
  1. L

    Male Guppy With Fin Rot And Camallanus Worms Possibly!?!

    Hi, I'm really worried. My guppy that I've had for about 4 months in a 10 gallon with 4 other male guppies and nothing else is acting strange. I moved two guppies that had been in their own 5 gallon tank for 2 months over to my 10 gallon about 2-3 weeks ago. My guppy had a rocky relationship...
  2. ChancesMama

    Is This Tank Okay For Live Bearing?

    Hello everyone, I've been preparing for my blue Fancy guppy I bought from Pet Quarters to give birth (she was pregnant when I bought her). And today while she (Fionna) was in the breeder trap, I noticed that my Orange female (yet to be named) was boxed off. I'd never seen a boxed off guppy in...
  3. M

    Raised Scales On Guppy Tail

    hi please assist me in getting a correct diagnosis and treatment for my guppy. i appreciate raised scales means dropsy, but could it be mechanical damage/bruising? his dorsal fin has split away from his body and is constantly draping against his caudel peduncle. it has been that way since just...
  4. JenLo

    Suspected Fish Tb- Help!

    I posted about a month ago after a platy suddenly got ill. It's back was bent and after a few days it died. Well I hadn't noticed any other problems - until now. One of my guppies I noticed has suddenly lost a large part of its tail. I've changed the water and treated the tank with melafix. But...
  5. B

    Would This Work Out?

    I have a 30 gallon that is going to be redone.  I read up on some of your guy's ideas and have kind of put together another possibility.   I would want a betta, hopefully I can get a female betta, male if I have to 4-7 neon tetras a few breeds of livebearers, probably mollies, guppies, and...
  6. J

    Guppy Apocalypse

    I'm a new member, so I'm very sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section. About 2 months ago I had around ten guppies in a 35 litre marina then slowly one by one they started disappearing. I'm afraid my tank wasn't in the best condition, but lately three have died in the last month or two...
  7. E

    Guppy Female Stomach Ripped Open. Fry Hanging Out. What Now?

    I need help on what to do now. I found my female guppy hanging at the top of the aquarium with all her fry hanging out and her stomach open. Do I euthanize her? Do I save her fry somehow? Can she heal from this?   Has anyone ever had this before and does someone know what happened?    
  8. B


    Hey! So another new tank idea I had was hybrid fish!!! I have bred guppies for about 3 years now, I have tried breeding balloon mollies but can't get fry because the male is so fat he can't breed right.  But I do have a pretty good knowledge of livebearers.  Lots is just from watching my fish...
  9. J

    When Will Guppy Give Birth!

    Hi there,    I bought a female guppy about 4 weeks ago and she was preggers from the day she came home. Sheis now huge (ill show pic) and I am getting very anxious on the arrival of the fry. She just got her boxy look last night and is pooping sort of this hair like white stuff, is this normal...
  10. B

    Female All Red Delta Guppy Fry

    Hi guys just a quick one. Got some new stock about 6 months ago including a trio of all red big tailed guppies, v nice. Now ive let em too it 2 times now (the trio is young less than a year old) and ive got 2 batchs of fry about 50 in total. They are 4 weeks and 8 weeks old respec.   Now my...
  11. ChancesMama

    What Should I Do Whith My Fancy Guppies While I'm Not Home?

    Hello all! My Thanksgiving vacation starts tomorrow/tonight and I will be leaving town early tomorrow morning. I am happy to say that I have finally gotten my tank cycled and I added 4 male guppies in last week! Now my problem is that I do not have an automatic feeder (I do plan to get one...
  12. E

    Guppies Dying Weekly, What Disease Is This?

    Hi everyone,   I'm just desperate for some help. I have a 60 liter guppy tank. Right now I have about seven adult guppies and some older fry. Slowly, about every week or two weeks one of my guppies dies the exact same way. It's only been females. They start looking very thin and emaciated, they...
  13. Julianmiles123

    Female Guppy Help

    I bought 6 females from my local pet store hoping too breed them with my two males an when I got home I noticed a baby in the bag so I figured one of them where having baby's but later saw that they all have what looks like a gravid spot I canst really tell cause they are all dark at the tail...
  14. D

    Help! I Have A Sick Fish And Don't Know What To Do!

    I have a 25 gallon freshwater fish tank. I woke up this morning turned on the light and went bathroom just like every morning. Then after I used the bathroom I can back and fed them like usual. Then I started watching them and one of my guppies at first was laying on the bottom not coming to get...
  15. Deepatlantis

    Guppy Stuck On Her Side, Help!

    Hi, my guppy Charlotte gave birth two days ago and this morning she's floating on the top on her side, struggling to straighten up. I did notice she had stringy poo yesterday and treated the tank for internal bacteria as I had lost another female guppy last week to the same (but she never went...
  16. J

    Guppy Swimming Head Below

    Hi everyone,   This my first post to this forum, I bought a small 5 gallon aquarium a few months ago and I wanted more so now I have a bigger 55 gallons. Water parameters are OK, both aquariums are cycled and water change around once a week for about 30%.   In my 5 gallon, I keep only 1 pregnant...
  17. W

    Stocking 20G High Tank

    I am getting a 20 gallon tank tomorrow. I am planning on the fish I would stock it with and how I would cycle it?   My current plan for fish is: 2 Dwarf Gourami's 3 Guppies 4 Albino Cory Catfish 5 Silver Hatchet fish I ran this through and it sad 99% stocking capacity.   I was...
  18. C

    Female Guppy Not Swimming And Is Vertical On The Surface

    Request Help Please!!! I can't seem to find any information on this in the existing forum posts.  Tank size: 10 gallons or 38 Liters pH: 7.3 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 15ppm kH: don't know gH: don't know tank temp: 25.5 Celsius Fish Symptoms (include full description including...
  19. SJKS

    Fish Swimming Tail Down

    Hey guys, I have a yellow guppy that is swimming with it's tail very low down and seems to sink a lot. It also seems to gave gone a bit paler in colour (it was yellow and pearly and now just very pale). The guppy's tail also seems to be very tatty recently (as does the other yellow guppy, but he...
  20. helterskelter

    British Livebearer Association Convention And Guppy Show

    Anyone going. I'm there Sunday, 7 hour round trip and well worth it.   10-13th October 2013 Best Western Naseby Hotel Sheep Street Kettering Northants NN16 0AN  
  21. A

    White Cottony Stuff

    I just purchased a female guppy two days ago from our LPS, I had noticed she was a little weird looking a few hours after releasing her into the tank. She's got his white cottony stuff almost looks like its eating her skin between her top fin and tail fin. I took a picture, not very good, but...
  22. BelldandyShanny

    Baby Gupsters

    I just got a small batch of baby guppies born, only about 10 maybe 8,  most of them though look like they were born too soon, really big egg sacks still on them, with a pulsing vein in them. Even one just egg on the bottom of the breeder.  What are their chances of survival? Should I wait a...
  23. Deepatlantis

    Fin Nipping Female Guppy...advice Needed

    I need some advice, one of my female guppies is due her first brood of fry some time next week. Today she started badly nipping the tail of my male guppy. She had been bullying him quite a lot, but when it turned to nipping I wasn't happy. I tried moving her into my smaller tank that has fry in...
  24. PrincessKiara

    How To Clean Ramshorn Snail And Elodea? Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sal

    Hello! I was poking around the 'Web and came up with a few solutions for disinfecting my tank, but since I really don't want to kill my guppy fry, I will try them all. Today I filled the tank with warm water and loads of table salt. Tomorrow, I'll drain and rinse it, then wipe it with vinegar...
  25. Deepatlantis

    When Do Guppy Fry Reach Breeding Age?

    Hi, I've tried searching the forum but can't find the answer, I apologise if I've overlooked it. Can anyone tell me at what age to separate my guppy fry boys and girls? I'm planning on keeping any really nice ones, but most are going off to my LFS and I don't want the girls to all be knocked up...
  26. Deepatlantis

    Please Drop Already!

    I have a guppy who is heavily pregnant. I've had her three weeks and I guessed she was about two weeks pregnant when I got her. She's been squared off since last Weds and last night she was guarding the area under the bridge so I thought she might drop, but this morning still nothing. I'm...
  27. Liv15

    Is Guppy Fry Sufficient Live Food?

    So I have 4 male guppies in my tank and I was thinking that I could get a few females which would then breed and have babies. I would leave them in the community tank to do this because I thought it would be a good way of providing live food for the other fish? So will this work and would the...
  28. MrsEspoNYC7

    Lots Of Questions.... Region Specific Plants

    hi I am totally new at this plant thing except for the anacharis and marimo moss ball I have plopped in my tank, this is my setup now which I used to like but now looks kinda cheesy since I started seeing natural aquascapes. I am totally redoing my tank and going with the natural look but now I...
  29. Ny82

    How To Tell If Your Guppy/molly/platy Or Swordtail Is Pregnant.

    Hi everyone, one of the most common questions asked is "is my guppy/platy/molly/swordtail pregnant" In this thread I will attempt to explain very simply how to tell she is pregnant and how to estimate how far along she is with the aid of pictures, week by week. I will be using guppies as the...
  30. Deepatlantis

    Does Gravid Spot Go Away After Birth?

    Hi, one of my guppies gave birth yesterday but still has a very dark gravid spot, and to be honest still looks pregnant. Does the gravid spot fade and redevelop and if so when does it happen? Or is it possible she was pregnant with two litters and will give birth again in the next few days...
  31. B

    Freshwater Aquarium - Dried Seaweed Query.

    Hi, just a query.   Ive rebuilt an 80l freshwater tank, new substrate but lots of the orignal plants and an oversized hob filter with lots of mature filter media. Been cycling with a 50/50 mix of old tank water (from my 150l tank's water change) and new de-chlor tap water.   I used a load of...
  32. 9

    Guppy Tail Disintegrating

    I bought a new guppy for my tank Sunday, when I opened the bag I noticed it had a huge inflated abdomen and soon began trailing long white poo. I came home from work today and it was just sitting on the bottom if the tank and it's tail had disintegrated! I have no idea what's happening but all...
  33. H

    Will My Guppy Drop Her Fry Soon?

    Hello, my guppy dropped her first batch of fry 24 days ago. From what I've been reading gestation period usually takes 21-28 days and one of the sign she's ready to drop off her fry is that she will have a boxy belly. My guppy looks like she's squared off and left me amused if she's too early...
  34. P

    Compability Advise!

    Hey guys     I have got a 350L tank and I need some advise. I have seen pretty guppies today that I fell in love with! LOL. I would like to get some but of course I love my fish that I already haveso I need to be careful. I have looked on a few websites and some people say YES and others say NO...
  35. LicianDragon

    Guppy Tails Being Torn Up Again!

    I have a 20 gallon planted community tank. Fish include-   3 female guppies 1 male guppy 1 hifin molly 1 red-tiger platy 1 red-tail sand loach 3 julii cory cats 1 hillstream loach   I've had issues with fin tearing before that was attributed to an overstocked tank. The tank is fine now but my...
  36. M

    Incorrectly Sexed Guppies

    Went to the local fish store this morning to pick up some guppies for my 20g long. Asked for 1m2f, but when I got home I realized the guy had messed up and given me 2m1f. Haven't noticed aggression so far, but I'm wondering if you all think its worth it to go back and exchange one of the males...
  37. Jessman

    Fishes Being Attacked And Killed, Help!

    Hi, i went to the lfs yesterday and saw a few female fighting fish, i know they can be kept with other fish unlike the males so i asked the store keeper if they can be kept with platys and guppies and she said yes, so i bought 3 beautiful females. Within an hour of them being in my tank they had...
  38. P

    Guppy Bent Way Over ?

    Hello Just got in From work and found my guppy on the floor of the tank, curved over not moving but still gill movement. Does anybody no whats wrong or solutions to sort it ? Any help would be great, Cheers   Here she is, Yellow with an Orange tint to her tail
  39. TheresaK

    Guppy With Torn Fins

    Hello. I have a ten gallon tank with four male guppies, two female guppies, one pleco, one black ghost knife, two goldfish and two angelfish. I know it's very overcrowded and the species are mixed but I like it that way. Don't tell me that I'm a irresponsible fish keeper or what. Today when I...
  40. G

    Are My Guppies Pregnant?

    I just purchased 1 male and 2 female guppies from the pet shop. They said my guppies aren't pregnant but to me it looks like they are! Can someone tell? And if so what stage are they at? THANKYOU   This is the youtube video of the guppies..   seriously...