
  1. bettaworldforbettas

    Starting Betta Fish Advocacy Project (Betta World For Bettas) -- Seeking like-minded people

    Hello! My name is Ariel and I'm a new member here :) I've started a project called Betta World For Bettas, because I see there's still a lot of misinformation about betta care among consumers and pet chains. I've been working to address these misconceptions through acrylic paintings and social...
  2. T

    Do too much microworm will caused the betta fry dead?

    Hi, first time breeding betta, alien breed. I fed the betta fry with microworm at their 4th day, but at the 7th day i realize the fry are all dead except for 1survival. Then only realize alot of microworm are swimming at the bottom of the water. Lastly, when do we need to remove the male betta...
  3. S

    What is the best and easiest way to change the betta fish tank water?

    Hey there guys, hope your you and your fish are doing great :):). I am kinda new in this industry and having a betta tank myself. I was wondering what is the best way to change your betta tank water in new and old Tank (Both)? Also, the easiest way to do so. Any information will be helpful. Thanks
  4. Barry Tetra

    New betta!

    Just got new betta from the LFS, it was 0.50 USD (20 Thai baht) and he is a “False” Thai flag betta Below is a picture of “Real” Thai flag which sells for 53500 THB ($1700) in my LFS
  5. kellyrazz1996

    Suddenly obsessed with this little female betta

    I've been wanting a red male betta for the past few months and finally set myself to the task of preparing for one. Lots of reading and a 20 gallon tank later and I found myself searching through three different pet stores, but none of the betta were calling out to me. I ended up going home with...
  6. Irksome

    Betta fungal infection isn’t responding to treatment

    I initially did a salt treatment in a quarantine bucket, but didn’t feel good leaving him in a bucket that I couldn’t hide from inquisitive toddlers, so I moved him back into the tank and started an anti fungal treatment. I have been adding treatment every day and changing water every other day...
  7. primsloaches16

    Betta- Before and After a loving home!

    Saw a ton of threads on posting progress photos of your fish, generally their change with colors and vibrancy, and I figured Honey is a fantastic example of that! Honey isn't a fancy betta, no flowy fins, the "wild" type of betta splendens. I got her on the rack of "less desirable" bettas next...
  8. JamieTYV

    What is causing my plant to disintegrate?

    Hi all, Long time lurker here, finally joined up! I have 3 tanks (2 X tropical and one cold water). One of my tropical tanks is semi-planted (mixture of live and silk plants - seems to keep my Betta happy!) But recently one of my plants has started to "disintegrate" (but only on one leaf so...
  9. Barry Tetra

    Help me choose!

    Hello, I just got new 3 gal tank, help me choose these bettas betta is damn cheap here in my country, cost 10 Thai baht=$0.32 @PheonixKingZ @TheTenthDoctor @AdoraBelle Dearheart @Deanasue
  10. N

    Help with betta (fin damage, possible fin rot)

    Hello! I’m writing because I’m really concerned about my betta fish Barry. His fins have been looking off lately but today they look wayyy worse. This AM there were two new holes and rips In his fins and I’m pretty sure now, this afternoon, the holes have ripped and created more tears. I’ve...
  11. K

    Hospital tank size?

    So my betta, Ender, has some bad finrot and his hospital tank is 5 gallons with a filter and heater. And now that I see other people who are treating terrible illnesses, they point out that having a smaller hospital tank helps more with recovering. I've also been doing 50% to 80% water changes...
  12. primsloaches16

    How to stop my Betta from being a glutton?

    Hey yall! After my stocking thread, I'm sure y'all are aware of my currently way overstocked tank which I'm getting prepped for fixin'! One of the inhabitants is my lovely betta, Honey. (Name not so fitting, shes a "wild" colored female betta with some pretty blue and red on her fins, when I got...
  13. S

    Congo Tetras and Betta Fish?

    Hi all, I’m looking to add more fish in my 50g fish tank (currently have 18 neon tetras) and was wondering if congo tetras would nip the betta fish too much? Thanks!
  14. Barry Tetra

    Help! Betta dying

    He’s about to die. Water parameters: Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 12 Cause? is he pineconing, dropsy or old age? (He’s about 10 months) but it looks like pineconing to me, thoughts anyone? @PheonixKingZ @Deanasue @EllRog @AdoraBelle Dearheart
  15. Circus

    Population Control Achieved!

    My brackish water tank has finally reached equilibrium! My 20 gallon brackish tank houses my female guppies, with only 1 (the original) producing fry. She usually drops 50+ every 29 days or so. The daughters from previous batches are finally big enough to eat their younger siblings. Primal...
  16. Circus

    Stocking a 29 Gallon

    Tell me what you guys think of my stock list? At the moment I have 10 pygmy corydoras and 2 rescued cardinal tetra. I plan on bringing the cardinals up to 12 or so and they cories up to 15 (more of both if you guys think it could work). When the tank is mature enough, I will be moving my 5 oto...
  17. Circus

    Favorite Betta Tail Type

    So, I was wondering what kind of betta to get for my tank and was leaning towards a rosetail, or perhaps an elephant ear. I have a halfmoon, a dragonscale plakat, a crowntail, and I have 2 females. I had a halfmoon king in the past. What are the tail types you all prefer?
  18. A

    very new and very confused, please help!

    i recently got my first betta fish as well as 3 kuhli loaches. the workers at the aquarium shop i purchased them from explained that it was best to acclimate them at the same time to avoid my betta from becoming territorial. when i was first observing my betta at the shop his top fin looked a...
  19. Circus

    Redoing 3 Gallon

    So, I have decided to completely redo my currently empty 3 gallon for a new betta. I already have a new light on it ($7 clip on desk lamp from target). I will be putting in black sand and some kind of centerpiece rock (if petstore has single pieces of dragonstone I will get that) and a dense...
  20. Circus

    Determined Jumper

    So I had a betta jump out of his tank today. His name was Spangle and he was a Half-moon King. I found him when I got home from work. It looked like the tank lid had been shoved over a bit, probably by my dog bumping into the tank stand. I had a kind of DIY lid on it, just a piece of plexiglass...
  21. B

    Betta Ich? Please let me know.

    I just bought a betta yesterday and I didn't notice until I had added him to my 29 gallon tank. I was watching him intently to see how he would do with my community fish and he was doing really well but then I saw this spot on him. I took him out right away, and now he's in a 5 gallon tank so I...
  22. B

    Betta with white lumps, please help!

    Could someone please help me? This is my king betta Cerberus. He has these white growths on his face. One of either gill and on right behind his eye and a very small one on his forehead. They seem to just keep growing. His tank has driftwood so he is always in tannins. About a year ago he had 1...
  23. onefieshcedrick

    How to Set Up a 10-gal Tank?

    I am looking into acquiring a 10 gallon tank for a veiltail male betta but have never worked with a fish tank before. Does anyone have a basic set of steps and things I need to set up the tank for my fish?
  24. A

    Signs my fish has worms?

    Hi there, In one of my tanks, I noticed that my bristlenose pleco has something that looks like callamanus worms. I double checked with PetSmart and they said it looked normal. My water levels are fine and I have not introduced any new fish or plants to my aquarium for over a month now. My...
  25. Circus

    My Tanks!

    In my circus of an apartment I have several small and medium tanks. This will be a collection of pics of my tanks and fish. This first one is of the fish in my "Red" tank. It has cherry shrimp, ember tetra, a female betta, and temporarily some pygmy corydoras.
  26. Bettagills

    White Growth on Betta - EMERGENCY - unsure of what it is

    Azora is a Halfmoon female betta fish of about a year old. She is energetic, happy, colorful, eats frequently and with no issue. About a month ago I noticed a small white dot (bump) growing above her right eye. I research and began treating her for a fungal issue using pimafix. After a week of...
  27. R

    White spot on the head of betta

    Hi all, Recently I've noticed a white indent has formed on the top of my Betta that wasn't there previously. At first I thought it was ick, but this seems like a scratch or wound of some sort. The Betta has been acting completely normal however and nothing seems to be wrong with the other fish...
  28. Barry Tetra

    Is 2 Gallon tank too small for betta

    Hi TFF, I’ve seen this 2 tank on sale in my LFS, Do you guys think it’s too small for betta? @essjay
  29. Irksome

    Pineconing betta, still lively

    I thought that last night she might been but decided it was a trick of the light. Today it is definitely not a trick of the light. She is still swimming around and eating, she just jumped to take a pellet from my finger. Should I add salt to the tank? I cannot get antibiotics here. She has...
  30. S

    Nitrites Spike every water change - Any help would be amazing!

    Hi Friends I'm new to the forum, and excuse me please for skipping out on the introduction, but I've got a bit of an urgent problem I really need some help with. If you could read through and give me some advice, I'd truly appreciate it. First, I'll cut to the facts of my set-up: Tank - 21...
  31. A

    Need help emergency! Betta and cardinal terra

    Bit of a long post but please read all PLEASE NOTE I am brand new to this and have only had my fish for around 1 week : I Have got a 30L tropical tank, which was left cycling for nearly 2 weeks before any fish went in. There is lots of live plants also some plastic ones, lots of hiding spots...
  32. U

    Betta attacking new dwarf gourami

    Despite many a web page and the aquarium owner telling us it should be okay, our betta (red and blue) is attacking our new dwarf gourami (red and blue). Straight away the betta started flaring up, but it seemed like it was going to be fine. Until he started ramming and biting the very chill...
  33. L

    Betta with weird spots on his head

    My betta has these weird greyish spots on his head that kind of look like blisters. No other symptoms and he is very active, currently making a bubble nest. All water parameters and care is perfect. Can anybody identify them? Doesn’t seem like fungus at all as they aren’t white or fluffy, and...
  34. W

    I'm scared my fish is going to die.

    Hi, I have a male betta named Morty (almost a year and a half old) who has had a growth on one side of him for some time now. I originally didn't think much of it (or maybe just hoped it was fine?) but it has grown rapidly over time and now he seems to lay down very often. He used to come and...
  35. I

    Betta Fish Sick

    My betta (half a year old) is staying at the bottom of the tank and not going up to feed. I've seen him try to swim a few times and he can, but only for a few seconds before he quickly returns back to the ground. I think he can't keep his balance? He seems to move a bit sideways when he rests...
  36. M

    Betta losing colour?

    Hello everyone, I bought a Betta fish around 6 weeks ago and he was so bright and colourful. I’ve been staying in contact with the shop and my water is all good throughout. However I have noticed that his fins are losing colour and he isn’t so vibrant anymore. I have bought a floating plant...
  37. M

    Betta tail has changed? is it hurt?

    Hi everyone, so I have had my Betta fish for approximately 5-6 weeks now and I have noticed a change in tail shape. When I first got him he as a square shape notch in his back tail and it was very smooth and I think just part of his build. However I have since noticed it has changed to a long...
  38. M

    Are those Betta fish male or females?

    Are they males or females and can I put them together?
  39. H

    Cycling for new 10 gallon tank is stuck?

    Hi, I've got a 10 gallon tank set up for a betta fish, and of course I've been trying to cycle it before I get my fish. I used API quick start after adding about 4 ppm of pure ammonia, thinking that would get the cycle happening quickly. But it's been about two weeks now, and it seems like my...
  40. Q

    Help with treating my betta

    Okay so spoiler: this is gonna be a lengthy post. Because I want to give you a clear view of my daily/weekly life with these fishes. So I’m gonna state my main problem first – is my betta sick? I will get into what I think are the red flags in a bit. So I got my red half moon betta earlier this...