
  1. M

    Tips for my newest Betta!

    Hi everyone! So yesterday I finally got my Betta! The tank has been cycled for three weeks before I got her but she’s now in and doing great. I have done research just wondered if you had any real good tips you think every Betta fish keeper should have? Also, I have been trying to identify her...
  2. H

    Advice on my new tank

    Hi im new to the fishkeeping world and the tropical fish forums forums:) Over the past few weeks ive done a ton of research for the new tank im getting for my bday! I have brought a 105 litre (68 cm length,35 cm depth and 51 cm height) rectangle tank. After all the research and visits to my...
  3. SRbettas

    How many betta pellets to feed betta?

    How many aquaeon betta pellets should I feed my betta if I feed once a day? I'm currently feeding 3 a day is this enough?
  4. E

    I think my betta is dying

    Hi! I have a betta fish that seems like it has been sick for months now and he finally has stopped eating almost a week ago. He sits at the bottoms and does nothing, he could be in the same spot the entire day and not move once. A while ago he had fin rot which seems to have stopped spreading...
  5. FishFinatic77

    Betta keeps killing snails

    My tank has a serious algae problem. The only place to put my betta tank was by a window, and now there is a constant film of algae covering everything. Now, I wanted to add a nerite snail to the tank to help eat some of the algae, but, after moving around for a day, he stopped moving and died...
  6. O

    Possible parasites in aquarium

    Hi all. I have a weirdly specific question. I had my guppies die of parasites so now I only have a mystery snail in my 10 gallon tank. I’ve now acquired a betta but i’m hesitant with what I should do with him in regards to my tank. I’m worried that he could catch parasites if I put him in the...
  7. ajr0053

    Help with betta.

    Hi all, you’ve helped me in the past with my first betta, and this time I need help with my other somewhat elderly man. He’s around 5 years old, and is usually very energetic attention seeking. However I’ve come to notice he’s slowing down, which is somewhat normal. I know bettas can live longer...
  8. SRbettas

    Pygmy cory in fluval flex

    Hi I'm trying to decide the stocking for my fluval flex 15 gallon/57 litre So far I have decided on: 1 female betta 4 endlers And pygmy Cory's Some say they need school of 6 others say 4 is fine. I want them to be happy but also keep stocking levels relatively low. Also what do you recommend...
  9. PygmyMitch

    48 litre Betta Tank

    Hi guys, this is my 48 litre tank which I have been Setting up for a while. I plan for this tank to be home to a male Betta fish, and a small school of fish, and maybe some shrimp or snails. There are currently no fish in the tank, but I do have 4 Echindorous Bleheri, plants and some Salvinia...
  10. jennaalexismiles

    Betta throwing up?? Possibly? HELP!!!

    Hi everyone. After a lot of trial and error I’m finally turning to a fish forum to see if anyone can help me because I haven’t seen anyone with my situation. I added pictures of the “throw up”, my fish and the food he eats. I noticed what looked like maybe throw up, but I haven’t seen him...
  11. L

    Please help, my betta looks terrible!

    Hi all, and thanks in advance for reading! My betta fish has recently started looking real scruffy, and occasionally looks red in the fins and head. I've attached pictures of him about 2 months ago, and a picture of him today so you can see the difference. He's still happily eating and doesn't...
  12. A

    Identify this brown, long worm? Freshwater tank

    Hello! I have a 13 gallon freshwater tank which I cycled for 3 months, and I've had one betta and one mystery snail. I saw a long, brown worm moving in the gravel yesterday after I gravel vaccumed. (Photo attached) Do you recognize this worm? It's staying in the gravel. I wonder if it is...
  13. Irksome

    Greedy betta living with shrimp advice please

    I have redone my 10 gallon and removed the divider that separated my shrimp and betta. So far no shrimp deaths and the betta has blown his first bubble nest!!! But the betta is greedy, yesterday he ate 5 shrimp pellets and today he tried to eat an algae wafer. Normally he gets 4 small pellets or...
  14. N

    My betta is having lumps on his body

    Hi I am new to this forum but I am desperate for any advice possible on my little guy. I have had Sushi for almost a year and the past few months he has developed lumps and bumps on his body seemingly with no cause. They are white and sometimes flesh colored. He is a sensitive guy so I try not...
  15. Quin

    Hank :D

    I just wanted to show off some pictures I took of Hank, my betta. I know a few of you ask for updates occasionally, so this is what he looks like now! He's much darker after his color change but he's very vibrant in direct light. That first picture REALLY shows off the black spotted pattern he...
  16. Quin

    How high can bettas jump?

    I've been considering leaving the lid of my tank off since it darkens the tank a lot, it's in the way for feeding and maintenance, and my water line is always lower anyways. I might have done it without thinking too hard about it, but the other day I had food in my tweezers held above the water...
  17. Quin

    Chunky betta

    I've been feeding my betta Hank flakes in the morning and bloodworms in the evening every day for the past week or so. He had a bigger meal last night as he always seems hungry and I'm worried I'm underfeeding him (a quick Google search told me that bettas know when to stop eating, but even when...
  18. Quin

    Do betta fins change with stress?

    Hank, my black orchid male betta, got his first regular water change yesterday, about two days overdue. Afterwards his filter output was pulsing in and out with a current too strong for him, so it has been mostly off until now. I just finished rinsing and cleaning off his filter pad and having a...
  19. Quin

    Weird dream

    Yesterday I was doing some passive research on tankmates for bettas because one of the videos I watched said that they get lonely without other (non-betta) fish. I decided about halfway through the first video I didn't really trust the source, nor was it time to think about it since my betta is...
  20. A

    New-ish Betta losing scales on face -- any thoughts?

    Hi. I got a delta tail male betta fish 40 days ago and have noticed that he is loosing color and some scales in the face. His body appears to be fine and his behavior is normal --he's very active and has a great appetite. He is the sole fish in a 13 gallon, well-cycled tank along with with 1...
  21. F

    Ich in planted tank with rcs

    hi all, My betta started to show signs of ich and so I treated it last week with esta exit to no avail, I then treated it again a few days ago with both esta exit and 2000 as this is supposedly more effective yet this has clearly not worked. I had the temp raised as well so I am now giving up...
  22. Quin

    Betta looking so much better :)

    I think I really messed up. My black orchid male betta has not eaten for the five days I've had him, and in the last two or three he has not been swimming a whole lot. I figured maybe he was lethargic and excessively weak from his lack of food, so I decided to move him to his cup and put food in...
  23. Quin

    Does Hank look okay?

    I'm not sure if the video format works, but I came back inside to see this. Hank is lying against his moss ball in the back of the tank, and I think he is breathing heavy. Pardon the quality, I recorded his reflection since he was hidden behind his bridge. He has since moved to rest on his leafy...
  24. I

    Sexing my gourami/ will a gourami and betta be okay together?

    Firstly, I’m not quite sure what to look for when sexing my paradise fish. Secondly, I know bettas are technically gouramis and you usually don’t want two gouramis in the same tank, but I was wondering if this case was any different because bettas look strikingly different than other gouramis. I...
  25. Quin

    Today is the day!

    So excited to be moving from the beginner help section to the discussion section :) Today, once the snow clears off the roads a little later (it is APRIL) I will be heading into the pet store to get the remaining supplies before moving Hank into his new 10 gallon! My checklist is a 10g...
  26. Quin

    Sushi man!

    After a lot of panicking, posting, and research yesterday I'm happy to announce my big man Hank S. Sushi! He's a black orchid betta, and I'm on the hunt for a bigger tank for him and cycling treatments and test kits. I did have a minor heart attack this morning because my dad turned off the...
  27. Quin

    New betta at top of tank?

    Hi there! I got a new male black orchid betta today and I'm super excited to have him! I'm also really nervous and maybe over-paranoid because yesterday I brought home the tiniest betta I'd ever seen, a veiltail female, but she did not make it past an hour. I believe it was completely user...
  28. francisabch12

    I think my Betta has fin rot. Can you please help me identify?

    I think my Betta is having fin rot problems but I am not sure if it's fin rot. Can anyone please help me recognise the fin rot. So I can start the treatment. If you guys have any treatment ideas please suggest. P.S. : I can't get any medicines due to Covid 19 lockdown. I have "Rid-All Anti Ich"...
  29. Barry Tetra

    RIP betta...

    My betta just died, I dont know the problem but the guppy grass tied the betta dead body. Can guppy grass (or water sprite) tied a betta to death, I cannot forgive my self right now. Tank is 3.5 Gals with overstock plants Parameters; Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 2 @Deanasue @PheonixKingZ...
  30. J

    Question about Betta fish

    Hi have a betta fish and a few khuli loaches in an aquarium at home. I heard it would be best if I fed the loaches at night with the lights off because they are most active at night plus my betta would eat most of their sinking pellets before they do if i fed during the day. However, if i did...
  31. Barry Tetra

    New betta in QT

    My new betta, what do you guys think? @PheonixKingZ @TheTenthDoctor
  32. Irksome

    Small tail splits

    Hello everyone. My lovely betta appears to have a couple of small splits in his tail. I am aware of their delicate reputation but figured his tank was safe. His driftwood is smooth, his terracotta pot is sanded and has the hole enlarged. All his plants are real and he has an air driven sponge...
  33. KLG1234

    My favorite fish photo

    Seeing as I seem to usually only post when I have an issue I decided I wanted to just post my favorite photo of my male betta I have taken to date and hoping some people will also share their favorite fish photos they’ve taken!
  34. Barry Tetra

    Thailand Betta

    Here Is the video I took from LFS, all of the betta is about 0.80$ - 1$ @Deanasue @PheonixKingZ @Back in the fold @TheTenthDoctor
  35. S

    White aquarium bugs that can jump on humans????

    I work at a pet store and the other day a few staff members were cleaning out the betta fish display when they found some white, mite like bugs, which were almost translucent. We emptied the whole system and tried to suck up the bugs through a gravel siphon. Since then we have treated the system...
  36. preserveomelette

    Proper way to change substrate in an established tank?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I'm still relatively new to the hobby; I've had a 10 gallon tank for a betta for almost a year now. I believe I have a good understanding what it means to take adequate care for him, and he is still doing well. The tank is established and the water parameters...
  37. Mumzy

    Where to find betta rescues or breeders

    Haven't had a betta fish, or a fish in general since I was a teenager. I've been drawn into getting one again past few months! Considering getting between a 5-10 gal. If 10 gal maybe adding a divider (one where they cant see through) And having 2! It/they will be lone fish since they've seemed...
  38. B

    Sick Betta

    Hi everyone! I’ve had my betta fish for just over a year and he hasn’t been doing great for the past week so I’m reaching out because I’m not sure what to do at this point. Over the summer I noticed his fins started getting tattered and he had black bits on the ends, meaning he definitely had...
  39. R

    White Spot on Betta

    Hello all, I am a bit worried about a white spot I spotted on one of our little guy’s scales. Any idea what it could be? I’m worried it could be the start of ick but worry about starting treatment without knowing the cause. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  40. Barry Tetra

    Planted tank suggestions and thoughts

    Which plants looking good for betta tanks, I have 5 gal fluorite substrate tank and a betta, suggestions and thought, how to plant java fern and other plants?