
  1. S

    Baby guppies staying at top of tank

    Hi all, in my 54 litre tank I currently have 6 zebra danios, 3 amano shrimps and 4 guppies (three of which are babies - around 3 months old) and the tank has been cycled for around 10 months now. The readings from the tank are: 0.25 ammonia (can never get it below this), 0 nitrite and around...
  2. L

    Pregnant guppy, how long left?

    My guppy is pregnant but I have no idea how far any help app
  3. J

    pls let my guppies be pregnant

    Hi! My partner and I are really struggling to determine which guppies are female and which are male. I know about the gravid spot, male gonopogulum (sorry I don’t know how to spell it), and such but I feel like I’m loosing my mind. I have some guppies I would like to make sure are pregnant and...
  4. F

    Help identifying male guppies

    Hello, I’m unsure if these red tuxedo x guppies are male, they’re a few months old but exhibit signs of both sex: As you can see they have stripes on their body and what looks like gonopodiums that they move around (left, right, tucked) as they swim. It’s also hard to see the gravid spot because...
  5. C

    Guppy Dieing

    Hi So I have a 105 litre tank, in it is the following 3 neons (less than there should be but I currently can't change that given lockdown) 1 adult female molly 6 molly fry (around 3 months old) 1 guppy My issue is the guppy has come oddly docile, barely moving and barely swimming. I found...
  6. Irksome

    does columnaris have to be introduced?

    Hello. I was asking earlier about red fin rot. It was a small patch this afternoon and now it is much worse. Half his tail is down to the rays in the space of a few hours. I suspect a bacterial infection. He was quite badly injured and nothing new has been added to the tank, could it be...
  7. Irksome

    Can fin rot be red?

    Hello. My guppy sustained a bad tail injury during cleaning last week and I have been keeping close eye on him since for fin rot. It appears he may have a little but it is bright red. Is this something worse than fin rot? I have not seen red on torn fins before.
  8. J

    Guppy humped back

    Hi all. Had 6 dragon tail guppies about a month (all male) - I've noticed one guppy has a curved back, didn't eat this morning and been swimming down the bottom of the tank looking very stressed. I'm very much assuming this isn't good, and having a quick research perhaps fish TB? - which is...
  9. C

    Filter Question

    Hi, I have a 105L tank, long. The filter on it is a 1000EF all pond solutions one that, according to the website has a flow rate of 1000 litres per hour. I was just wondering if this is too strong? The flow coming out of it is pretty hefty but it has been running for a good couple of months...
  10. X

    Do my guppies look unhealthy?

    Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole hobby and am still trying to learn the ropes. I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies (now 5) , 1 panda platy and 2 stripped catfish. (I plan on upgrading to a bigger tank in a month). And I recently had one guppie die due To what I think was fin rot, the...
  11. S

    Female guppy pregnant or just fat

    Hi guys, new here not sure if I’m doing this right but I think my guppy fish is pregnant because she recently got huge but doesn’t have much of the black near her tail... I just put her in a separate tank (it’s a vase that’s all I had On hand) and she is kind of freaking out I’m not sure if i...
  12. N

    Pregnant guppy

    Ok, IM a new fish owner and I bought a pregnant guppy and I was just worried for her so I separated all the males and females . But I still want to know when she’s due. She doesn’t eat as much any more and I tried separate her from the other fish in her own tank and she just stayed toward the...
  13. C

    Adding New Fish with Fry

    Hi, So I have a 105L tank stocked with 1x Guppy 1x Molly and 3x Tetra (not enough I know I plan on getting more) i also have 6x Molly Fry thanks to the Molly giving birth two days after i got it The fry are big enough now and swim around the tank without being hassled (about 2/3 the size of...
  14. Irksome

    can this guppy survive?

    Is there and hope he may yet survive? He swims normally, and eats but he doesn’t look very well.
  15. Irksome

    Second guppy prolapsed in one week

    last week my weakest guppy prolapsed and was so skinny and weak I euthanised him. Today one of my most vigorous guppies has the same, it got progressively worse but he was acting normal. Until I fed the fish and he near enough exploded. I’m finding guppy keeping quite distressing at the moment...
  16. Phishphace

    Fin rot, I think not?

    I'm not sure what's going on with my guppy tank. The parameters are perfect: no nitrites, nitrates are extremely low, no ammonia, the pH is like 7.5ish, I keep the temperature at 78. I do a water change once a week, it's a 10 gallon I take out 3 gallons and replace it. I use API stress coat plus...
  17. Irksome

    Testing betta tankmates

    I have heard about testing a Bettas temperament to see if they are suitable community fish and I was surprised by the outcome. I had 2 low ranking male guppies(short tailed) in my tank eating the last few detritus worms and added my new betta out of curiosity really to see if he is one of the...
  18. SapphireChaser

    New to the hobby - few questions

    Hello all, I'm new to this hobby though we've always had fish when I was growing up. I wanted to breed guppies and I acquired a lot of items for free or cheap off buy and sell pages. I have a 25 gallon tank, 5.5 gallon tank, small filter, large filter, two heaters and aquarium accessories. I...
  19. T

    Guppy? Endler? Other? Help...!

    So a few months ago I went to a local fish store to pick out a guppy. They had a nice variety of colors and patterns on males, so i bought one, but didnt notice a tiny "guppy" fry that came along in the bag. A few months later... he's not matching the shape, size, or colors available I have...
  20. Irksome

    Fin rot and lethargic yet again

    I have had this happen a few times recently as some of you have already advised me and I appreciate any help and advice. My toxin levels have finally stabilised and my overly ambitious stock reduced to a more sustainable level, (7 male guppies in 10 gallons), I’ve added many more plants -...
  21. R

    Pregnant guppy?!

    Hi all I’m new to raising fish (2 months maybe?) I was very specific about getting males but turns out the store clerk sold me females (should’ve done a google search one male and female guppy’s ‍♀️) No big deal, mal and Jayne are female so thank god their names were gender neutral however I...
  22. K

    Sick? Guppies with shrimp HELP

    Hi all, I have a number of guppies in a 55lt tank with some blue diamond shrimp. Majority of my creatures seem happy enough to be breeding and active but one of my guppy fry has started having white stringy poos which leads me to believe she has a parasitic infection. I know cure all or...
  23. Irksome

    Skinny guppy, still deteriorating after months

    I’m quite new to the hobby. I have a 54ltr cycled tank with 8 male guppies and snails. A couple of months ago I lost 2 fish to an ammonia spike and a third survived but with massive loss of tail. He has been getting thinner ever since, still eats and swims but compared to his companions he is...
  24. G

    Pregnant Guppy?!

    Hi everyone. So, I recently got 6 yellow cobra guppies about a week ago and I think one of them is pregnant. Her stomach is bigger than my other female and she’s starting to get a black spot on towards the back side of her stomach. I’m not completely positive it’s a gravid spot though. Does...
  25. F

    Stocking 105L/27 Gallon Tank

    Hi, I have a planted tank that’s in the process of cycling so while I wait I’d like to know how many of each type of fish I can have in my aquarium. Please let me know how to adjust my numbers so that everyone has room and the bioload isn’t exceeded. I have the tetra ‘starter line’ 105L/27...
  26. I

    HELP PLEASE My guppy is going to die

    There is something wrong with my female guppy. When I woke up this morning, she had a bent spine and was having a hard time swimming. She was very gaunt and has loss of color. I took her out of the main tank and put her in a plastic bin with warm water and water conditioner. Her spine was really...
  27. Jennifer Gonzales

    Pregnant guppy

    Think she might be just a little bit pregnant lol I feel so bad for her! She dropped fry on 11/23/19 and today is only 12/11/19 so she’s only like 1/2 way through gestation, and looks like she’s going to literally burst!
  28. C

    Split tail, resulting in dying guppy

    We have 1 male and 3 female guppies in a newly set up tank, one of the females gave birth to 5 fry a week ago and two days ago we notice her tail had split and it only got larger, she started sitting on the tank floor and hiding away then today when we came home she had died :( the other three...
  29. Geordie Paul

    Why is my male guppy so fat?

    I've had this guy for about 8 months now and lately he just has been getting so fat. He eats micro pellets or flakes once a day and also nibbles on algae wafers on the bottom. He doesn't behave sick or injured. My water parameters are fine and I always do weekly water changes. Is this normal or...
  30. HalfTailedOwner

    New Guppy Suddenly Pooping Stringy Poop

    I've noticed that the guppy I got a few days ago is pooping what appears to be stringy poop. Apparently this isn't a good sign in the tank; I checked the tank and everything is still normal: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 40 ppm... It's oxygenated with both an airstone and the filter, but I haven't...
  31. L

    Baby Guppies : pregnant guppy

    I have three female guppies, two look pregnant how can I tell which one is giving birth? We found one baby guppy in the tank and wondering also about how long will be between the birth of each guppy ?? Thanks !! Lowri
  32. E

    Help! Guppy is swimming vertically, has become bent, and is missing part of his tail!

    Hi, I'm new here. We have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies, 3 Mexican dwarf crayfish, and three racer snails. Last week ,all fish were healthy. A few days ago, I noticed that one guppy was swimming a little funny and he was slightly curved to one side, like a C if you were looking down from the...
  33. Ingrid

    Is my guppy ill and if so what should I do ?

    Is my guppy ill ? It has had this white stuff (see picture ) dangling from him for about 3 days . Our tank has readings of nitrite 0.5 , ammonia less than 0.02 , our ph is 6.8 and our tank temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. We do water changes twice a week . If it has an illness can you please...
  34. Ingrid

    Is my tank all right ?

    We have a 60 litre tank . In it we have 6 guppies, 5 platties , 2 dwarf neon rainbowfish and 3 cherry shrimps. it is well planted and has driftwood. Should we tanke any thing out or put something in or is it fully stock . Thanks for all answers
  35. A

    HELP! Guppy has strange tumor(?) under belly

    Heyy, I'm new here. I would like you guys to share your opinion on the condition of this little guy. Just got him from LFS and just realise it got that lump-ish thing right at the centre of the belly. I know for sure it's not poop bcs I'm pretty sure that's not the anus of the fish. Any help...
  36. L

    Pregnant Endlers

    Hi all I was wondering if I could get some advice, just recently obtained a couple of pregnant endler/guppys just a few days ago, they look fairly along at this point, getting a boxy shape and gravid spot is pretty dark, but being novice at this I'm not sure when to put them into the birth tank...
  37. H

    something is wrong with my aquarium plz help

    Hi everyone! So I am pretty new to the whole aquarium thing. I was given a 10 Gallon one as a gift. When I got it, there were 5 platyfish in there. All happy and cool. Shortly after, one of them died, but the rest were doing completely fine. I let the tank sit for 2 weeks before adding 4 more...
  38. L

    Make or Female Guppy?

    Hi, apologies for what is very likely a silly question, I’m quite new to owning fish, I currently have a tank with 1 Loricariidae catfish, 3 neon tetras and 5 guppies. One of my guppies has grown quite a lot, and appears to be pregnant, I have done a little bit of research and the symptoms...
  39. BettaGirl_666

    Betta Constipation? Age?

    So, I just got a new betta and a guppy from my friend, setting up a tank for them, and I saw that they both were a bit chubby. I am extremely new to fish keeping, so I was wondering if they are constipated? And what their ages are, if you can guess.
  40. wolfgirlj

    New Female Platy is Hiding, is it Because of My Guppy?

    Tank is 20 gallon 1 dwarf gourami 2 mystery snails 6 neon tetras 1 female guppy 1 female platy (added two days ago) The last water change was the day before I got the platy, and water conditions matched the store conditions. The platy has seemed a little on edge since added, but not darting...