
  1. S

    Worried about new gourami

    Hi everyone! This is my very first post AND tank, so I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to help my fish thrive. About 2 weeks ago I set up a 55 gallon tank and let it cycle through. I added water conditioner and nitrifying bacteria to help it work faster, and this past Monday all the...
  2. Kristin919

    Is it normal for fish to have debris on them?

    Hello, I recently got a betta fish after cycling my tank for a few weeks. I’m noticing that there are some particles on debris on the plants, filter rocks etc. and when my betta swims up next to one of these he gets the debris on him and it attaches for awhile but seems to fall off after some...
  3. A

    Rummy nose aren’t well

    I bought 19 rummy nose tetras the about five days ago. I’m relatively new to the hobby so I’ve only recently been introduced to the idea of quarantining fish. I quarantined them for three days, treating them with metroplex to hopefully handle any illness or ailments they could’ve had. After...
  4. Guyb93

    Vanishing fish

    Hello I’m new here and need help iv been running my tank a while with a common pleco everything fine thing looks like Godzilla I introduce about 6 tetra 6 mollies two briatlenoses and a red tailed shark again everything no aggression tank still over sized for stock I add 3 angelfish and 6 tiger...
  5. Kristin919

    Help! White particles on top of water, cycling new tank

    Hi everyone I’m cycling an old tank it’s about the 3rd day I’ve added fish flakes and now I have these white particles on the top of the tank. Some are collecting on surfaces but mostly on the top of the tank. Does anyone know what this is and or if it is normal?
  6. Aquarist2020

    Help! Nitrate 160 ppm!

    So I tested my water today and it said nitrate is at 160ppm Ammonia 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm PH 8.8 Is cause i did the test during feeding time. My fish and inverts are fine.
  7. G

    HELP! I don't want to lose this fish!

    I have a low tech aquarium with Japanese Blue & Gold double sword guppies and shrimp that have been doing fantastic. My shrimp in other aquariums have been thriving because I feed blood worms to the fish so they eat them as well. Today I decided to feed my shrimp in the guppy tank some blood...
  8. Kristin919

    Help! White particles in tank multiplying and wont go away

    Hi everyone, does anyone know what this white stuff is in my tank? These are old pictures from a year ago. I’ve since taken my tanks down because of this white stuff, I’ve bleached everything and this stuff just seems to keep coming back. I’ve set up this tank again with just water and afilter...
  9. skemp96

    Platy not swimming?!

    So around 2 weeks ago I added 4 platys to my 180L tank (which already had 6 zebra danios in). 3 of the 4 platy's are absolutely fine and swim around happily all day long, however one of them literally just sits in the top corner of the tank all day long and very rarely moves, unless when...
  10. RenC

    Tank after disease

    So I cleared my fish of disease (yay!!!) Do you guys recommend leaving the tank as is since they’re better and I dosed the water. Or should I move my fish to a small tank (4gal) for the day and do a thorough cleaning of the decor and gravel where I rinsed the gravel in boiling water and all the...
  11. LexiLex888

    Water is cloudy then turns to green cloudy water every week!

    So I’ve had my 40 gallon tank set up for about a month or two now. All the rocks and decorations were in my previous 20 gallon tank (besides one new one). I only have one goldfish in the tank at the moment. I recently removed all the gravel and ornaments to treat anchor worm for 2 weeks. I...
  12. Aspen35

    Help! New Snails!

    I don't know if this qualifies as an emergency, but i just received a box with a bunch of mystery snails. They seemed to be fine while acclimating, but now that they're in the tank they've stopped moving around. (they were when I first put them in. Is something wrong? Some of them are not even...
  13. I

    [HELP] Clamped Fins - Young Guppy

    Firstly, I’d like to say I’m a bit new to fishkeeping, but I’m learning every day — thanks in advance for understanding. [EDIT] Picture attached is rotated — he’s always swimming horizontally. That’s just him pecking at some algae. I currently have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with some...
  14. C


    I just got my water tested yesterday before I got my electric Blue ram (all at my lfs who has never steered me wrong)- he’s now swimming all sorts of ways. He’s having trouble staying above the gravel too. His colors are perfectly fine other than some white around his belly but that might be...
  15. Aquarist2020

    Hi new to the forum

    Hi guys I’m new to the forum. I have a new 55 gallon gold fish tank that is full of air bubbles. I have been gone for a month. they hardly ate so how can ammonia come in. I did a water change and all it did is take away the stink ( there was a very bad stink ). Should I continue the water...
  16. LexiLex888

    One fish dead the other not looking good help!!

    So yesterday evening I did a water change on my goldfish tank (40 gallons) that only had two small goldfish in it. They seemed to be fine yesterday but this morning I woke up to one dead and the other laying on the bottom of the tank and it looks like his skin is peeling off? I do this water...
  17. BlakeFisher

    Zebra Danio Help

    I have only ever had Bettas and Plecos, but after the recent passing of my Betta fish, I decided I wanted to get a school of fish. I got a used 45g tank off marketplace. When I went to pick it up the guy asked if I Wanted his four fish. The tank was caked in dirt, and the fish were in a small...
  18. RenC

    Idk what’s wrong ):

    So this guppy has had white poop (it doesn’t move at all) and now today has stopped eating. One of my others has a similar issue but still eats. The white spots are new and just started today and affect none of my other fish but I did notice white particles coming out of my new filter so I’m...
  19. LexiLex888

    3 Guppies dead, is this a disease?

    So two nights ago I realized that one of my guppies had died. I didn’t see anything wrong and I figured that it was just of old age or something since he was an old fish. Then another one died and another! I have recently added two new lamp-eye tetras (in addition to my one already in the tank)...
  20. RenC

    White dots on fish, I don’t think it’s ich?

    Hi! I know I’m probably annoying with all my questions but. I recently got a new tank and the filter was very loud. The company sent me a new filter today. I rinsed it well and put it in to replace the old very loud filter. Directly after installing the new filter I noticed quite a bit of white...
  21. B

    Guppy eating other fish

    Hi everyone, I recently added 2 yellow cobra guppies to my tank, and they've eaten my smallest Endler :( i'm heartbroken I did so much research before buying them to make sure they get on with my current fish and this has happened... I read guppies are peaceful but now they've eaten my...
  22. B

    Yellow cobra guppy laid eggs

    Hi everyone. Recently I started an all Male tropical fish tank. I began by 4 male endlers and then last week added in 2 Male yellow cobra guppies. I didn't understand why all my endlers were chasing one of my new guppies every second of the day as they're all males. But today I noticed one of...
  23. Geordie Paul

    Fish identification

    Can anyone tell me what type of rainbows and the sex (if possible)? I'm pretty sure the yellow one is female. I just added these today and everything is going very well so far.
  24. Geordie Paul

    Stocking ideas

    Hey all, another quick question! I'm finally ready to complete the stocking of my 33 gallon long! I'm looking to add a small school of mid level swimming fish but I want something colourful and not too small like tetras. Currently in my tank I have 7 corydoras and a bristlenose so I need fish...
  25. RenC

    White Stringy Poop

    Help! 2 of my 4 guppies have white stringy poop. They have good appetite and only one is slightly lethargic but always has been since he tends to be picked on. I recently introduced them to a new tank with 5 neon tetras and two ottos. The guppies seem to be the only 2 with issues. I’m not sure...
  26. C

    Confusion, is my swordtail a swordtail and is it male or female?

    Hi All, I’m new to this so go easy on me! Last week I bought 3 female swordtails to go with my current male swordtail. Unfortunately 2 died and this is the last one however I am super confused. It has a gonopodium, suggesting it is a male however it doesn’t have a long sword. It’s rather large...
  27. brokenoob!

    Molly not giving Birth after 5.5 weeks?

    Hey everybody! I've had my Molly Pearl for a while now, she gave birth to her first brood (with me anyways) about 2 months ago, delivery was quick and she returned to being a happy little fish! 2-3 Weeks after the first pregnancy I noticed she was getting bigger again--That was 5 1/2 weeks ago...
  28. C

    Guppy emergency! Please help!

    Hello, everyone -- I had four baby guppies in a five-gallon tank -- three males, one female. As they got bigger and the males got more excited, I got a ten-gallon for my female guppy. I moved her into that tank, and I got a second female and put her in as well. I let the tank cycle, tested the...
  29. M

    Please help! Goldfish eye filled with blood. Urgent.

    Hi! I’m in desperate need of help. My goldfish is a telescope fancy. He seemed fine last night. He now has dark/blood filling his eye, not just the pupil but the entire telescope bubble. What happened? Can I treat this? He’s always swimming funny, settling upsetting down and breathing fast...
  30. T

    Help with my cycle

    Hi, I am completely new to this hobby so sorry if I've made some mistakes! I recently purchased a 70L (19 gallon) tank and set it up with some live plants in it. On the advice of my local fish shop I then added 6 cardinal tetras after 4 days, after doing my own research I realise that this was...
  31. S

    In the middle of a cycle

    Hey guys! So I am brand new to all of this! I had some Betta fish when I was younger but honestly was too young to properly take care of them. Durning the quarantine, I decided to buy one. When I did, I set up the tank how most people would think it is okay to set up a Betta tank because this...
  32. jennaalexismiles

    Betta throwing up?? Possibly? HELP!!!

    Hi everyone. After a lot of trial and error I’m finally turning to a fish forum to see if anyone can help me because I haven’t seen anyone with my situation. I added pictures of the “throw up”, my fish and the food he eats. I noticed what looked like maybe throw up, but I haven’t seen him...
  33. J

    HELP OMG!!! renting questions!!

    Hey all! My partner and I rent an apartment in a high rise building in chicago (floor 10). We are allowed to have fish tanks up to 30 gal w insurance. We have insurance of course! The thing is, we have accumulated many fish tanks due to mollies and guppies having babies and us wanting to keep...
  34. Allaboutcichlids

    Help! My fish is ill, any ideas on how to treat it?

    Hi everyone, As you can see from the images my cichlid is very ill. It has been like this for a couple of months now, slowly getting worse and worse over time. As you can see, there are lumps (which are very hard to touch!) all along the fins of the fish and its mouth has swollen which has...
  35. T

    Yellow water

    Can someone please help with why my water is turning yellow? Because of Covid my local pet stores won’t do water quality checks, but I know that the PH is fine bc I have my own PH kit, but I’m worried. Thanks :) jaron
  36. S

    What is going on?

    My goldfish is acting really weird lately I don't know what to do I get it out of the tank he can't swim normally
  37. Geordie Paul

    Ok to move corydoras?

    Hello all again. My 35 gallon has been running for about 10 days now, my plants are starting to grow as well. I've also used conditioner and bio support. I've also had a betta living in here for about a week before I took him out. I was wondering if it would be safe to move my 4 panda corys from...
  38. B

    Sick figure 8 puffers ???

    Ive had 2 figure eight puffers for 2 months now. We did a full clean up and water change a week ago due to an algae build up. we didnt change their filters to save the good bacteria in it. their water has stayed pretty clear ever since but they have been acting strange. They sit at the bottom...
  39. B

    Water levels are all wrong

    Hi. I've started a tropical aquarium for the first time and I've had it running for 2 weeks without fish. I bought a test kit that measures the GH, KH, PH, NO2 and NO3 levels. However they're all wrong The levels are showing they're this.. GH - 180ppm KH - 180ppm PH - 8.0 NO2 - 0.5ppm NO3 -...
  40. Meg0000

    1 rasboras hengeli dissapeared

    Hi when I woke up this morning I had all of my rasboras hengeli and now one is missing. Could my pearl gourami eat one? They only eat tiny food so that would be surprising even tought the rasboras hengeli that I have are small. Yesterday I made a thread about my pearl gourami gasping for air...