
  1. L

    Why do my fish keep dying

    Hi, I seem to be having an issue with my tank and so far every fish I’ve got has died after a few weeks. I have cycled the tank, checked all levels are ‘good’ and the only issue I can think of is that our water is hard with a PH of 8. I have had two bettas (not at the same time) but after...
  2. Couwu

    Guppies seem afraid of new Tank mates

    EDIT: 30.05.22 So, I am not sure if the tetra has/had lockjaw in the firdt place? Is there perhaps something similar to lockjaw? When we got him, his mouth was wide open and he could only move it a little bit. Now after a week of treatment, isolation and a clean hospital tank, his mouth can...
  3. fishyfish22

    Sick Guppy

    One of my guppies looks very sick, her spine is bent and she looks thin and she has some kind of stringy material coming out of her (worms?) All of my other fish seem completely healthy lively and normal. I only noticed it yesterday so I did a 50% water change and tested the water (everything is...
  4. F

    Is my pH too high? Help please

    Hello :) I have a planted 24l tank with four male fancy guppies. The pH in the tank is 8.2, I have read that guppies like it between 6.8 and 7.6. I have a bottle of API pH adjuster, it says 1ml for 38l but it doesn't say how much that actually lowers the water by. I know that sudden changes in...
  5. G

    Guppie hanging by heater and tail down

    I have a 10L tank with 3 guppies and 1 patty all male. and a sail. I am new to fish I got them for my kid who wanted a pet. I do regular water changes about ones every 2 weeks. I have live pants. Lately my guppies have been hanging by the heater my tank is at 76° and one has been swimming with...
  6. E

    Is my pregnant guppy about to give birth?

    I have had this female guppy for about 2 weeks and she's been pregnant since day 1. I just separated her into a birthing container but am unsure if she's actually about to give birth soon. Her belly seems to have that "shape" I've read about and her gravid spot has gotten very big over the last...
  7. Evergreenwolf53

    By breeding guppies, am I “subjecting generations of animals to rape”?

    I sent an image of my brand new, 50 gallon, planted guppy breeding tank as I was very proud of it. I’ve been wanting one since I had gotten my 20 gallon guppy tank in October or September. 1 male per 2-4 females or so, all healthy. About 20 of them, soon to be a lot more. A few hours later...
  8. N

    Fisherman taking care of fish :)

    Hey all, I am a lifelong avid fisherman who is kind of a new fish keeper. Had to take care of my sister's HUGE comet goldfish (we named her Fatty), a severum, and some of those glowing tetras like 3-4 years ago because her work place didn't have any more time to care for them. She brought them...
  9. NearMeBettas

    Magenta Red Dragon x Albino Koi

    Female gave birth 3 days ago. Fry are on frozen bbs and 25% water changes a day.
  10. R

    Guppy with swollen belly and yellow/white patch

    I noticed my guppy had a swollen belly and on closer look at the front there’s is a yellow/white patch on it. Anyone know what this is and how I can help him. Ammonia and nitrates are 0 Nitrates is 6 Ph is 7.6 Tank is 100 litres
  11. Lo Ki Gorgeous

    What's wrong with my guppy/ tank?

    Hello everyone I'm afraid I'm not sure how to add a video on here, but I'll try to explain what's up with him. Sorry if this is a bit long. But I appreciate the help. My guppy started swimming very erratically yesterday and was swimming up and down from the bottom to the top several times...
  12. xipo817

    I can't tell the difference between tigrinus ,bar and zebrinus. In this article it is written that there are tigrinus ,bar and zebrinus. All of them looks similar to me. Can anybody explain difference? I haven't taken photo but I will upload a photo of unknow "bar"...
  13. xipo817

    Is red dorsal X link?

    I bought a strain of guppy some weeks ago. I haven't taken photo and now my camera's battery is too low. Well they are Japan blue with clear round tail. And what I thought is good aabout this strain is that their dorsal is big and looked like that of red grass. The female had no color. In this...
  14. CozyCat

    Bent spine?

    Hello! I have been keeping guppies since May 2021 and my first batch of fry are now juveniles/semi-adults. I remember when they were no bigger than a grain of rice!🤩 Anyway, I have noticed a couple fish have an interesting body shape. They are wonky and not the smooth torpedo shape like the...
  15. Rachealmax

    Lou needs help!

    Hi guys I was wondering if anyone knows what this is and how I could help Lou? It all started about 2/3 days ago. She started with her head swimming down and her tail up, I then noticed a pink spot by her backside. Today she is just sitting up at the top off the tank and near the filter. I’ve...
  16. M

    Pregnant guppy

    HI, I adopted them a few weeks ago and one of them is pregnant now. I don't know when she will give birth so can you tell me? When should I separate her? Thanks.
  17. xipo817

    Sex reversal observed in wingei reticulata hybrid

    This fish used to be female with usual gravid spot.(Laguna de patos strain of wingei and reticulata hybrid) After isolating this fish with only female she lost gravid spot. Then I took her into a tank with males hoping that she will have the gravid spot again. But she continues to become like...
  18. I


  19. R

    Help with my guppy

    Hi Everyone, I have a 30cm cube tank with 2 muscles, 20 cherry shrimp 5 dwarf rasboras, 5 neon tetras, 1 female betta and 4 guppys 2 male and 2 female. Recently one of my male guppies has developed a white colouring on his bottom lip but no other signs of anything on his body. He has stopped...
  20. biofish

    How do guppy tail fin genetics work exactly

    Hello fam. So I have a few fry that were born from their mothers who were pregnant from the store, so I hadn’t gotten a chance to breed them yet, and their tails are freaking me out a little bit. I thought depending on species or type of guppy, they usually had small even fins for normal...
  21. biofish

    Sudden growth on guppy tummy

    ???? Help? Please? It’s white and fuzzy. I’ve seen this on a couple other of my fish but MUCH smaller and it typically kills them. I don’t know what it is or how it spreads. So. Help 🥺 the white fuzz always appears at the anal area and no where else
  22. Kelseyghardin125

    Guppy Female Endler Protrusion

    Hello again! Does this look normal on my female Endler guppy? There’s like a protrusion there on her belly closer to her head than her anal vent. I haven’t noticed any behavioral changes in her tho and nothing drastic has changed over the last few days so I’m not sure what could have caused it...
  23. xipo817

    Do you think this fish has Japan blue on X chromosome?

    This female has blue on tail fin. Is it okay to assume that this fish has Japan blue and gene responsible for doublesword(maybe elomgatus )on X chromosome?
  24. xipo817

    What is this fish?

    What do you think the fish in the middle is? She was born from golden(japanese tiger) strain. Is she blonde or blonde golden(cream)? I can't tell( she is still small).
  25. xipo817

    melanin in vienna emerald double sword

    I bought vienna emerald from a shop 2 month ago and raising children. But they are not as beautiful as they used to be 10 years or so ago.(I regret I didn't keep the old strain.) Their emerald color got less vivid and they got micromelanin stain in its caudal fin upper base(the place I want the...
  26. xipo817

    japan blue on x chromosome

    Does anyone know how to tell if a female guppy has japanblue gene on x chromosome? For example, how about the female guppy in the link below?
  27. xipo817

    Relation ship between golden and blonze

    I gained about 30 fry from golden( japanese tiger) guppy strain. And one of them found out to be a blonde. Is this often happens? Is there any genetic relationship between autosomal golden and blonde gene? Does anyone know well about this?
  28. N

    Sick pregnant guppy?

    Hi, We’re very new to fish keeping and bought some guppies a few days ago. as one of the guppies seemed like she may be ready to give birth (squarish belly, staying in one spot) and the males kept nipping at her we put her in a breeder box. When we checked on her we saw a piece if white fuzzy...
  29. A

    Sick minnow+danio+guppy?

    About a few weeks ago I had bought a 21gal tank and I had a 4gal tank with a minnow and a danio (all the others died off). I had only bought this bigger tank because I wanted to give them friends so I left the tank for like 4 days with a filter from a cycled tank and live plants. Then when I...
  30. G

    Is my guppy pregnant?!

    I got her three weeks ago from the aquarium store, the owner thought she could have gotten pregnant in transit. She’s super aggressive, still very hungry and active, poops a lot. There’s only her and one other female in my tank. Thank you!
  31. How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon?

    How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon? No other fish, just guppies(All males or all females so they don't breed), as well as a couple snails. I don't want to do water changes more than weekly since I usually just do tank maintenance over the weekend.
  32. connorlindeman

    Newly added Fancy Guppie might be sick

    So I have a 20 gallon fishtank with plastic plants and aquarium rocks for substrate. I havent had good success with fish in the past year. I cycle the tank, wait for everything to go to the right levels. Then, I purchase maybe 5 fish (hardy fish like guppies or goldfish) acclimate them and then...
  33. B

    Why are my guppies staying near the surface of the tank?

    Hi, I recently got some guppies for my first fish tank and they spend most of their time at the surface. Is this normal? I have a filter installed and an airstone installed. The airstone seemed too powerful so I keep it on for a minute at some times during the day so I don't stress out the fish.
  34. Circus

    Picked up Free Tank, Free Fish

    So I was browsing the marketplace yesterday and came upon an ad for free fish tanks. I, of course, hopped on it. Just got home after picking it up and setting it up. It turns out, she still had the fish, but would have no tanknonce I left with the last one. She offered the fish as well. I...
  35. Circus

    Are these Muppies or just XL Guppies?

    So a friend close to me bought some tanks that came with fish, which he didn't want. I said I would take them off his hands. Ot was a mixed lot of neon tetra and supposedly guppies, but two of these female are absolutely huge. I suspect they are actually a crossbreed, and therefore infertile...
  36. Anonymous Fox

    Somethings wrong...

    Hai So, one of my grandparents female fancy guppies look not well. She's really skinny and really long. And a chunk of her gill is missing. She's acting fine, but doesn't look like it. The photos are blurry, sorry. Should I move her to a hospital tank? I'd the water parimaters, but the tank is...
  37. SparkysBois


    Hi guys, My guppy flamingo has been clamping her fins today and I'm not sure what the cause is?? I changed the water yesterday, all params are fine. I have 70L with 5 guppies (3 babies) and 3 male platys whom she has been best friend with for months now. Here is a picture of her a couple of...
  38. F

    Guppy not responding to swim bladder medicine

    Hi there, hope someone can help. One of our guppies has swim bladder - showing the classic signs. We have followed the good advice we could find - - we stopped feeding him - put him in quarantine tank away from others (this is an established tank) - gave swim bladder treatment (have given day...
  39. biofish

    Tips of guppies tails turning clear?

    Just as the title says. I was looking at my guppies the last couple days, and one of my new fish in quarantine’s tail started to get clear in the middle rather than the beautiful blue when I bought her. At first I didn’t think anything of it, figured it was just stress but the whiteness kept...
  40. M

    Vertical, Weak Guppy fish...

    Hello, I have a guppy tank, and one of my guppies looks close to death. She's swimming vertically, struggling to swim, and her gills arent moving much. I tried doing a water change to see how she would do... she seems terribly close to death. Attached photo. Any suggestions please?