
  1. fishiwishes

    Guppy Fry Journal

    Had a few guppy fry born today, and I've got more on the way, so I figured I would start a journal about their lives. I currently have nine newborn fry and three fry that are 2.5 months old. They are all housed in a five gallon tank, along with the newborns' mother who hasn't finished giving...
  2. M

    Nirtite High... Everything Else Is Fine?

    Okay so I'm new to the fish keeping hobby. I have a 29 gallon, a 10 gallon & 5 gallon... go big or go home right? I've had the same problem with all of my tanks. Very high Nitrite and nothing I do seems to fix the problem. PH - 7.5 Amm - 0.25 Nitrite - 5.0ppm Nitrate - 20ppm Heaters in both & I...
  3. H

    55G Aquarium Stocking

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this forum and the hobby itself :fish1:. We recently got a 4ft 55g tank and am currently aquascaping it.    I did a run on an online stocking calculator to check the compatibility and stuff for the fish I wanted. The results are as below, My Tank: 48inch x 14.5inch x 18...
  4. B

    ****experienced Guppy Help****

    Hi, ive got 6 guppy tanks and 5 of them are fine but one (red albinos) are not well. They have been in there for 2 months now, when i bought the two pairs they were 3 months old and one actually dropped a few fry within a week. Now normally id keep them in a ratio of 1:3/4 but the males now of a...
  5. F

    Community Tank Advice.

    Hi I recently bought a 90 litre aquarium and it currently contains 5 Neon Tetra's the amonium and nitrate levels are all 0 and the fish seem lively and happy. I am planning on gradually planning on building up my aquarium to contain 10 Neons, 3-5 Platy's, 3-5 Guppies and 2 Dwarf Loaches. I have...
  6. M

    Breeding Problems

    i have an aqua nursery that i have just put my guppy in whom is giving birth how long do i leave her in the aqua nursery box
  7. M

    Guppy Fry

    Hi i have a pregnant guppy and she has given birth to 9 fry and I am not sure how long it takes until she has finished giving birth. Help
  8. GriffinC18

    Guppy In An Outdoor Tank

    So i placed my female guppy that i believed was pregnant in a 15 gallon tank outside. The temperature was perfect, day and night both....i constantly checked it.  It ended up that the guppy wasn't pregnant even though she looked like an Elephant in the tank compared to the other female. I moved...
  9. GriffinC18

    Midget Guppy

    My guppies have had fry multiple times and i have never had a fry be a midget. The "fry" is now 5-6 months old and has grown a little bit but is still way to small for its age. I got baby black bar endlers and the guppy is only a little bit bigger than the endlers! Anyone know whats wrong with...
  10. GriffinC18

    Endler's And Guppies

    Hey guys, i recently have gotten Endler's livebearers. I already had guppies and was thinking about breeding them. I know the debate about how this is horrible and about keeping the strain of Endler's alive......i should tell you that i found these "Endler's" at a LFS and the two black bar are...
  11. E

    Dead Female Guppy

    My female guppy was lying at the bottom of the the tank this morning. I put her into an isolation tank to see if she would feed but wouldn't. Her spine seemed to be curved, as if her tail was too heavy for her to swim and i noticed a red spot on her body towards her tail. One of my other females...
  12. B


    About 2 weeks ago 2 of my female guppies gave birth.  I only have young guppies and they are finally at breeding age!  Today right before cleaning the tank and replacing evaporated water I saw some weird movement.  Then I saw a guppy fry! After cleaning I saw another one! So it is possible to...
  13. N

    How To Tell If Female Guppy Is Pregnant?

    I currently have female and male guppies in my fish tank, they've all been together in the same tank for about 4 days. When exactly do they start breeding? Do most start at a week after first being put together or days after? If days after, how can you tell if your female(s) are pregnant? I read...
  14. StarfireGraves

    Breeding Question

    Ello,   Im not too new or anything (I don't have years but I know enough to keep my fish alive, happy and healthy) I just have a random question I want to ask;   Can a Guppy and Platy breed? I breed both platys and guppys and I was just wondering because I have always kept them in seperate...
  15. A

    New To Forums

    Hi everyone! I am new to the forums :) I have one tank with 3 adult guppies and 4-5 cherry shrimp and another tank with around 25 guppy fry and some cherry shrimp :) reading those forums has been helpful in the past so I thought I'd join in to annoy everyone with questions in the future hehe!
  16. simonero

    Guppy Fry Tank: Tank Size, Maturation, And Other Questions

    I keep feeder guppies in one of my tanks, which has worked out wonderfully.  I decided it would be fun to do a little genetics experiment and mix my feeder guppies with inexpensive but fancier guppies in my 10gallon snail tank.  So, I moved over a few females and gave them 3 colorful males to...
  17. cocoa007

    Guppies Love Mango

    Hi I thought I would give my guppies a piece of season's first mango they were on it immediately. Here are some pics of guppies nibbling on mango. Please excuse the poor quality of pics.
  18. cocoa007

    My 30L Cube

    Hi Finally I put some artificial plants in my tank and I am uploading pics here. Its still very rudimentary but my fish are happy.   Volume: 30 L Dimensions : 13*13*11" Fauna: 4 Guppies Flora: artificial/plastic   front view       side view:       :)
  19. P

    Bought A Guppy 1 Day Ago Now Shes Popping Out Fries Help!

    So i bought a female guppy one day ago and i was just watching my fish when a fry popped out. Unfortunately one of my neon got to it, however i don't have a hatchery and i cant sit and watch all the fish get eaten. Any help would be appreciated on how to make a make shift hatchery until tomorrow...
  20. H

    Identify Guppies :)

    hey every one can you plz help me identify what kind of guppies do i have here ? this is the 7 th and latest generation i had in my tank .. they are so much different from what i started with and i dont really know that much about guppy types  here is some pics .. plz enjoy it  
  21. cocoa007

    2 New Guppy Juveniles

    I got two new Guppies. They are juveniles so yet to get their complete colors. They are dingi grey on top but otherwise I think they are pretty    
  22. GuppyGirl20

    Guppy Being Weird!

    I have a five gallon tank with three male guppies and a snail in it. I did a water change yesterday and I put a new filter in two days ago but I left the old filter on top of the new one so some of the bacteria could transfer before I throw out the old one. Today my yellow guppy (Snicket)...
  23. GuppyGirl20

    Guppy Advice

    I have a five gallon tank with three male guppies and snail currently residing in my quaint little tank. I got all males because the guys at the LFS said it would be okay but I didn't know at the time that males were even aggressive (I have always been told that guppies are docile). I was...
  24. LyraGuppi

    Will It Ever Go Away?!

    Okay, here we go.   It all started with my Platy, about two months ago. She was very lethargic and bloated, some slight pineconing. I Q tanked her for quite some time, until she finally pooed and was swimming a tad bit more. I put her back into my community tank and she was fine for a while...
  25. tonjelunde

    Hiding Guppy?

    So, my male guppy has been hiding under my rock cave thing for about 1-2 hours. I have had him for about 7 months and him and his guppy friend have always been the most healthy (at least I think so) and active ones, always swimming around. I did a 25% water change yesterday, which they usually...
  26. W

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    I have been keeping fish for just 1 month and am very new to it all! Can anyone with more experience tell me if/how heavily pregnant my pictured female guppy is? Any idea how long I have until the fry are be born etc? Any help would be grately appreciated!
  27. momof6

    Pregnant Guppy Wont Eat!

    My pregnant guppy who i about 6 weeks pregnant is sitting on the bottom of the tank mostly and won't eat, what could be the possible causes of this.    Here are my specs:    10 Gallon tank    2 guppies - both female   Levels done using the master API test are as follows:   Ammonia : 0  Nitrate...
  28. momof6

    Help I Think Its Ich

    Hi ok, I have had this tank for about a month and some days not. Here are the specs and readings NOW, it was not always like this I used to have ammonia issues:   Ammonia 0 pH 7.6 Nitrate 10 Nitrite o  Chlorine 0    Ok so I just go the tank to where it looks like it is cycling now , I was doing...
  29. K

    Live-Bearers Only

    I'm looking to stock my 29 gallon with live-bearers only. I used a site that calculates your filtration and stock that I can't mention here for some reason and saw that I can have 10 Guppies, 10 Endlers, 5 Julii Corys, 5 Otocinclus, and 6 Cherry Shrimp. It says my filtration is 134% and my...
  30. FurFinFeathers

    Sick Guppy?

    This morning I woke up and went to feed my 20 gal high tropical aquarium when I noticed my male fancy guppy, who had been completely fine yesterday, wad laying at the bottom of the tank. I see nothing visibly new with him. He seems completely, one hundred percent healthy except for the fact that...
  31. G

    Breeding Guppies

    hi guys i am thinking on entering a show in my town for fancy guppie,endlers, basicaly anything thats not your basic guppy but the rules are    entered fish must have been bred and rared by the person entering    so i am going to breed endlers i have a ten gallon for the fry and all the...
  32. momof6

    Pregnant Guppy Female Is Aggressive

    Ok so I have had these guppies for over a week now.    I have 2 female guppies both pregnant it looks like.    My tank is 10 gallons    I tested the water and all my parameters look normal except the ammonia spiked to 0.25 so I have added some prime and been doing water changes daily.    The...
  33. JenLo

    First Guppies, Then Tetras Now Danios... Whole Tank Slowly Dying

    The numbers of fish in my tank have depleted by half in the last 2 weeks. It all began when I introduced 4 new guppies and 2 new platies Two guppies and 1 platy dies within 48 hours Two more shortly after Since then I have lost 2 cardinal tetras and 2 danios... There's not much left :( I...
  34. C

    Yellow Guppy With Dissapearing Tail

    My male yellow guppy is apparently changing its tail color. When I bought it there was no discoloration at all, but now black spots are appering on its tail and when they are gone it takes the original yellow color with them. What the fish is happening?
  35. JenLo

    New Guppy Bullying Nightmare

    Hi all, so I am back again with another emergency!   I have a 100L (22 gallon)  tank stocked with:   3 guppies 6 danios (mixed) 3 cardinal tetras 1 platy 1 plec   2 days ago, to that I added   2 guppies (2 white tail, 2 red) 2 platies   All was going well until I turned the tank light on this...
  36. S

    Upside Down Dying Guppy

    Hi I'm new at this, so if I don't include something I'm supposed to, please tell me and I'll try my best...   My female guppy is currently alternating between floating upside down and at a 45 degree angle, stomach up. She has raised scales that also seem sort of white, and red spots where her...
  37. H

    Hi! New To The Forum!

    Hey there! I'm new (duh!) You can call me HBD :) I'm a crazy animal chick from Idaho USA. I've been keeping fish for 4 years, mostly betrays and livebearers. I currently have 3 male bettas (Happy, Blue, and Dobby), 3 female bettas (Raspberry, R.Q., and Lacey) 15 mixed guppies (wild, endler...
  38. B

    My 38 Us Gallon Tank (144 Liters) And 8G

    So!!!!! I have posted on here before about my 38 gallon tank.  But I stopped because of camalanus worms that infected my fish.  I believe that they are all gone, so lets just hope for the best!    Last night I moved about 17 guppy fry, all ranging from about 1cm- 1.5cm.  In the tank there is...
  39. S

    Fin Nipped Tetra And Nippy Guppy

    So last night I spent hours moving my fish and setting up a new 75l (20gal) aquarium which was an upgrade of a 34l (<10gal) one. One of my Serpae tetras has been severely fin nipped and has difficulty swimming around. I was wondering if I was able to put just that one tetra into a small qt tank...
  40. F

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    Is my guppy pregnant. I've had the fish for about 1 month. There are 2 females and one male in the tank. Details.... 4.5 gallon tank 3 guppies Had them for about 1 month 78 degrees Good filter Female has a black gravid spot This question has been driving my CRAZY!! Sorry the pics are...