
  1. C

    Guppy with white fungus

    Hi everybody, I have 5 guppies in a 40 litre heavily planted tank. Sherlock the guppy has a fine layer of white fungus (not sure if it is fungus, its just a guess) around its face (mainly the eyes and mouth). It is white/clear and fluffy looking. I really need help with this just in case it is...
  2. L

    looking for advice on guppy fry.

    this is the first time raising guppy fry i have some that are 9 days old and some that are 3 days old. i would like more information on growth rates when they get their colors etc.. does anyone know of a guppy fry journal or growth/color chart. currently they are receiving 50% water changes...
  3. Vengified

    Black "Scab" on male guppy tail fin?

    As title says, my male guppy has developed a black spot, and I'm not sure how or why, and possibly a second one. I'll enter all pertinent info and include pictures below: Tank size: 10g pH: 8.0 (very hard city water) ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0.12ppm kH: unknown (but I know it's full of...
  4. C

    Poorly guppy. Could it be Tb?

    Help!!! Does anyone know what’s wrong with my guppy? Her spine is extremely disformed (wasn’t when I brought her 5 weeks ago) Been told it could be fish tb? But not sure. Please help! She’s eating and swimming fine.
  5. H

    Need Advice to Acclimate Guppies, Aquaponics

    I am moving 3 guppies (1 make, 2 female) to a larger tank. They are to go from a 5 gallon aquaponic system to a 35 gallon aquaponic system. The 5 gallon system is set to 79 degrees Fahrenheit, has a couple filters with mechanical and established biological filtration, decent aeration, and live...
  6. S

    Urgent help needed! Fish dying...

    Hi, About one week ago, one of my fish (female blue ram) had passed away with little warning along with a new SAE (which was expected as it was new). That is where i thought it would end, but no. Yesterday, whilst doing my daily feed, I noticed one of my swordtails floating lethargically on...
  7. L

    Fish emergency!

    So, I have a 60 gal freshwater tank with guppys, platy's, swordtails and two Rainbows. About a month ago, one of my guppy girls started getting fat, assumed she was pregnant because we do have males in the tank as well. Recently though, she's started getting... blocky? We figured she was close...
  8. S

    Guppy missing an eye?

    Hi, I was watching my fish swim around for a few minutes then noticed my lyretail guppy was missing an eye. When I got him he had both and I don't know what happened. He seems fine, there's no blood or any signs of fighting. Is something wrong with him or will he be okay?? I have a 3.5 gallon...
  9. fishlover22346

    Possible Guppy hybrids?

    Hello all! I would like to figure some things out involving these weird Guppy hybrids I caught in a pond. My first question is there any chance, even the slightest chance of a platy or mosquitofish hybridizing with a guppy? if so, do you have any pictures? The pond I got these hybrids from only...
  10. fishlover22346

    can anyone ID these fish?

    I adopted thes little guys someone’s pond, I thought they were Molly’s but now that I look at them they look a little different. this pond also had guppies and mosquito fish in it, could they be a hybrid? sorry if they look a little unhealthy, the person with the pond was not caring for them...
  11. fishlover22346

    can anyone ID these fish?

    I adopted thes little guys someone’s pond, I thought they were Molly’s but now that I look at them they look a little different. this pond also had guppies and mosquito fish in it, could they be a hybrid? sorry if they look a little unhealthy, the person with the pond was not caring for them...
  12. D

    What is this fish?

    Hi, I got some Endler fries from LFS a few weeks ago. There are two fish among them which I'm curious about their type. They are small and the same size of the Endler fish, I have attached the pictures.
  13. A

    whitish swelling on one side of guppy

    I recently noticed today that one of my female guppies had a sort of whitish bump on one side of her. She still eats during feeding, and acts fine, but the bump really worries me. Does anyone know what disease this is? And how i should treat it? ammonia = 0 ppm I don't have a test kit for...
  14. P

    Disease identification help

    Hey there! I have this tank with guppies and a few Cardinal Tetras (shown above). Just recently, some of the guppies (mostly female) were dying (showing signs of fin decay), and I have no idea how to fix that (I researched online with no good results). In this post, I would like to focus on one...
  15. N

    New guppies, babies already?

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum so please forgive me if this is in the wrong category. I just bought 6 guppies, 4 females and 2 males, around 5 hours ago. Within an hour of releasing them into the tank, I have found 4 fry. I was planning on eventually breeding them so the fry isn't an issue...
  16. G

    How far along is my guppy?

    Hello, I got this female about 2 weeks now(I cannot recall whether she was pregnant when I got her). I know there are many posts about this but I'm just having trouble identifying whether she is squared off or not. I am also pretty positive I can see the fry's eyes in the first pic. If anyone...
  17. BettaPonic

    My tanks.

    The first two pics are of my thirty eight gallon. I have a few Guppies and Assassin Snails. I am storing some Least Killifish in the breeder net. I keep it in the mid eighties. The tank is cycled despite only being up for two weeks. I am hoping the plants grow in more. I really want the Amazon...
  18. BettaPonic

    38 gallon setup.

    This tank is about a week old. I took the amazon sword from another tank. I added a few female Guppies from the same tank along with some assassin snails. I am hoping for the plants to grow in more. I am going to let the Guppies populate the tank. I thought I would share.
  19. BettaPonic

    poecilia obscura?

    I was reading up on this fish and it seems that it is just a guppy? Am I missing something? Would they hybridized with Guppies? Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance.
  20. HarpyFishLover

    My very old guppy is pretty sick...

    Over the past month, my old guppy Max has been constantly sick. Last week he had parasites, which I took care of and he recovered from. Today, however, I woke up to half of his tail missing. After looking closer, I found out that the tip is black and between the black and the orange (normal...
  21. C

    Found my guppy nose up in plant and a funny colour help!

    Hey! So I got this guppy for my brother about 3 months ago now and I just found him nose up in a plant dead very sad brother, I got him with 1 other guppy who is fine but when I got him he was acting strange straight away, when I got him he was black then he turned white and this carried on I...
  22. K

    I may have cooked my son's guppies. One dead so far :(

    We bought our 2 year old a tank back in February. He has 5 lovely male guppies and is really enjoying them. The tank has bright led lights in the lid and we get a reasonable amount of algae; we've been told it's b cause if the lights and that a uv steriliser would help. Today I bought what I...
  23. O

    When will my guppy give birth? (Pictures)

    Hi, I'm new to keeping guppies and I'm wondering roughly how long it'll be until my guppy gives birth? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks in advance
  24. BettaPonic

    My Bog Filters

    I have three tanks and use semi aquatic plants in all of them for bonus filteration.
  25. G

    Issues with my guppies and their seaweed

    Hi. I have 3 guppies, all in a 5.5 gallon tank, and no other aquatic animals (I do have three wonderful dogs, though! I keep them far away from the guppies.). My three guppies are named The Narrator, Tobias, and The Baker. All are male. The issues I'm having are that yesterday, I bought the...
  26. alvintayyw

    I Don't know if guppy pregnant or overfed

    I have a community tank, and there are 2 females and like 4 males. I've noticed that especially one of the females has quite a big tummy. So i decide to separate incase. I moved 2 female and 1 male into another tank.
  27. golden_wire_fox

    Sick Guppy

    Hi, I'm new here, but I thought I should make an acount here sence I am starting to get some tropical fish. I've always had betas and goldfish, I was very good with them, they were my little babies, but along the way I got a high fin tetra. Then before I knew it I got 8 fish that is not a beta...
  28. BettaPonic

    Saving my Guppies?

    I have a six year old guppy colony that is not doing well. I have three females left, three or four fry, one or two juveniles, and unlimited males. The females all die young. Their spines curve and they die. They are still breeding. I isolated two of the three females incase make harassment is...
  29. K

    What is this?

    My 1 year old male guppy has a weird lump in his tail. It is pretty big. He doesn't act like it's affecting him at all. He has had the same tank set up for 2 years it's a 20 gallon. They eat a variety of froazen brine shrimp, brine shrimp dry, algae flakes, and fish flakes. Any ideas to what...
  30. V

    Sudden Change In Fish Behavior Overnight

    Hi everyone, So just yesterday my fish were all swimming around happily in my 29 gallon planted tank. I got this tank a while back, cycled it for two to three weeks, and just added the fish two weeks ago. The fish I had were: 6 guppies from my previous tank, which was running for four months...
  31. S

    Possible gill flukes and white spot? :/

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice please because I'm feeling a little out of my depth. I had a 58 litre tank with a couple of Sterbai Cory and a few guppies which exploded on the guppy population. I upgraded them to a 125 litre around the start of December last year and cycled the tank...
  32. thrujenseyes

    really odd question regarding a glutton and hair grass

    Some of you may know that I have a guppy that is such a glutton that I'm always having issues with him. Obviously he was missing in line when the fish gods handed out brains. Anyway...his recent (about two weeks) is picking at the dwarf hair grass until a piece comes loose (or sometimes there...
  33. K

    Pregnant guppy!!!!

    I recently bought 3 female guppies and one of them is pregnant and ready to give birth but she's in my community 54l tank and not in the 20l tank I set up due to wanting to run it for a good few days. She looks ready to go into labour any time soon but my question is would it be too stressful to...
  34. K

    Guppy swimming abnormally :(

    I have a 54l tank that was set up on the 23rd of November and I got two male guppies just over two weeks of it being set up. As soon as I added them in the ammonia spiked to 1 and I'm unsure whether it is still at 1 as my ammonia test strips aren't clear with what colour it is. I have a feeling...
  35. thrujenseyes

    Help with medication

    My male guppy has been very bloated for almost a week. (Picture 1) Wasn't sure of the cause so I did a few Epsom salt baths with no resolve. Hadn't eaten or pooped in days and looked like he was going to pop. I quarantined in bowl and treated with smaller doses of Epsom salt and changed...
  36. thrujenseyes

    What to do with bloated male guppy

    This is what happens when I try to ensure that my otocinclus' get fed. This piggy (and his four endler friends) gorge themselves and now this guy seems in a pickle. Seems he can't poop. The only way I can make sure my ottos get fed is to distract the fish with a small piece of algae wafer or...
  37. E

    Pregnant Guppies - How Long?

    Hello Everyone, I am quite new to fishkeeping, but after cycling my tank , introducing guppies and shrimp, all seems to be going well. I now have 4 males, 8 females and 2 shrimp in my tank. When i brought the first lot of fish (2 males, 4 females), 3 of these females seemed to be pregnant ( I...
  38. S

    Will Corydoras Consume Fry?

    Hey Guys, I've recently bought two pairs of leopard endlers in the aims of starting a nice colony, however I am wondering whether corydoras pose a threat to newborn fry? As from what I gather from research is that some say they do and some say they do not. Thanks for the help!
  39. H

    New Tank Mate(S)?

    As I type this one of my beloved guppies is dying. I bought the poor guy and an adult and he was in pretty rough shape. I'm surprised he made it 8 months in my tank.   My plan right now is to fill his place with another male guppy, but I was wondering if there would be any other good tank mates...
  40. HollyHoneysett

    Newborn Guppys

    Wow! My female gave birth to maybe 20 babies, just two seconds after I saw one pop out of its mum,my betta swam up and ate it! He's now in timeout (breeding box) until the babies have grown bigger, Ever since he's stopped continuously hunting for them, them have confidently explored the tank...