
  1. L

    Chubby fish

    So I look at my fish often. Like every hour of the day if I can and I’ve come home this evening to find all 4 of my male guppies and maybe 5/7 cardinal tetras have quite big bellies!! All seem pretty happy and active as usual except 1 guppy is obviously trying to poop and is being quite...
  2. D

    Is my fish pregnant

    Just bought a couple of days ago, if she’s pregnant how long left would you say? Thanks in advance!
  3. D

    Guppy parasite?

    Hello everyone, I got new guppies a few weeks ago and I went ahead and treated the whole tank with two rounds of API general cure to be safe because in my experience guppies are VERY prone to parasites. I noticed one of my fish becoming more skinny lately and today I noticed white stringy poop...
  4. C

    Female guppy seems sick but cant find with what... can someone help?

    Sorry i really dont have any good picture exept this one. Anyway... It been more then one week that my most beautiful female guppy seems to have trouble swimming, even though i didnt buyed her like that. She gave birth only one time and had only been paired with one male (exept potantial male...
  5. D

    Guppy attacking platy

    Can anyone help, why is my guppy attacking my Platy? The tails has bite marks out of it.
  6. D

    Guppy Aquarium Advice

    Hello All, I am pretty new to the hobby and have put a lot of effort into making a healthy and good aquarium with guppies and ghost shrimp. I have already had to deal with my own host of problems that come with an aquarium(disease, death, aggression etc.), and now have a healthy aquarium! I...
  7. B

    Trying to work out parentage

    I've got two pretty little guppy juveniles at the moment but I'm trying to work out who their likely parents are. I've got yellow tail guppies (3x female, 1x male) and orange guppies (2x female, 2x male) and 1 Japanese Blue (1x male). The juveniles are pale yellow with dark spots on the...
  8. S

    Older guppy with strange swim issue

    An older female guppy of mine simply cant swim down; Its as if shes too full of air, though she stays upright, no matter how she tries she cannot stop floating back up, is there anything I could do?
  9. madisonfortyway

    Weird cloudy layer in Guppy Tanks

    My guppy tanks have has this cloudy film in them for the past week. In my adult tank it was everywhere. I just set up this 5 gallon for my fry and after going to sleep I wake up to this. Half of my fry are dead and this milky layer is just sitting at the bottom of my tank.
  10. D

    Help! Unidentified disease on guppy

    Hello! I got a few guppies from my local fish store a few days ago and had to add them to my main fish tank without quarantining them because I can't afford a quarantine tank. Sure enough...just a few days after one of the guppies quickly developed this odd disease and symptoms. The back half of...
  11. D

    Help! Unidentified Disease on Guppy

    Hello! I got a few guppies from my local fish store a few days ago and had to add them to my main fish tank without quarantining them because I can't afford a quarantine tank. Sure enough...just yesterday one of the guppies quickly developed this odd disease and symptoms. The back half of the...
  12. H

    any ideas to cause of death? Pregnant female guppy was found with a red belly on the side it was lying on.

    tank parameters are normal except for low KH: 40 ppm *Have not tested for ammonia, but I don't think that's the issue.* The day before she died, the only male guppy in my tank also passed away. There were no visible clues so I automatically assumed old age as the cause. There are only 2 other...
  13. D

    Black spots on female guppy??

    Hello Everyone, I have this female guppy that I got from my local fish store a few weeks ago. She was a medium-sized fry inside of the feeder guppy tank and I decided to keep her. I get her a few weeks ago, and as of a few days ago, I noticed a few black spots on her body and close to her...
  14. S

    I think 2 of my day old guppy fry may be chimera.

    This sounds silly but I'm not only new to guppy breeding but I also cannot think up another explanation. Thanks for your time! (I'll get more photos in a bit as I am busy today)
  15. Jennifer Gonzales

    Help! I’m moving LONG DISTANCE

    Hello all, I’m not a very experienced fish keeper... that being said, we are getting ready to move 10 hours away. I have a 40 gallon tank with 10 guppies, 3 mollies, 4 dojo loaches, 1 pleco, and a bunch of snails, as well as a 5 gallon fry tank with somewhere around 30-40 guppy fry. Re-homing...
  16. kittyclown

    My guppy tank

    I took some photos of my guppies today and wanted to share! I only have 4 right now (2m 2f) and I'm raising 3 fry at the moment ^ This is a sandwich! shes shyer than the other fish usually so its hard to get a lot of photos of her. ^ This is my FAVORITE guppy I have, I think she's so...
  17. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello it’s me again, my fish are now pooping pretty normal, however I did a cleaning of the tank I think I did too much of a water change and gravel clean. I added dechlorinator though. However I think I overfed them. Now they r staying at the top all of the together. Maybe they r in shock. They...
  18. kittyclown

    Is a 20g tall better than a normal 10g for guppies?

    SO i recently have gotten back into the aquairum hobby as of last christmas, and due to space issues iv only had room for a 10 gallon at the moment. I have had it up since christmas and i recently got some guppies for it, Right now i currently have 4 guppies (2 females, 2 males) and 3 guppy fry...
  19. J

    Unusual Fish

    Hello! I am not great with this forum stuff, but I really cannot figure out what this fish is! We were given some more Tetras and some Guppies too. Amongst those was this strange fish. I’m not sure if I’m being stupid or if it is genuinely an unusual cross breed. Does anyone have any answers for...
  20. Irksome

    Young guppy swimming frantically upside down in circles

    I am assuming it is probably best to euthanise this fish but so far it is so fast and so erratic I can’t catch it. It has been losing weight for a few weeks. Is this likely a contagious issue? Thanks
  21. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello I am fairly new to this forum, I am now a owner of four male guppies. They live in a 6.7 gallon tank and unfortunately I feel like it’s my fault for not noticing that when I brought my three new fish to add to the tank one of them was acting odd. I’m talking about swimming by the filter...
  22. J

    Guppy seems to be suffering :(

    Greetings from Amsterdam Fish community! This is my first post on this forum so hopefully it goes well! since one or two days one of my guppy is swimming upright with his head up and his tail down he seems to be struggling to stay afloat and moves rather slowly, sometimes he also hides in his...
  23. FishFry420

    Pregnant Guppy

    Hey guys, ive had this pregnant guppy for a minute now and an wondering when shes supposed to pop?? can anyone tell me by looking at her?
  24. Circus

    Population Control Achieved!

    My brackish water tank has finally reached equilibrium! My 20 gallon brackish tank houses my female guppies, with only 1 (the original) producing fry. She usually drops 50+ every 29 days or so. The daughters from previous batches are finally big enough to eat their younger siblings. Primal...
  25. T

    Pregnant guppy w/ probable dropsy

    Hey all. So I have a this very pretty, very pregnant, female guppy, that I noticed today hanging in the back of the tank. Once I was able to get her closer and inspect, the scales on her belly seem to now be protruding. And she is also no longer eating. I've experienced dropsy before but always...
  26. Circus

    Paradise Fish a good fit?

    I recently had to move my Florida Flag Fish from my 29 gallon tank into their own 10 gallon since they were beating up my Corydoras on a regular basis. At the moment I have a mix of gold and regular WCMM, 4 male Guppy fish, and 4 (soon to be 7) Pepper Corycats along with an albino BN pleco. The...
  27. O

    Fry Identification Guppy or Molly

    Hi one of my fish in my community tank recently gave birth to some fry. But currently I have two types of livebearers in the tank and I wasnt awake when the fish gave birth. Down below are the pictures. I have a few guppies and three Dalmatian Mollys and currently the fry are in a breeder box...
  28. N

    Pregnant or sick? Or both?

    Hi everyone, New to this site and to keeping guppies. I have a female guppy who I think is pregnant, (I'm assuming upwards of 23 days). I moved her into her own tank a few days ago as the males harrass her too much I thought it was too stressful for her. She has started to swim completely...
  29. FishFry420

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hey guys I recently got a female guppy and wondering if she's pregnant?
  30. B

    Guppy eating other fish

    Hi everyone, I recently added 2 yellow cobra guppies to my tank, and they've eaten my smallest Endler :( i'm heartbroken I did so much research before buying them to make sure they get on with my current fish and this has happened... I read guppies are peaceful but now they've eaten my...
  31. B

    Yellow cobra guppy laid eggs

    Hi everyone. Recently I started an all Male tropical fish tank. I began by 4 male endlers and then last week added in 2 Male yellow cobra guppies. I didn't understand why all my endlers were chasing one of my new guppies every second of the day as they're all males. But today I noticed one of...
  32. B

    Male Endler fish harassing other males with mating dance

    Hi everyone. Has anyone had any experience with a male only Endler fish tank? I've had 4 male endlers for 2 weeks now and I noticed one of my males kept following another male everywhere and doing the mating ritual constantly. I introduced 2 male guppies 2 days ago and now 3 of my male Endlers...
  33. L

    How long does my guppy have left?

    Hi just wondering if anyone has an idea of how long my guppy has left please
  34. Jennifer Gonzales


    Help! I have a pretty new guppy tank (Only had it about 1-2 months) And one of my females appears to have camallanus worms :( not sure what to do or if that’s really what I’m working with... I was unable to get a good pic but it is definitely not just poop. I saw her poop and the red...
  35. C

    Fin rot or nipping? HELP!

    Hello, I have three male guppies and two female guppies. They are separated by a divider, and I am trying to move the females to a new tank soon. For the last week or so, I thought one of the males might have had a swollen abdomen, but I also thought it could just be fat. However, I just...
  36. C

    Guppy emergency! Please help!

    Hello, everyone -- I had four baby guppies in a five-gallon tank -- three males, one female. As they got bigger and the males got more excited, I got a ten-gallon for my female guppy. I moved her into that tank, and I got a second female and put her in as well. I let the tank cycle, tested the...
  37. F

    Guppy fighting gonopodium disappeared

    A fully cycled planted 100L tank with: 50+ cherry shrimp 1 betta 8 male guppies (I have way too many guppies as the first four female guppies I got actually had a male (in the tank at store) so from that I’ve now got too many guppies to count so when I could tell the males I’ve put them in a...
  38. O

    Guppy suddenly fat with stringy white poop

    hi all, i need some help with my female guppy. I’ve had the 3 of them for almost a year now and my one orange guppy has suddenly gotten fat and started having stringy poops. I thought I was over feeding so I cut down on the amount I was giving them but she didn’t lose weight. this started a few...
  39. L

    How long has my guppy got left?

    I think she is due soon but wanted to check and see what you all think.
  40. E

    Help- complicated anchor worm case

    Tank size: 30 litres, just an air pump filter with a spray bar, a full spectrum light for the plants and a water heater. pH: EDIT(7.6) misread it earlier as 6.8 (see below) ammonia: 0.25ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 5ppm kH: about 60ppm (I use test strips for kH, the value is between 40-80ppm) gH...