
  1. A

    Red spots on Betta head.

    Opal is my betta I’ve had for about a year now. My fish's head has been turning red. About 2 weeks earlier, his tank had high ammonia and I had lowered his tank ammonia levels and it is safe now. In that time, he got gill burns and got cuts on his head. I am worried that he is not doing too well...
  2. Barry Tetra

    Betta tank questions

    My LFS giveaway his 5 gal tank, I will make this tank for my betta (length 15 inches width 9.5 inches height 10 inches) can anyone suggest what type of soil should i use and how much soil do i need and are air stone bubbler necessary for betta?
  3. Irksome

    Testing betta tankmates

    I have heard about testing a Bettas temperament to see if they are suitable community fish and I was surprised by the outcome. I had 2 low ranking male guppies(short tailed) in my tank eating the last few detritus worms and added my new betta out of curiosity really to see if he is one of the...
  4. A

    My Betta is Sick! Please Help!

    Hi, good evening! I'm fairly new to fish-keeping. This is my third fish, Vodka. He is a male betta (like my previous two) and ever since I got him he was very active and curious. He would always be aware of everything going on around the tank and would rush to the food whenever I fed him...
  5. J

    Should I be concerned?

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and fishkeeping in general. I got this guy about a week ago from petsmart and kept him in a bowl until I could get a tank and move him in (which i did yesterday). But under the light of the tank I noticed this white mark on his side. I am wondering if this is...
  6. B

    Show me your aqua babies (betta photos)!

    I don't know if it's just me but I have taken photos of all my bettas! Currently I have two Elvis and Arnold, but over time have also had Arlo, Salvador and Anthony. All of them are/were adored pets and it's nice to have photos of them. Please share yours! Past and present photos all welcome :)...
  7. Irksome

    Betta and cherry shrimp

    I’m cycling a divided 10gallon with the intention of having two male betta. I have made a craft mesh divider that I have sewn moss to both sides and it looks good but it is patchy and I don’t want the betta to stress each other if they see through the gaps. I’ve been thinking of putting cherry...
  8. ajr0053

    Mexican dwarf cray with betta?

    I’ve read a bit about mexican dwarf crays and have seen mixed reviews on them, from people praising them for being docile to others saying they’ll be aggressive towards my betta. If I were to get one, he’d probably go in my 6.8 gallon with my oldest betta (who probably wouldn’t even notice the...
  9. bettabbypearl

    Betta Fish With A Torn Fin, Help Needed!!

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his...
  10. F

    Red streaks on gills and face

    If anyone has any ideas on what this may be it would be hugely appreciated. Please find pictures below. The red streaks were present when I purchased her, I thought it was part of her colouring as it was one streak by each gill but have now noticed a second streak on each side - again appearing...
  11. M

    Female Betta Has Flaky Scales

    Hi, So this is my first time asking any questions on here, so if I placed this thread in the wrong location, sorry. Anyways, about a week and a half ago, I saw a female betta at the pet store (one of the big commercial ones), who was looking not so great. I purchased her because I wanted to...
  12. A

    Betta with Tuberculosis?

    Hello all. I got my first betta a year ago. He took to his tank really well. Had a small filter, heater and treated water. He got sick off and on throughout the year. He had Popeye in one eye. Treated that. Got it in the other eye. Treated that. Off and on again. Recently he had another episode...
  13. G

    Betta injury

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I've had my betta for about a few weeks and a few days ago he seemed to have lost some scales, it didn't get any worse so I assumed he was healing fine but today I noticed a red spot above his lip. Should I be worried? And is there anything except water changes I can...
  14. A

    Lethargic Betta

    Hi! My betta was acting weird when I came home Thursday night. He was hiding and laying on the bottom, which is fairly normal for him, but it didn’t seem right. So I fed him and then kept the lights off. Yesterday, he was breathing hard and had clamped fins so I moved him to a plastic container...
  15. L

    Betta will not eat. Very worried

    Hello! So I recently bought a beautiful halfmoon Dumbo. I took him home on the twelfth and he seemed very content in my filtered and heated ten gallon tank. I have a moss ball but no live plants as of now. He has a little log and some hiding places. He's spent the last few days exploring and...
  16. vikinglord13

    Vikinglord's Freshwater Biocube

    Hey all, I'll be posting videos from my channel here, and am happy to discuss my tank! -Andrew New tank video: 3-week update video: As always, thanks for watching and please like and subscribe to follow along :)
  17. D

    Betta and cories?

    Would I be able to put a male betta with some cories in a big enough tank? Nothing too flashy, just albino or green/bronze cories with one male betta
  18. T

    Suspected dwarf gourami illness PLEASE HELP!!

    So I bought 2 dwarf gouramis about 5 months back and after around a week one died. I put this down to stress as I didn't see any symptoms, he just died but now, the remaining one has recently had a long string of white poop coming out of him constantly so I fed mashed peas for a few days. We now...
  19. Bettapuppy

    Introducing Frida!

    I got myself a new betta today! I got a little tiny, halfmoon, female. She’s a bit dull now, but I can see traces of blue and red on her. I chose to name her Frida after the famous artist Frida Khalo. This is my first time owning a female. Are there any differences I should know about?
  20. J

    Septicimia and HITH?

    Sorry I made an account just for this, but I wasn't sure where else to ask. I just saved this guy from a pet store where he would have died. He is in quarantine, I've added aquarium salt, methylene blue, erythromicin, and furan 2 over the past 3 days with 50% water changes every day. I...
  21. A

    Opinions on aquarium salt with smaragdina?

    I'm setting up a 60l tank for B. smaragdina, hopefully the fish will go in in about a month (waiting for tank to cycle and breeder's females to grow out). I've seen mixed opinions on using aquarium salt with Betta, with some people swearing by it and other people saying to avoid. Does anyone...
  22. C

    Baby betta with other fish?

    Okay so I have a little female baby betta right now, she’s really cool you know she’s in a 1.5 gallon with some fake plants, a heater, no filter since it was all a bit too strong for her. But we do frequent water changes. Anyway I usually have a bunch of corys in my adult male betta tank. I have...
  23. A

    60l planted Betta smaragdina tank - pic heavy!

    After a three year break from the hobby for uni and a realisation of a number of mistakes I made before that, I've decided to come back to the hobby and do it properly! Kit: 60l aquarium modified to have a rimless front A1171 Aquamanta IFX 50 internal corner filter 200 l/hr 3W Aquamanta Xanti...
  24. K

    Does My Betta Have Velvet?

    Hi Everybody! I just got a crown tail betta fish the other day and noticed that there is a gold powder on him. I do not think that it is his natural iridescence because the gold stuff is clearly powder looking and does not shine or shimmer. I have him in a 5.5 gallon tank with plants and a hide...
  25. T

    Betta fish fin’s look a bit tattered

    Hi! I just got a Betta fish about a month ago and have a 2-gallon tank with a filter and heater. I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but I feel like my Betta’s fins are a bit tattered. I thought it might be the plastic plants nipping them, so I just took them out and maybe that will help. Based on...
  26. Paige Isabella Marie Long

    Betta HORIZONTAL stripes

    Hi! One of my male bettas has horizontal stripes and ONLY on his head, I´ve been googling for the past hour and haven´t found anything similar. He is a little older, I have had him for a little over a year now and he was pretty big already when I got him. Does anyone know what these could be from?
  27. Bettapuppy

    Bloated Betta

    My boy has not been himself now for about a week. He lost interest in his food so I'd let him fast for about a day. I would try feeding him again and he'd only eat one or two pellets, then I would fast him again. I noticed he was looking really bloated Saturday night so I did a 75% water change...
  28. Ama

    Some doubts about my new betta

    Yesterday my dad bought this pal and he didn't ask anything about her. Some of my doubts are mentioned below 1)How old is she 2 )What type of betta is this 3)when she get ready to b NB:- currently I'm keeping both of them on a small glass.... I'm actually planning to buy new homes for them
  29. BettaGirl_666

    Betta Constipation? Age?

    So, I just got a new betta and a guppy from my friend, setting up a tank for them, and I saw that they both were a bit chubby. I am extremely new to fish keeping, so I was wondering if they are constipated? And what their ages are, if you can guess.
  30. W

    Tetras nipping Betta

    my neon tetras (10) have been nipping my betta to the point where he spends most of his time hiding and not coming out. He even blew out his fin flaring at them. They were both introduced last week to my twenty gallon which until now has just had corys. I’m wondering if I should move the tetras...
  31. BettaGirl_666

    Betta Emergency!

    I was looking for my betta when I found his head stuck in the little hole at the end of the flower pot I gave him. We got him out by breaking the pot while making sure that he wouldn't get cut by the shards. He's just laying at the bottom of the tank, breathing. Some scales on his back got...
  32. N

    First time Betta Owner, nitrogen cycling??

    I have never had a fish before and just purchased a betta from Petco two days ago. The person helping us at Petco assured us bettas are low maintanence and all we need is distilled water and a tank of any size. We used distilled water and a 2.2 gallon tank. Upon further research apparently it's...
  33. fisharecool789

    questions ! (sorority tank, betta fish & angel fish? & more betta questions)

    first off, i am not sure if i’m posting to the right topic ! the simply “betta” topic is unavailable rn for some reason. jojo (my betta) always swims along the glass (it’s reflective so she said swimming around with her reflection) and i want to know if that’s normal. i can’t tell if she’s...
  34. M

    Out of ideas for illness

    My female betta has a patch on her side that looks tan in some lighting and white in others for the last 3 weeks. It is not super raised but is noticeable. The patch has gotten slightly larger even after both fungal and bacterial treatment. She is active and eats like a pig and does not show any...
  35. S

    New Betta Aquarium

    Hi guys! My name is Ellie and I'm 19 years old. I have been out of the hobby for about 4 years, and now that I am in college I got a new friend for my dorm room. The tank is a 5.5 gallon, with a Top Fin filter (Used a water bottle to buffer the stream as my betta was having issues swimming in...
  36. E


    Hey Guys! So I bought the Fluval Flex 34 Litre for my male Betta. I’ve been researching ways to reduce the waterflow as it was very harsh and he was getting dragged around the tank. I discovered another way other than the typical ways like punching holes in the pipe and so on. If you have an...
  37. Octillery

    Nano tank, planted, fishless cycle + Pics

    Hi guys. First post. Returning hobbyist after 15 years! I have ordered a 29L/6.4gal aquarium which I am going to set up for a single Betta. I've never kept a Betta before so what I'm hoping is for someone to give some general advice. I will be using fishless cycling and using fairly fine...
  38. S

    I want a betta

    Hi I recently built a tank which is only a week old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
  39. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    We've decided to try and breed 1 of our 2 male Bettas, but neither one of them will make a bubble nest. We've been trying for 2 weeks now. Am I doing something wrong?
  40. HalfTailedOwner

    Did I Cycle Correctly? If so, What Next?

    Just wondering--after my betta died, I want to ensure that the tank is completely suitable for a new one to live in (if I get one in the next few weeks). The koi carp is still in my tank, until I find him a new home... I've grown attached to him but my tank isn't the best place for him. However...