So I’ve got a 29 gallon tank that’s divided in half. On one side I have my male guppies and the other my female. Anyway, I have one of the male guppies in an isolation box because he kept endlessly harassing a single other male guppy. The isolation box is mesh so it just sits in the main tank...
I’ve recently been searching on the web about methods of yielding more male/female Guppies from batches of fry. I’ve read that softer water with lower PH yields more females, harder water with higher PH yields more males. I’ve read that even the temperature can affect the ratio of sexes. Has...
One of my yellow guppies has an extremely clamped fin. A few days ago it looked like he had burned his back fin on the heater. I just finished treating the tank for ich, so i have the temp around 83°. I haven’t done a test on the water quality lately because I’ve been changing it 20% every 48...
Hi, new to fish keeping literally only had fish for a week and I already have so much going on. In the tank I have 2 x Cory catfish, 8 x pacific blue-eyes (1-2cm fish), 6 x male guppies, 6 x female guppies, 6 x neon tetra, 1 x male gourami and 1 x snail. This is in a 100L tank. They all seem...
I have a pair guppies that I have had for 6 weeks. So far there have been no hiccups except where the female started to get weak, and hung out by the filter intake, but now she's slightly better. I don't have water tests yet because I'm in a bit of a rush, but the male is lying on the ground...
So my tank is starting to look amazing for what I want it to be, I have a 40L tank with 6 Phantom Tetra, 4 Guppies, and 3 corydoras.
However, one of my guppies is displaying some weird symptoms that I can't find anything online about. On its sides towards its head turns blackish every so often...
Hello! Can someone give me some tips at caring for 160+ guppy fry.
My aunt wanted to throw her sons guppies (I separated them by gender the first time I got them) so I decided to adopt them since my brother has been wanting some for a while now, and noticed that 3 of them was pregnant, the...
Does anyone find these two appealing? I’m trying to decide if I should breed out a strain of these. They were a really random coloration out of all the cobra tailed ones I have. Unless it was the other female who spawned these. Idk I think a feeder male mustve crossed with one of the cobra...
Hi guys,
New to the forum here.
introduced 4 x guppies to a new tank (around 2 weeks since set up) today, and suddenly noticed one has a growth from the belly. Images attached.
Has anyone seen this before? No other guppy has it, and we didn’t notice right away, leading us to believe it may have...
Lately my female guppy has been lying down in the gravel in one particular. I don't see any particular signs of any diseases or fungi. I know it's not pregnancy because she gave birth a week ago.
In the photo it looks like she's hovering but earlier she was sitting
AMMONIA: 0ish - yellow but...
I wasn’t really sure where to post this, but I just found some white worm-looking creatures on the glass of my 10 gallon. I’m not sure whether or not I should be concerned, but I thought I would ask if anyone is able to identify them anyway. An image has been attached, it’s the best one I could...
Hi there! I have a pair of fancy guppies, and the female looks pregnant. Can someone tell me roughly how far in she is until she gives birth? Thanks!
The first photo is just now, the others are a few days old.
I need some help with fin rot on 2 of my fish. 1 silver tip and 1 guppy so far. The silver tip lost it's tail and the guppy part of tail and top fin. I just used eSHa treayment for the first time tonight 20 drops as I have aprox 80l of water in the tank. I have a comunity tank with various...
Hey guys! I’ve had my guppies for about half a year and one of them is just lying on the bottom looking weird, he’s been listless for a couple of days and it’s getting worse. He’s just chilling round the back under a log right now so I had to do some sort of fish tank yoga just to get my phone...
I came back from work to discover that my pregnant guppy’s belly was no longer looking pregnant. I was confused because I couldn’t see any fry and I checked her before I left for work and she was still pregnant. I thought maybe she had miscarried or something, because I honestly thought she had...
Hi, I’m wondering if my female guppy is pregnant, she looks pregnant to me, but I could do with other people’s opinions. I’m just a bit skeptical because the previous female guppy I bought ended up dying 3 days after I got her. I was told she was pregnant from the store I got her but I’m pretty...
Hi, I’m wondering if I can have some opinions on what really happened to my female guppy! I bought her 3 days ago from a fish store and was told she was carrying, and would give birth to fry soon. However, upon observing her for the past two days I must say I was wondering whether she really was...
Hi, I’m wondering if I can have some opinions on what really happened to my female guppy! I bought her 3 days ago from a fish store and was told she was carrying, and would give birth to fry soon. However, upon observing her for the past two days I must say I was wondering whether she really was...
Hi! I woke up this morning and saw I've lost my favourite guppy today.
I've had my 130L tank for about a year now, do about 20% water change every week, 24C temperature, it's fully cycled, has plants and the ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are all at good levels. I had 12 guppies going into this...
Afternoon all,
As of this morning one of my guppies in the 87l tank has started swimming almost vertically, tail down, mostly in the corner of the tank but sometimes out in the middle. He seems capable of swimming normally. If one of the other fish comes over and gives him a nudge, he'll set...
I have a female guppy who had babys recently and she's been laying down a lot at the bottom of the aquarium recently. Today I noticed that her back is curved and she's swimming kinda vertically. Recently a gwarf gourami died from dropsy and 2 other guppys died as well starting to be laying down...
Hello All experts,
Please have a look at my guppy and suggest if you find anything wrong. I think she is pregnant and I see a lump on her sides. Do you think it's normal or some kind of disease?
Sorry for the photo quality
Hey y’all,
does she look like she’s ready to give birth? She did about 4 weeks ago and she just looked much larger today and so did the gravid spot.
Thanks for any help!!
Should I give up or take drastic measures? (Cross posted to aquariums)
Should I give up or try drastic measures?
What is the water volume of the tank? 56 litres
How long has the tank been running? 2 months+
Does it have a filter? Yes CF1
Does it have a heater? Yes
What is the water...
My husband owns a guppy tank. It’s a 10 gallon with 4 guppies, 2 male and 2 female and 3 nerite snails.
today as we watch the tank we notice that there are something moving, very small fishes and then we found out that was one of the guppy baby.
the question is, what should we do now...
Help! I’ve been keeping fish for years. Had a break from the hobby for a few years when we moved home. Set up a new aquarium details below. It’s cycled for 3 weeks and then added a group of male and female guppies from local store. All was well for about three days and the we began observing the...
Hey so i took this first picture 2 days ago and the second right now the dark spot is completely gone does that mean she gave birth? She never got too big so i didn’t get a chance to move her to the separate tank to give birth. Thanks in advance!
Hello! My name is Hannah. I have a 5 gallon tank stocked with 2 male guppies and 1 albino corycatfish. I wanted to start small and I really didn't have room for anything bigger (or the money to do it). I did my research and I believe things have gone swimmingly in my new tank. However, just last...
My name is Erin. This is my first aquarium. It is a 15 gallon fluval flex, purchase for my son for Christmas (but I am obsessed with it too!). We wanted live plants so we have 2 anubias, a lace fern, a java fern, and two other plants. We started with 8 guppies, but unfortunately 4 have...
I am confused. She still has a belly and just popped out 4 fry like 4 days ago. Could it have been stress induced? She was getting harassed by males. Is she going to have more? The babies are also uninterested in any food. I've tried pellets, flakes and shrimp but they don't want anything.
I’ve just noticed one of my guppies has some of what I believe to be Camallanus worms ive watched a few YouTube videos and they all seem to recommend API General Cure, however I can’t seem to find it for sale in the UK. Does anyone know any alternative worming medications that are effective? I...
Hi, I recently got three male guppies, and are keeping them in a 5 gallon tank with lots of plants and places to hide. My smallest guppy, Fabio, is being chased by the other two a lot. He spends a lot of his time in the corner of the tank at the top of the water, usually by the heater...
So today I just noticed a red thing coming out of my guppy’s stomach. I didn’t notice it yesterday and he wasn’t acting weird that I noticed. He is swimming today but seems skittish.
I have been breeding guppies and this is the first fry I have brought to maturity. They have beautiful colors and are almost holographic. I do not know the type that the females are and I have no clue what males they were bred with. Does anyone know if there is a specific name for this type of...
Fish with light yellow tail- is this slightly albino?
This fish has been growing larger by the day lately and is showing a similar shape to my pregnant guppy. I can’t see a gravid spot, this is why I’m wondering if it is albino as I have searched on the internet about this.
Any help would be...
Hey hey! So, I have a tank of about 16 guppies and 4 tetras. Most of the guppies are young except for the one in question. She's an adult albino red guppy, and pretty much the most social of all of them.
Yesterday morning, she got herself wrapped up inside a moss ball (don't ask me how, I...
Update 12/14: second water change completed today of about 60-70% of water. Total Ammonia - 0.5ppm, NH3 - 0.1ppm, NO2 - .25ppm, NO3 - 5ppm, and pH 7.6.
I have a 20gal freshwater tank and no matter what I do I cannot get my ammonia levels down. I’ve had the aquarium for 6 months and I’m pretty...
I recently got a beautiful extended trio of red lace metalhead guppies with a bunch of fry, and I also already had lots of fry in the tank. I just noticed that many of the fry hang out at the top of the tank and mainly stay in the same place. They don't seem to be gasping, but I want to make...