
  1. PaulJohnSmith

    What Will My Fry Look Like And How Would You Manage Them?

    Hi all, I have a pair of big ear red tail guppies, see link for picture, which I hoped to breed and have more beautiful guppies like them. The female became ready to give birth and I assume that due to them being the only pair in my tank the male harrassed the female and he/she ate most of the...
  2. fropuf

    Help! Guppy Dying!

    Help!   One of my guppies may be dying! I don't know what is wrong! It is floating in a corner of my tank, with this weird puffy tube hanging out the anus. I can't upload a picture right now, but I do know that the water is 140 ppm KH, 7.505 pH, and cycled. What should I do?
  3. PaulJohnSmith

    Hi Fellow Hobbyists!

    Hi guys,   Am new to the forum so wanted to say hi!   I have a 55ltr tank with a pair of guppies, a lemon BN pleco and a super red pleco. Also have a load of RCS.   Here is me male guppy!   Paul
  4. cooledwhip

    Guppy Fry Swimming Odd/dying.

    I am trying to type this as fast as possible so it will be really short and to the point.   I bred guppies about a month ago, I only got 12 because that was how much was left when I got home. I guess the others were eaten.    I put them in a 10 gallon growout heated and sponge filtered, they are...
  5. A

    Problem With My Guppy

    Yesterday I went out and bought three guppies to add to my new tank - one male, two females. When I brought them back from the store I floated them for 15 mins then let water in for 15 mins, then added them so they were properly acclimatised. Two of my guppies seem fine and like to play in the...
  6. helterskelter

    Not Your Usual Female Guppy!

    Here is a line of long finned guppies I've been working on for a while.
  7. cooledwhip

    Ich Killed My Pleco, Killing My Guppy And Plants!

    Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I...
  8. K

    Shaky Guppy Fry

    Hello   My two guppy females gave birth recently, the oldest had nearly 30 healthy guppy; a week later the second, a younger girl, had only a few, but I could only rescue two from the main tank since she was too fast to have her changed to a birthing tank.   For now, all the fry is living in a...
  9. LibertyMoore

    Male Guppy On Bottom Of Tank, Help?

    I have four male guppies in my tank, they are the only inhabitants. On Monday I did a water change, and the next day I noticed one of my guppies (the littlest of the bunch) seems not to be swimming much. He alternated between laying on the bottom, and hanging st the top, near the filter or...
  10. H

    Female Guppy - Pregnant?

    Hi,   Purchased this female guppy about 2 weeks ago from LFS.  It has a black gravid spot - (I think). Could anyone confirm if the fish is pregnant or not?   Currently feed on a mixture of Frozen Daphne, veg & flake food.  Is there anything else I should be adding to the diet if the fish is...
  11. I

    Raven's Guppies

    Current Project   Two Yellow tailed Dragon Head male guppies. Two Medium fancy female guppies.   Two Yellow tailed king cobra male guppies One large blue tailed female One stain glass female.   All of these are inside of a divided 20 gallon tank.   Fry Tank   Another 20 gallonish fish tank with...
  12. I

    When Can They Start Breeding?

    I've just started to get back into breeding guppies over the past year and I want to know as to what age female guppies can start breeding?   She would be a few months old and has already started to gain her Gravid spot. Still a little on the small side, considering her "mother" was a large...
  13. P

    Identifying Types Of Guppies?

    It wasn't hard to tell their gender when I first got them, but I want to know: are they feeder or Fancy guppies? I got them for free because they were older fry.   They are rather plain looking, save for the male (and he sometimes has a black oval on each of his sides), and one female has only...
  14. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  15. B

    Guppies And Their Water: General Hardness And Alkalinity Question

    I contacted my local water provider and recieved some information about our local water supply that I use for my fish tank.   I attached a small section of what they sent me.   Would someone help me understand what these values mean and how they apply to general hardness/alkalinity requirements...
  16. T

    What Else Can I Feed My Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I was wondering what else I can feed my fish besides tetra color tropical flakes? I want a nice and health tank. Also, what can I feed guppy fry? As a future reference...
  17. cowgirluntamed

    Bloated Male Guppy

    I have a 10 gallon tank with 7 male guppies. I had fed them only once a day but then switched to twice a day feedings with NutriDiet Tropical Flakes. The reason for the switch is that they are a bit more territorial than I thought they'd be without females and they are nipping each others tails...
  18. F

    Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

    Hello all,   (Sorry for coming here only when I have a problem...    )   We set up this tank 1.5 years ago, and after the first difficult 6 months it was finally fine, cycled (Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0 - 0.25, Nitrate 20 - 40), peaceful, perfect. Well, almost perfect, since we had only 4 small fishes...
  19. B

    Guppy Ready To Drop Babies?

    So I've had this guppy for exactly 31 days now and she has the boxed out look and today I noticed that below her u think her birth canal is starting to open up a little bit or something but it's like a little pink dot right now and I was wondering when she's going to drop her babies if it's...
  20. B

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Anyone know how far into pregnancy NY guppy is? I've only had her for about 6 days and I think she was pregnant before I got her but I do know that my male mated with her about an. Hour after I put them into the tank but in the last 2 days I noticed her belly was getting much bigger and it was...
  21. P

    Black Female Guppy Birth?

    Hey,   So I'm not exactly new to guppies and their breeding, I used to keep them as a child and I currently breed swordtails and platys, though my brother has recently gotten 5 guppies, and all has gone well, they have settled in and now I've realised that one of the three females is very...
  22. H

    Pictures Of My 3 Aquariums

    I just started to have fish this spring!  I love it! I have 3 tanks, the newest being my Beta tank.  I also have a tank with 2 African Dwarf Frogs and a tank with Guppies and Striped Tetras.   I like to make my tanks colorful!   
  23. PorkWellington

    Orange Seamed Plec Being Molested By Guppies

    Hi Folks....   It started with a pregnant (I believe) guppy paying far too much attention to our orange seamed plec... then swimming off with and sucking in a championship length of poo - a streamer - a couple of inches....   This seems to have encouraged quite a crowd - with the rest of the...
  24. C

    Is My Guppy Bleeding Internally

    Hi there I got a few more guppies for my tank the other day, one is yellow but he appears to have a blood red mark on the top of him from his nose to top fin it's quite big like a oval shape coming 1/3 down his side on both sides he seems happy enough eating fine and swimming fine is it blood or...
  25. L

    Oh God, More Babies.

    I....have no clue what fish is having babies. I came home from work to ANOTHER baby aside from the one that's survived from the Molly's batch...and I don't know who this one belongs to. It's smaller than the one that's already there, and this one is almost see through.   None of my fishies...
  26. Fc1700

    Mysterious Guppy Death

    So maybe it wont be so mysterious to you guys.   10 gallon tank. (Was) 3 guppies, 2 female, 1 male and 2 rasboras. Male has been in the tank at least 3-4 months. Females and Rasboras 5-6 months. Tank is well established and parameters are fine.    I found my guppy dead this morning. Completely...
  27. B

    Two Fish Addicts

    My husband, myself and I are fish addicts. We have 20 aquariums and four indoor ponds. I started off keeping goldfish and koifish in my indoor ponds. My husband started of keeping swordtails, guppies, platys, endlers, gold dust and sailfins in freshwater tanks. We now have black water tanks...
  28. E

    Ill Guppy Tail Growth

    A couple of weeks ago one of my male guppies died, his tail became clumped together and he was unable to swim properly. One of my other guppies has just started showing signs of this today, however his tail is not as clumped together as much as the other guppy. Is this an infection or fungus and...
  29. Z

    Could Someone Please Tell Me How Far Along She Is? :)

    Got this guppy a little over a month ago.. Have three females and 1 male. This is the most pregnant of the three.. far along is she?
  30. F

    Guppy Swimming Into Filter :o

    Hi, I'm not sure if this constitutes an emergency, so I posted it here.   I have a male guppy in my tank. His guppy mates died a while ago so he has been living with two platys and three Corydoras for months now and so far he has seemed quite happy. Until yesterday when I went to feed the fish I...
  31. D

    Is This Guppy Pregnant?

    Hello again. I can't tell if one of my guppies is pregnant. I put a male in with her for a few days about a month ago. Unfortunately the female killed him while I was on vacation... He was only in her tank for about 3-5 days. I decided that my guppy was pregnant because she had a dark gravid...
  32. M

    Guppy Inflated Stomach

    Hi I need help I have a Male guppy who has been fine until I noticed him hiding which is unusual to me as he s normally swimming with his other Male Guppies. He has an inflated stomach and is moving ever so slightly whilst lying on the a part of the filter. Please Help.
  33. D

    One Dark Guppy Fry

    Hi. My guppy have birth to 52 fry yesterday. (How exhausting!) all of the dry but one seem healthy and active. The one fry is darker in color, weaker, and spends a lot of time sitting at the bottom. Does anyone know why?
  34. S

    How Much Time Will It Be?

    Hello! My guppy is preggo but she isn't delivering! Her gravid spot is VERY dark but, her stomach isn't that fat... Pls help!  
  35. M

    Guppy Fry Help

    I have had guppy fry for two months now and they are 1 quarter of the size of a fully grown guppy is there any way of speeding up growth.  Ohh and when can i add the to my comunity tank.
  36. D

    Pregnant Guppies?

    Hi, recently purchased 3 guppies & wondering if anyone can help out & tell me if these 2 look pregnant? I have a breeding net coming just in case & a small tank cycling now but I'm worried it's not going to be ready in time :/ Thanks in advance for any help given :)
  37. G

    Pregnant Guppy Died - Infectious?

    My poor pregnant guppy I had for 3 months, and she was pregnant for the third time when suddenly she started having this odd clear string coming from what I presumed was her birth canal. It had also yellow flecks in it so I looked online and couldn't find anything relevant - maybe the beginning...
  38. B

    Name This Baby Fish?

    Hello all. I'm very new to the site and the reason for me joining was to possibly get some advice on what this fish could be? I have a tropical community tank with mollies guppies platies and mosquito fish. This baby looks like a mosquito fish but I doubt it. It was born with all of my other...
  39. A

    Gourami And Guppy Issue

    Hey, so part one of this post is I have one turquoise gourami in my tank, and he seems to not be ok, even though he has been fine ever since I got him on the 16th of Aug. He's spending all his time up near the top of the heater, not eating and not really swimming around unless I put my hand near...
  40. D

    What Is This Color Of Guppy Officially Called?

    Hey there everyone! I'm knew to this website and this is my first question. I was wondering what the color of this guppy is called and I would also like to know if it is rare. If anyone has any other info on this color of guppy, please share! Thanks :)