in our tank...

    However none of the deaths seem to be the same, Tank Overview: Running for 1 year 5 months 80L Tank (though bought thinking it was 100L, advertised secondhand incorrectly) possibly over crowding Fluval 306 external Filter Fish in the tank leading up to this post: 1 Pleco 4 Cardinal Tetras 4...
  9. V

    My fish is swimming weird!!

    My German blue ram is swimming up side down and side ways!!!!!! Is 1 gallon big enough for a quarantine tank???? What is wrong with him?? How do I stop it?
  10. RIOT1o1

    Betta bumped his head?

    Would like some help identifying this oddity. There's a small white bump on the side of my betta's head and it looks like some of the scales surrounding it are damaged. He lives with one other fish (a little guppy) in a 40g tank (had some issues in the past and almost the entire tank population...
  11. Flubberlump

    Can't keep temperature stable throughout tank

    Tank size - 25ltr (~6.5gal) planted Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 10-20 pH - 7 Temperature - should be 27C throughout Inhabitants - 1 male betta splendens, 3 Sulawesi snails Plants - bacopa amplexicaulis, cryptocorne moellmanii, Anubias nana mini, dwarf hairgrass, water lettuce I have a 25w...
  12. D


    hi i have a jackdempsy that ive had for about 3months then he started to get weird lines coming off of his top fin all my nitrates and stuff are normal he is in a 75 gallon aquarium and i would like to know if its something i need to worry about.
  13. R

    Help! Fish struggling to stay up, swim bladder problems?

    I have a cherry barb in a 20 gallon tank who is beating his front fins frantically and swimming upward in order to stay up, otherwise he sinks to the bottom. It seems like his swim bladder isn't working and he can't "float" in the water like before. I've had cherry barbs die of this in the past...
  14. Ammolite

    Quickly advancing finrot, help!

    About 3 weeks ago i 'rescued' a betta from my local pet store, he was being sold as a half moon but clearly wasn't (He's actually a delta tail upon further research) He was significantly smaller then any betta i'd seen being sold at the store, so i suspected he was a juvenile. He was sitting at...
  15. P

    Is A Goldfish And A Minnow Ok Together?

    I have recently went through a small steam next to my house. I got some minnows and a few snails out of it. I have them in Quarantine until next week. I already have a goldfish in the bigger tank. Are the minnow and goldfish going to fight?     Here is a pic of the minnow and goldfish. 
  16. FroFro

    Ripping Out Old Plants, Suggestions?

    So my dwarf grass is growing fine, what my angelfish don't rip apart that is. I'm going to just remove the majority of it all and get perhaps a few tall growing plants. Any suggestions?
  17. P

    What Fish Should I Get?

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium,a proper filter and an air stone. I have 2 fake plants and i have black substrate with a work light. So far i am between 3 fish. Tiger barbs, Guppies, and or one goldfish. But if anyone can suggest other good fish for these conditions plz comment a fish. and another...
  18. FroFro

    This Cloudy Water Is Driving Me Insane.

    36 Gallon bowfront with 9 fish.   I've been having cloudy water issues off and on for a month now. Ever since I planted my dwarf grass plugs I haven't excessively vacuumed the substrate so that's not the cause. The filter is clean, I don't overfeed my fish, I refuse to try water clarifier.    I...
  19. M

    Is My 46G Tank Over Stocked Or Can I Add More?

    I currently have the following in a bow front 46G tank that was already cycled: 7 balloon mollies 1 platy 4 mollies 8 tetra glofish 2 dwarf gouramis Both pet stores told me we could add up to 35 fish around the size we have, but upon reading some of the forums I've become skeptical of...
  20. Cameronb_01

    Discus Eating Habits

    Hi Guys,   I have a relatively new discus aquarium, (4-5 days) and I was watching my 3 10cm discus eat just now and they weren't really eating. I put in 2 frozen "Discus Diet" cubes. They sank to the bottom then 2 of them bit them a couple of times then all three swam quickly to the other side...
  21. S

    Problem: Betta Is Gobbling Up Tankmates Food!

    I recently started a planted 10gallon aquarium for my Betta and am using corner filters to reduce flow for his fins. He seemed to be pacing around and lonely, so I decided to get him tankmates. I ultimately decided on a school of ten White Cloud Minnows, who luckily have seen no aggression from...
  22. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...
  23. K

    Help! Is This Velvet? I'm Getting Discouraged...

    My daughter's fish is sick...I have really tried to educate myself being that I'm new. Water parameters are good at this time. Ph 7.5 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 NirAte 5.0ish Temp around 80* 3 gallon tank I now use prime. He is getting fed every other day a pellet and the occasional dried blood...
  24. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Identification

    Hi Guys,   Purchased this substrate today from my LFS. The guy who sold it to me didn't know who the supplier was and what type of gravel it is or what the dimensions are?   Anyone have any ideas about where I could get something similar from or what the dimensions might be?   Thanks in advance...
  25. B

    Wormy Situation

    So found a worm creature in my filter today, anyone know what it is? it had little pincers and was reddish brown  
  26. Cameronb_01

    Planted Discus Tank Emergency

    Hi Guys,   So basically I have been impatient and made a mistake. 4 weeks ago I filled my empty tank with RO water and rasied the Kh to 4 and then began the cycling process. My tank is fully cycled and ready for fish as of yesterday, (I tested the Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels). And so I...
  27. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Thanks to help in a previous topic I found that my betta, Trellimar, is suffering from the early signs of dropsy. I moved him straight into a hospital tank (3Gallon) to try and improve his condition and hopefully, save him. I thought id post a topic on his situation for advice, and as a daily...
  28. Ellphea

    Carpet Plant Help

    I purchased some dwarf baby tears for my tank as a carpeting plant, but it has now taken over the top of my tank. It is all floating and I can't get it to stay in the substrate. It is clogging the filter and it is in an active tank so I can't drain it and plant it that way. It is in a 55 gallon...
  29. Ammolite

    Betta Identification Help Needed

    So i recently brought a new boy, Ammolite (named after the rainbow gemstone) he lost some of his tail to a filter accident in the store but has been making great progress so far, he's lively and loveable and the prettiest betta i have!  I just don't know what breed he is! I got him as a...
  30. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    I have two male betta fish in one 30L tank, divided by thick mesh, Ammolite (an unknown breed) and Trellimar (A huge royal blue half-moon) They cannot see each other at all, just to give some basic information as the sickness hasn't come from stress from each other.   Trellimar for the past two...
  31. B

    The Insanely Boring Tank..... T-T

    So I have a 5 gallong fluval spec (long) tank and I have 1 anubias afzeli to the left, couple low growers in the middle area. and one Asian water fern to the right side of the tank. the soil is a sand like substrate... Plz someone suggest something and save this boring glass rectangle plz omg. I...
  32. FroFro

    Pleco And Driftwood Help.

    Hello there! Please allow me to list my tank info before reading the rest so if you reply you know the up and up     36 Gallon freshwater tank.   Established bacteria colony/tank   Water parameters are all normal. I use test strips so I don't have EXACT numbers to share. I test every 3-5 days to...
  33. Flinkbag

    4Ft South American Cichlid Idea

    Hello all!    I'm toying with the idea of restocking my tank with small to medium sized SA cichlids. I currently have:   1x Mature Firemouth Cichlid 2x Bala Sharks (selling) 1x Rainbow shark (selling) 1x Emperor Tetra (selling) 3x Young Clown Loaches (will eventually move out of tank)  1x Kuhli...
  34. Flinkbag

    Clamped Pectoral Fin In Elephant Ear Betta

    Hey all!   I returned home to find my beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has one pectoral fin clamped ('stuck' is a better word for it, it looks like its plastered to his body!) to his side. It appears to only be half stuck to his body, because he can still move the bottom portion of it. The...
  35. GlennStretton

    New Tank - First Timer

    Ok, so i've been thinking about getting a tank for a little while.  I finally bit the bullet today.  I'm starting to think my research didn't even scratch the surface, hopefully I've got the basics covered.    So here are my purchases for the day...                   Fluval Roma 125 Aquarium +...
  36. T

    Fish Id

    Hi Can anyone ID this fish, 2 were bought for me and I can't seem to find what fish breed they are, can anyone help please? Thanks Tony
  37. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  38. A

    Crayfish Molted!

    Hello, my Electric Blue Crayfish just molted and I don't know what to do. So, what do i do? Please help. Thanks!
  39. Flinkbag

    Possible Parasites In My Tank, Need Some Help!

    So Im back again with yet another problem... *sigh*   So the other day I flipped this piece of driftwood (which looks like a dead tree) upside-down, and I noticed an odd piece of white cobweb-type material covering the base of the tree 'trunk'. The next day when i looked at it, the white was...
  40. FroFro

    Mailing Tropical Freshwater Fish? Help!

    Hello! I'm looking to mail a few fish from Ohio (moderate climate) to Arizona. I've already looked up guides for packaging freshwater fish and the materials/boxes needed. I already plan to pay for overnight shipping and I know not to feel my fish for at least 24 hours prior to the day of...