
  1. Tttay89

    My fish all at war this morning!? Nothings changed. What's happening?

    Hi everyone Is it normal for all fish to have aggressive days? I have had my 120litre tank set up for 5 months now with no real problems yet. Doing weekly water changes and feeding a variety of foods. Water levels Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 20ppm Ph - 8 (our tap water is 7.8) Kh- 178 GH...
  2. J

    Pregnant or just fat?

    Hello people! I have a female guppy that seems pregnant as her gravid spot is very dark and quite large and she is not moving like she used to. Is she pregnant or just fat?
  3. J

    How long should a male guppy chase a female guppy?

    I recently bought 2 female guppies and 1 male snakeskin guppy, for a total of 4 guppies (had one female beforehand). Whenever I look at them, the male is just chilling and every few minutes chases the females, though for less than a second. Is he pestering the females to mate or just annoying them?
  4. HalfTailedOwner

    PLEASE help!! My tank is at 8.0 ppm...

    Hi, just need to put some information before I start. 10 gallon tank 72 F water Has a filter, and an air stone water is conditioned I originally had a male doubled tailed betta in the tank--and everything was going smoothly. He is still alive after a month after I got him. However, my dad...
  5. Rexer reigns

    Fish tank water changing

    Hi guys, I'm new to here and i don't have much experience in fish management. I installed my 6 gallon tank 2 day's ago. In my tank i have 4 guppy's and 2 platy's. unlike other tanks my tank is buried in soil, cemented on it's sides and bottom. Now i wan't your precious suggestion's and...
  6. R

    Hi everyone

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the hobby and just started my second tank - hadn't completed my cycle on the first and have to start over. I'm running a 25L fluval chi with heater set to 26c stocked with 5 male guppies and 1 male Endler. They seem to be having a good time, waters clean and I've run a...
  7. D

    Is my guppy pregnant or not?

    I recently got a guppy, and today while watching her I noticed she has a decent sized, dark gravid spot. I know that females can have gravid spots without being pregnant, but this one seems a little large to me. I’m still new to keeping fish and I have never dealt with a pregnant fish so I...
  8. 7

    Guppies not looking too good.

    I've had these guppies for about 5 months from a friend. When he gave them to me, he notified me that these fish were already pretty old, around 1 1/2 years, and they were looking fine until this month, which is around the 2 year mark. One male has a clamped tail, my three others are looking...
  9. B

    Green coating on scales - help with guppies

    Hi! I have two guppies that seem to have what looks like green algae growing on their scales. One is acting normally, while one is sort of lethargic, hanging up in the corner. A third guppy has no green film, but doesn't seem to be swimming well. Just seems weakened. We'd been having a lot of...
  10. B

    Dying fish - we're new to aquariums!

    Hi Everyone! Hoping someone can help. Long story... We have a 5 week old 20 gallon tank. This is our second tank...three months ago we started out with a 10 gallon. We had 3 platys and 2 guppies, and one of the platys had babies. 4 survived. We had one platy that seemed sick for several weeks -...
  11. U

    Swollen or Pregnant female guppy?

    hello guys, I’ve currently got a 180l (40g I believe) tank, with dwarf hair grass, other live plants, and some hiding places etc. I’ve got 4 male guppy’s and 12 female guppy’s with 4 shrimp. I’ve noticed a female (I believe) guppy has a swollen belly, eats fine swims fine etc but sometimes...
  12. 7

    Guppies not getting pregnant!!

    I've had these guppies for about 2 months now and nothing is happening. I monitor my 2 females and they both look like they've been getting bigger but there is absolutely no visible gravid spot. I'm not overfeeding as my males look perfectly healthy. It's a tad bit orange/red on the backside but...
  13. pjwilford


    I’m finding this fish has a mysterious white spot. seems like some sort of fungus. a black molly of mine has it all over as well. Will pimafix cure this? What is it?? I have a guppy currently giving birth right now too. will meds be safe for babies?
  14. pjwilford

    Babies upon Babies!

    Babies abound!! Here are some peacock cichlid eggs we found and incubated. Here are some peacock cichlid babies that just started free-swimming: And we have a guppy that is about to BURST!
  15. BettaBonzu

    What do you guys think could fit in this fishtank?

    Hey Guys, I have a fish tank that I have had for a while and I was wondering what tropical fish do you guys think could fit in here. (Refer to pic) I am pretty experienced in terms of fish, I have a huge tank with Goldfish in it and I love them all to much to get rid of them, so Im making do...
  16. D

    White marks eating into head - guppy

    Hi, I have a guppy with a white mass on/around its head that appears to be eating into its flesh. The white mass appears to be mostly on top of the head, and partly under the right side of the mouth. I would really appreciate any help you can give on the type of infection and any action I should...
  17. T

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hi, I'm new to guppys, and wondered whether anyone could tell us if the one we have looks pregnant. I've looked online, but there are different things posted everywhere so I cannot find the answer! The fish, I wouldn't say is extremely fat, but has a dark gravid spot. Anyone help?
  18. A

    Guppy Tail Rotted In Less Than A Day?!

    My guppy's tail just rotted completely throughout the day. I ordered some seachem kanaplex and it should arrive by the evening of January 22. His tail are just white strands now and I dont know how much longer he can last. If anyone knows why his tail rotted in less than a day please help. All...
  19. N

    Help with Guppy please!

    Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help me identify what’s going on with my female guppy. This is the second time we’ve seen this sort of poop with her, I’ve read online that it could be a parasite and we have soaked some fish food and garlic today to try to help her. She’s the only one in the tank...
  20. A

    Guppy With Severe Clamped Fins Please Help!!

    I've had this guppy for about a month now and 2 days ago his fins got clamped. I didnt know this wasnt bad so the next day his fins got super clamped. He swims side to side but he still eats and poops normally. He is in a very overcrowded tank. It's a 10 gallon tank with a betta, 4 guppies...
  21. E

    54 litre/ 14 gal tank stocking.

    Hi guys. Im new to tropical keeping as ive always been temperate/ coldwater. I have aquired a 54 litre/ 14 gallon. The previous owner gave me six baby female guppies. I was just wondering if it is okay to put anything else in with them?. My partner suggested a Male Betta just to add a bit of...
  22. G

    Is my guppy fat or pregnant

    I just noticed that one of my guppies was looking larger than it used to. I haven’t noticed this before but my dad has been feeding it for 5 days and i don’t think he was over feeding them. When I bought them it said they were all males but i know sometimes they get the genders wrong at pet...
  23. AquariumFishRescue

    Nice Guppy Fry Colouring

    This is one of our latest Guppy fry. We are looking forward to seeing how the colouring turns out on this one, contains a nice mix in our view.
  24. AquariumFishRescue

    Photograph of our 200 litre aquarium

    This is our 200 litre community aquarium. It is stocked with fish that all seem get along together so far. This list includes live bearers inc Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails, two small Bristlenose Pleco, some Columbian Tetras (some say they are fin nippers but we have not experienced this so...
  25. N

    Help, sick guppy

    Hello, I saw that one of my guppies got a white patch on her back/tail and is moving slowly, near the gravel. She had been an active and lively fish before. What could that white patch be?
  26. guppyfishlvr23

    Moving fish: College to home.

    Hi, I have been in the hobby for a few years now, but I am not sure the best way on how to move my one guppy from my college dorm 2 hours to my house. Any ideas or suggestions? thank you
  27. J

    Guppy with shredded tail

    Somebody please help me I’ve had 2 guppies die and have shredded tails (my other 4 have badly shredded tails too) I treated fin rot and did a water change etc it’s still happening I think the guppies may be hurting each other as in my tank I have 4 guppies 2 adf frogs 2 ghost shrimp and two...
  28. A

    Guppy tail growing weird?

    So I have has what I believe to be a lyretail guppy for about 5 months now, and I've always noticed something wrong with his tail. His actual tail fin is perfectly fine, but his longer pieces have always looks like they have been cut. I though it was my other guppies in the tank, so I watched...
  29. S

    Happy Tanks

    ok so I’m new here. We all need help from time to time ..... this is why I sought out a forum in the first place, was for advice. On the flip side .... I would like to see everyone’s happy fish, your proud moments, your aquascapes, your monumental centrepiece fish, anything like that. Something...
  30. K

    Deformity in my guppy?

    Okay so a couple months ago my fish gave me a new batch of fry but one of them still had an egg attached. I thought it was going to die soon anyways so I just let it be but it's 4 months old now and she's still very much alive. So it doesn't seem to bother her but it also has more fins growing...
  31. Vengified

    Old Guppy? Bullying? Rot? Disease?

    Before the rundown of the issue, here is the stats anyone may want *(Please Note: I understand tank MIGHT be overstocked, or will be soon, and thus have been moving, and trading guppies, to reduce population)* Tank size: 20gallo pH: 8.2 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5 currently(never more...
  32. Vengified

    Interesting new Guppy information!

    So, while observing my colossal herd of guppy fry this evening, I noticed some of the fry seemed somehow, very different, from some of the other fry. Took me a while, but finally realized it was the eyes. Some had completely black eyes, some had a silver/white around them (so small, hard to...
  33. G

    My guppy has been pregnant for over a month

    She had one baby when I was on vacation. got back the 18th now 9 days later the fry is pretty big she can't even eat it if she wanted to. She and the baby r the only ones in the tank..(Just to clear up... I have a tank heater in there.) I took her out of the tank with the male guppies a month...
  34. Vengified

    Guppy Fry strange lump! Dont wanna wipe colony!

    As title states, guppy developed strange lump on chest/stomach area, ONLY on the right side, the left side looks perfectly fine. The only thing they have had to eat today, is finely powdered flake food, or whatever they scavenged off substrate. Only one to exhibit symptom. Have secluded her, as...
  35. K


    My female guppy has always been on the bigger side so I’m not sure if she’s pregnant right now or not. I got her 2 weeks ago and she’s been fine but today after a water change I noticed she has some red spots on her. There might also be some white fuzz near the spots? But it’s very subtle so I...
  36. Vengified

    Please tell me she wont die?! Pregnant Guppy

    As the title says: I have a pregnant guppy, been rather inactive for two days, which I know is fairly normal for pregnancy, but today she has developed a bulge near her anal fin. Surprisingly, she has come out of hiding, and is much more active than the last two days, but the bulge is...
  37. H

    Help! Guppy Sick!

    Hi everyone! I'm still pretty new at this, but I have had had 3 neon tetras for about half a year now. When I moved back home for the summer, one of them suddenly died. I assumed it was because of the stress of moving between states. Currently, I have a 3.5-gallon tank. Two neon tetras, two...
  38. Vengified

    Fry in Tank, how to W/C, etc. And UNIQUE female. And tank pics.

    So, I have several questions/concerns, and also a few pics I would like some opinions/information on, so please livebear with me, on my livebearer inquiries! :clap: Sorry it's rather long winded. Also, before anyone asks, I do know the nitrogen cycle, my tank is fully cycled, ph 8.0, hardness...
  39. Vengified

    Possibly Sterile Female? Wasting Disease? Worms?

    So, I have a female guppy whom appears different than the rest of my females. She has always been blonde, and always appeared slightly different than the rest. But the others purchased with her, and a couple after her, are all visibly pregnant, with a couple about to pop any day now. I was...
  40. nelliebo

    My son swears my guppy has dropsy, but she's acting fine

    For the last week, Donna has acted like she was ready to give birth (gradually growing belly, hanging out by the filter, not eating much, nipping at the other fish who come near, etc). Last night I noticed that some of the scales on her chest are sticking out, and my son (13 years old and fish...