
  1. E

    HELP! How to save fish

    Hello everyone, I have had this Oscar for a couple weeks and he was doing great in the tank. He loves to eat and always comes out when I get close. I saw 2 days ago he had some white spots and I immediately thought it was ich. I was told ich spreads fast so I waited a day to see if it was ich...
  2. C


    Can anyone help me i think my fish has laid eggs, what do i do to get prepared? tia
  3. lina

    Heater problems!!!! help pls

    I checked the temp of my tank and it was a whopping 90 so i stupidly took the heater out and you know what that caused there are visible overheating marks on the heater but no glass breaking or cracks i am just wondering if it is safe to use
  4. PygmyMitch

    Help! Fish stuck!

    My otto is stuck in my filter. the part where the cable is supposed to sit. I only noticed it as i took my filter out the tank to clean the sponges. I tried to get it him/her out but its body is a bit to big. So i have put the filter back in the water to see if it comes out on its own. he/she...
  5. J

    Issues sexing German Blue Rams

    Hey everyone, Just wondering if I can get some help sexing my 2 new rams. I’ve been looking up online how to sex them but one of them I am stuggling with. I think the latter one is a female however the first one appears to have traits of both male and female rams so I’m struggling to identify...
  6. F

    Help please!! - My goldfish has eaten another fish 😭

    Hi, all: My fantail goldfish has eaten an algae eater yesterday evening (we know she is a greedy fish but this is taking it to another level). As you can see, the fish is stuck in its mouth with the tail hanging out. My goldfish is lethargic and idle, staying at the bottom of the tank. I have...
  7. S

    Why is my Tetra Glofish so huge compared to the others.

    My purple glofish is like unnaturally huge compared to the other tankmates. Is she eating too much? I don’t think she’s pregnant…
  8. T

    Amazon Puffers Erratic Swimming

    Hello, I am new to this hobby and have recently been experiencing trouble keeping my three amazon puffers happy and healthy. Recently, my 30-gallon tank with three amazon puffers and 4 neon tetras has been infected with ich a month ago due to a new fish being introduced (without separating it...
  9. D

    White fungus?

    I have a white fungus type thing growing on the plastic, can anyone tell me what it is and how to get rid, I don’t want it to harm my fish. Thanks in advance!
  10. S

    What are these and what can I do with them?

    Hi all, I recently acquired some bits n bobs and amongst these were some Alder cones, some Bonsai shrimp baby food and some unlabelled largish leaves (Photo attached). I hate to throw anything out so I was wondering if I should use these in my tank. My tank is a 330Lish community set up and has...
  11. ella777

    Colder water for guppies?

    I have 5 guppies and they are living in a 70l tank. I have a 200l already set up, with no fish in it. I have done lots of tests and the water is exactly the same as the 70l (uk). The guppies are currently living with 3 rosy barbs (rehoming them soon). I didn't realise rosys were so aggressive...
  12. ella777

    transparent leaves?

    Hi, I recently got two plants from a man selling his tank. He had co2 in his tank but I do not. My leaves have started turning transparent and I dont know what type of plants they are. I dont know what to do with it because its grown rather big and the fish love it. There are dead leaves...
  13. ella777

    Anyone know how to stop breeding?

    Hello! How can I house 6 rosy barbs without them breeding? I already have 1 male and 2 young females and I'm getting 3 more soon. The male has been chasing the females around quite a bit and I don't know if he's trying to breed or make friends. I definitely don't want them breeding. Apparently...
  14. O


    why is there snails in my tank and i never bought any snails make sense. HELP ME PLEASE WHAT THE HECK. AND WORMS
  15. C

    Urgent advise - help!!

    Hi, I have a 70L fresh water tank. I have 2 koris and started with about 6 female guppies and 4 male guppies. I’ve had them for about 7 months and it was going well. They have been procreating and I think I ended up with about 25 guppies or so. I went to my usual fish shop yesterday and they...
  16. J

    Cardinal Dennerli Shrimps Dying?!

    Hello everyone im not new in the shrimps hobby and breeding shrimps i got 3 tanks with neocaridina and 3 tanks with caridina and tigers galaxies tibee amanos almost everything and all is doing fine except caridinals now my problem is that i got a new tank from 2 weeks with cardinal shrimps like...
  17. K

    angelfish enlarged anus

    i have an angelfish super goofy all that i noticed to he had a bump where his butt would be if anyone can help i would love that i’m just a little worried.
  18. O

    Betta fish fins torn to shreds

    I’ve removed all the plants as soon as I noticed. He’ll have to go without for a few hours but i’m going to the pet shop in the morning to get all real plants and return the fake ones. Anything I can do to help him?
  19. O

    PLEASE HELP! (neverminded approval took to long so now my fish died)

    What is causing this? It’s a Dalmatian Molly. Video (Might still be processing)
  20. A


    hey there, so basically I have a 60L tank in my bedroom, it currently has two guppies, 1 molly and 6 neon tetras.. my fav fish, the molly was displaying signs of swim bladder disease and I recently got some treatment from Maidenhead aquatics. I was in a rush and without reading instructions...
  21. Kyshiara

    Panda Corydoras "Choking" (finished, it died :( )

    I have a young panda corydoras, and suddenly it starts swimming around on it's side. I took it out, gave it a salt bath, and now it is in my quarantine tank. I have added a little bit of salt to that tank too. It is sitting upright on the bottom, but when it tries to swim it is very wobbly...
  22. T

    Pre-surgery tank(s) Preparations

    Long story short I will be getting neck and brain surgery, which means I won't be able to do a lot with my aquariums for maybe a month.(I'll have my brother do water changes but not much more.) I was looking for suggestions to help prepare my aquariums for about a month of not-as-good-as-usual...
  23. S

    Need help with Dwarf Gouramis please!!

    I have a large community tank, water parameters are good, just did a partial water change a couple days ago, and most of the fish have been happy, healthy, and active for months. I added 2 black mollys about a week ago, I only quarantined them three days (apparently not long enough) and...
  24. R

    Ick help… new owner needs help

    Hi guys, I am a very new aquarium owner and am relatively nuanced about aquariums. My 29 gallon aquarium has an ick outbreak and I responded by adding doses of ick clear and removing the carbon from the filter. I added air stones and a sponge filter. My mollies and loaches seem to be acting...
  25. Couwu

    Honest opinions on my tank?

    Hello there! So, my tank is a 150litre tank with 1antenae Placo, 1 Mosaik placo, 1male dwarf gourami, 2swordtails and a ton of guppies ( due to reproduction, can't estemate how many, but at least 30+ Inc. Fry) So I only had a big rock in the back which was the antenna placos territory and 5...
  26. A

    help me.. please!

    Hi, I'm relatively new to keeping fish and although I haven't had any problems with establishing my tank (60L) - I've noticed that my filter (Superfish AquaFlow 200) is a bit too strong, and although it comes with a spray bar, it seems to be pushing air through creating lots of bubbles and my...
  27. L

    Why do my fish keep dying

    Hi, I seem to be having an issue with my tank and so far every fish I’ve got has died after a few weeks. I have cycled the tank, checked all levels are ‘good’ and the only issue I can think of is that our water is hard with a PH of 8. I have had two bettas (not at the same time) but after...
  28. N


    My betta has been showing signs of clamped fins starting 3-4 days ago. He's active and eating well but I can't seem to pinpoint the issue. I got him April 8th of this year. GOING TO TREAT WITH PARACLEANSE VERY LETHARGIC AND WHITE POOP-SAME SYMPTOMS OF THE OTHER BETTA WHO DIED *****IMPORTANT TO...
  29. G

    Injured male guppy.

    I have a male betta fish in a 11ish gallon tank and today I bought 2 male guppies to put in there with him, there's plenty of hiding places and live plants so I thought it would be fine but I've come home and one of the 2 has his dorsal fin bitten off (I'm assuming) and his tail is shredded...
  30. Couwu

    Guppies seem afraid of new Tank mates

    EDIT: 30.05.22 So, I am not sure if the tetra has/had lockjaw in the firdt place? Is there perhaps something similar to lockjaw? When we got him, his mouth was wide open and he could only move it a little bit. Now after a week of treatment, isolation and a clean hospital tank, his mouth can...
  31. N

    Betta WHITE POOP?? Help needed

    Hi I have my 2 bettas in a temporary 5gallon tank. I’m going to move them to a ten gallon soon. But my betta seems to have white poop. The water quality is fine as in ammonia=0 Nirite=0 and Nitrate=20. He is a little lethargic. Is it internal parasites? If so, what medication would u guys...
  32. T

    Please help me identify this fish

    I recently got these fish being told they are silver dollars I have asked around and had so many different answers (pacu, red belly piranha and silver dollar) any idea I can’t put them in my tank if they are pacu or piranha
  33. J

    First 10Gal tank and had a couple fish die after only 2 days. Help!

    Hello, My roommate and me are new to all this. My roommate had got a male beta about 7 months ago and set up a 2 Gal tank for it. The ammonia spiked in that set up and ended up killing the beta. We then went and got a 10Gal tank. We let the tank cycle for a bit and after testing the water and...
  34. D

    Keyhole sex?

    I'm trying to figure out the sex lol I know the other one I have is male. I thought they were bonded but then I changed their tank around and switch out plants but since then this one has been in hiding and stressed. I found it buried in the sand under driftwood. I took them both out and...
  35. E

    Harlequin rasbora

    Hi, I feed my harlequin rasbora a few pieces of fish. I thought he was chocking so I checked but he wasn't? What's happening to him? I also feed a few pieces to my betta and his doing alright?Video
  36. Duckquarium

    Betta fish received critical hit

    Hi here’s my scape. I have a betta, 1 bumblebee catfish, 1 panda Cory, 2 kuhli loach, and 5 ghost shrimp. The betta and the lava rocks have coexisted with no issues for almost two weeks now but yesterday I woke up and noticed a large majority of the bettas anal fin was completely destroyed. I...
  37. D

    Keyhole behavior change

    I've had a pair a keyholes for mo this. They normally are always together. Last weekend I redid their tank and added live plant and switched around their driftwood. Since then I barley see one of them or if I do it's just laying low on the gravel behind rocks or In plants. It also looks like her...
  38. D

    Hi, new to a forum, should of did this years ago

    Hi, my names Mike and I've had aquariums for 30 years, 20 to 40 gal, store bought tanks, undergravel to HOB filters. I just started using a fluval 207 canister about 6 months ago. Moved into a new house and I need help. I want to up my game. I have 36.20.20 Inches to put a tank, I wanted acrylic...
  39. S

    Black skirt tetra- white scabs(not spots) on head

    Hello!! I’m new here but I joined because I’ve got a sick fish and I have no idea what’s wrong with him. He’s in the family tank (I don’t have any personal fish), and I’ve got mollies(2), zebrafish(3), black skirt tetras(2), Cory(1), pleco(1), and two baby mollies. I’m scared he will infect the...
  40. B

    Black Molly with White on Lips

    Hello! My balloon molly , Mom , has gotten sicks. I would prefer not to cull her if possible as she is my favorite molly and I'm quite attached to her. I will attach an image of her condition; the back of her dorsal fin also looks a little strange. The rest of my fish are healthy. I have a 10...