
  1. R


    Hey guys, I keep african dwarf frogs for years now and this has never happened. I've been dealing with a bladder snail infestation which I've sorted out pretty well... the numbers have decreased a lot. However, I noticed my ADF was struggling with a small snailI went to go wash my hands (as I...
  2. biofish


    Okay so it looks like he (she?) ate a rock??? Their tummy is very sharp and angular. I have peddles as my substrate. I feed them flakes and a couple days ago I fed them some peas. I was putting a few more new glo fish in when I noticed it and it is NOT RIGHT Is there anything I can do??? Is it...
  3. S

    Free tank and fish to give away!

    Hi everyone, Need some help ASAP if at all possible! Sadly, my Mum passed away earlier this year. She left behind a decent sized tank with a few tetras and other tropical fish. I haven’t lived at home with her for a while but my brother still lived with her, however, he has no intention of...
  4. Anonymous Fox

    Somethings wrong...

    Hai So, one of my grandparents female fancy guppies look not well. She's really skinny and really long. And a chunk of her gill is missing. She's acting fine, but doesn't look like it. The photos are blurry, sorry. Should I move her to a hospital tank? I'd the water parimaters, but the tank is...
  5. P

    Is this ick?

    Hey everyone! We just got our first aquarium! I’ve noticed the gourami is stressed out and had these white spots. It’s ick right? If it is should I be worried about knocking out my cycle when I treat? How should I avoid an ammonia spike ?
  6. J

    Red claw crab one white eye

    Hello everyone, I have 2 red claw crabs, one male and one female, they’ve both molted recently, the female molted today, however it seems after the female molted the male attacked her, when I found them, she had one missing leg and one claw missing, he was eating her claw, I had put food in...
  7. C

    Is my Betta ok?

    I’ve had my Betta about a month now and today I spotted this white/grey stuff on his tail. Is this a sign of disease? Or has he just got something stuck on there? His behaviour has not changed, he is still swimming around, eating and coming to the front of his tank to be sociable. He has a...
  8. D

    Help?! My molly is attacking new fish?

    So I have over a 20 gallon tank which my Molly shared with a DG. I got new fish which have bright stripes on them so I moved my DG into another tank. After I put these guys in my Molly started attacking them! I even watched him bury in sand until one would pass by!! I took my Molly pit...
  9. F

    Snail eggs?? Should I be concerned?

    Hey y’all! I’m Jon, and I’m new to the fish scene. Ive had all of my fish for 3 months now. They all get along well, and all are thriving. I was cleaning my tank today and I found this right above the surface, hanging from the middle part. I have a 55 gallon tank and here are my fish: 1 red...
  10. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Hello everyone! My tank is finally completely stocked and I have some questions about my p.h. I will be testing it again later tonight but recently it has lived in the 7.2-7.4 range. I need to have it somewhere closer to 7.0-7.2 in order for it to suit most of my inhabitants. My Stock: 40.3 g 1...
  11. J

    Red claw crab help

    Hi! I recently, maybe a month ago got 3 red claw crabs, recently one has died but the other two are doing great, however they both have this white chalky outline on them, I thought at first they were just gonna molt but they haven’t yet, they weren’t like this when I got them, they’re currently...
  12. Josh_Martin395

    Betta Acting Strange

    Hey this is my first post. I need some help with one of my new Bettas. Issue: He stays at the top of the tank constantly. 1. I over-fed him when I first got him and now the tank smells like garbage and the water has a yellow tint with particles in it. 2. Recently added new decorations and...
  13. April_ht

    Dead platy fish

    I used to have 9 platies (or platy) in a 70 litre tank with 2 Chinese Algae Eaters, sold as ‘Sucking catfish’. The two catfish and 4 of the platies were rehomed as there were too many males, leaving me with 3 females and 1 male. Soon after, I bought 6 (Golden) White Cloud Mountain Minnows as it...
  14. A

    Betta Slime coat/receding fin

    Hi! I've had a betta fish for a few months now, and with every water change his fin recedes and has long tears along it. Initially I was told it was most likely fin rot, and I tried using bettafix and trisulfur tablets which helped a little, but would never cure his tail leaving it as bad as it...
  15. BibsyBobsy

    Guppy’s stomach ruptured through his skin, what happened?!

    Please can someone help, my guppy is around three months old. He was born to one of my female guppies so I had him since birth. These last few days I noticed he was staying by himself and not interacting with the other fish. I also noticed he has a swollen belly so I wondered if he was...
  16. abegonzalez0221

    Gourami Tumor?

    Hey I need some help, I just looked at one of my sparkling gouramis and she (or he) has this giant whiteish yellow bulge sticking out of her side. Is it a tumor? Did she accidentally burn herself on the heater or something? Any advice or anything in general would help.
  17. E


    A few months back I had white little beads appear on my driftwood, I took it out and it now won’t stop growing around the tank, on ornaments and my live plants. Please can someone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it! Thanks!
  18. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  19. tubeteeth

    I need help. Huge ammonia spike, won't go down.

    I have been trying to cycle this 10gal tank for 4 months now. I put in fish food once, and it had a massive ammonia spike over the chart reading and it won't go down. I've been doing daily 50% water changes for a month now and there is no change. Algae is growing, my plants are doing fine, but...
  20. primsloaches16

    HELP PLEASE!!!!! Angelfish declining, ick or columnaris???

    Hey yall. I've had two angelfish for about 4 months now, and recently one of them has been declining in health and acting strangely. She is the smaller of the two (they are a mated pair). She used to be super active and stay close to the male, but lately she has been very lethargic and wont eat...
  21. jessicarf00

    betta pacing & breathing heavily

    i got my very first betta, harry, two weeks ago today. today i did his first water change and took out about half of the water and replaced it with conditioned water (tried to keep it about 80 degrees.) i didn’t notice him doing this immediately after the change, but recently he’s being darting...
  22. M


    My clown fish are looking kinda weird i need help! I have them for some weeks but now they look like they have e embossed skin?( You can see some white spots too, idk if its just the light) And are losing some colour on the top, they're getting kinda dark and one of them looks kinda on the same...
  23. Dopatri

    HELP! My Betta is close to death!

    UPDATE: Unfortunately my fish passed away shortly after posting this. I did however take some gorgeous shots of her scales. I’m absolutely in awe of the photos. They look majestic, at least I can remember her by looking at these photos. I want to share them with you. My female Betta isn’t...
  24. MagicGirl33

    Clown Pleco Won't Come Out!

    I have a clown pleco that is about a year old and I've seen him about five times. He never comes out, not even for food. I leave it but I come back to check on him (I feed him at 9;30 at night) and he's never out and the other fish pick at his food. What do I do? I'm worried he's not eating...
  25. abegonzalez0221

    Is this normal?

    Hi, I recently established a new aquarium, yesterday to he exact. I added a few pieces of drift wood that are yet to sink, but thats not the problem. I’m wondering, I know that bacteria blooms cause cloudy water but is it supposed to be this cloudy? The filter I’m using is from an already...
  26. helena.lovesbettas

    Is this dropsy?

    I quite literally got this fish YESTERDAY. She’s extremely active but she seems like she may have dropsy. Either that or she’s just over weight. Can you guys give me some insight? She’s not pineconing or anything so i’m just a little concerned.
  27. Z

    Please help!!!!

    I have a large panther grouper who has a couple of flat worm-like parasites on his eyes. They are like wavy and only attached on one end. Earlier this year I had a Niger trigger who I had for 2 years and he passed after being completely covered by the same parasites, his fins rotted and he...
  28. quaintrelle

    I'm new to fishkeeping... Can I have some help?

    So I was planning on getting a 10 gal-- I've done some research but I want to verify with other fishkeepers before I buy. Could I get a 10 gal and fill it with a peppered cory, a panda cory, 2 ghost shrimp, 4 guppies, and 5 CPDs? If not, what should I put in there? If there's enough room, could...
  29. S

    Help identify new guy in my tank!

    I bought some live plants to add to my tank (cold water) and I thought I noticed something after putting I’ve plants in. Nothing appears bothered by this guys entrance however as I’m pretty new to fish keeping I wasn’t sure whether best leave it, or remove it. Please help I was wondering if it...
  30. T

    Honey Gourami male or female?

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting so bear with me. I was reading other posts about people with similar issues but I am still unsure of what kind of Gourami I have. I picked up my Gourami for my lfs last week, they said they only had one male and were waiting on getting more. When I...
  31. abegonzalez0221

    Help, what kind of cichlids are these?

    Okay so I work at a pet store and we have these groups of cichlids we randomly got delivered from corporate. I’m the fish guy but I honestly don’t even know what these are, could someone help?
  32. P


    Hey guys i have 3 corydora catfish i have had for a while now and i have never had any issues with them. today when i got home from work i went to feed them and i noticed one was sorta laying on it’s side and wouldn’t move so i tried to pick him up with the net (i honestly wasn’t sure if it was...
  33. D

    Fishless cycle not progressing after 3 months

    I've been trying to cycle my tank for 3 months and I'm not seeing any movement in ammonia, nitrite or nitrates. It's an unplanted tank, I dosed ammonia using Dr. Tim's and used Tetra Safestart about 2 months ago to try and get the cycle kickstarted. The most I saw was an increase in nitrite to...
  34. P

    1-2 gallon planted snail jar questions

    hello, i hate to be a newbie here. but, i grabbed a pickle jar while working fixing kitchen equipment on a service call at a restaurant. my questions were after i put some top soil under the gravel and plant some basic plants such as java fern which i have an exorbitant abundance of, and...
  35. Aquarist2020

    Help!!! Is turbo start lethal for fish?

    The directions say to put turbo start before fish. I did that but can I still place the turbo start with fish inside(problem is i already put some with fish inside and just saw the directions)
  36. K

    Guppy is sick don’t know what to do

    Hey guys! I’ve had my guppies for about half a year and one of them is just lying on the bottom looking weird, he’s been listless for a couple of days and it’s getting worse. He’s just chilling round the back under a log right now so I had to do some sort of fish tank yoga just to get my phone...
  37. Lgoldman

    Platy inactive and breathing heavily

    One of my female platys has been breathing heavily and staying at the bottom of the tank all day. She ate this morning. I moved her to a smaller tank. The small tank only has two platy fry that will go into my bigger tank soon. All of my other fish are fine. I can’t tell if she is pregnant or...
  38. Mistymercer

    TANK WATER help!

    I have a 10gl freshwater aquarium. I use my tap water and treat it with "nutrafin tap water conditioner for bettas) and a filter. I have; 1 betta 1 molly 4 tetras I did a tip test and my GH and KH are both at the max (180 and 240) my PH is 7.5/8!!! I've been cycling the water and treating...
  39. J

    Guppy with lump and red spot, getting worse

    Hi, If anyone could reply that’s great, Me and my partner have had our 6 female guppies since the start of april, they were pregnant at the time and i think this one still is. We added three albino corydoras and some shrimp yesterday and later that evening we noticed one guppy which we think...
  40. D

    911 BETTA HELP

    bavent been able to find my betta since last night, it took about 10 minutes of removing stuff from his tank to find him and he was laying in the gravel on his side not swimming. I took him out of tank so I would could see if he would swim and he didn't move. He's still breathing. Whay can I...