My betta has swim bladder which im pretty sure is due to overfeeding, i’ve left him alone for three days and have been trying to feed him peas and he just wont eat.( Ive already checked the ammonia nitrite and nitrate)
I don't know what else to do? He just sits at the bottom of his tank
Hi all,
I currently have a 105 litre planted, community tank that houses 12 cardinal tetras, 7 ember tetras and one male betta. The tank looks a bit sparse so I was wondering if I could fit in any more fish (tetras if possible)?
Thanks in advance!
my fish is still recovering from fin rot but i noticed his belly is a bit bigger than usual and he’s not energetic. i read if you diagnose it wrong, it’ll kill the fish. i’m new to this fish thing so i don’t know if it is or isn’t dropsy. here are pictures. pls help
Hey everyone,
First time poster and I am new to the forum - I have been a lurker for a few weeks and appreciating all the info shared.
I have had a look online for the answers to my questions (which I couldn't find) so apologies if I am repeating something here.
I am new to keeping tropical...
hey guys!
i recently bought a pink orchid male and put him in a ~7g tank! he was happy but i noticed him start to get lonely and decided to get him a friend. i learned males can usually live well with females, especially well if i got a seperater. all i had was a breeding tank so i put my new...
Hi all,
I will be upgrading my current 10 gallon which houses only a male Betta to a new 105 litre/ 23 gallon tank. I'd like to get some Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish for the new tank and I'd like to know how many I could keep?
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I've had my betta since 3 years ago when I rescued him from poor living conditions in a neighbor's house. His fins have always been droopy, but I've recently noticed they're a little stringy/ torn looking. I don't know much about fish keeping but I try to make sure I get the basic stuff for...
Are there any other animals I can add to a 5 gal without overcrowding it? I've got snails and live plants right now, and planning to get a betta for it soon. Could I add ghost/cherry shrimp or would that be too much? Any other recommendations?
Okay, I posted about a betta fish I took from a pet store yesterday, since he had some pale coloring on/by his fins and lips that worried me, but I only got one reply that said I shouldn't worry. Now though, I definitely have something to worry about, mainly because my tank had an ammonia spike...
I've decided that I'll try fostering bettas, taking them from terrible pet stores in an attempt to get them healthy enough to find a new home. Even if I don't succeed, I figure I can at least give them a nice big home to spend their final days in, instead of dying alone in a tiny little cup...
could you give me a crash course on how to rehabilitate a rescue betta? Its been a long time since ive kept betta fish and im not sure where to start.
For some quick background.
friends of mine were trying to get rid of a small betta they've had for 10 months
I have general knowledge of some...
Had to leave the forum for a week or two... but I am back! And with plenty of questions ;)
I'm very fortunate to have friends and family that support this hobby, although none of them seem to really understand it. That became apparent this Christmas when a few decided to buy me fish unaware of...
So this is just a little story that might help some other new betta owners. So I have a betta sorority that has three beautiful baby girl’s. They are acting and look healthy, so I was surprised when I found my red crowntail, Judas, sitting in one spot and not moving. I moved my hand towards...
In the last year I have had two betta jump out of their tanks. Both were King Betta. With the first, he was in a 10 gallon, but the lid was not well secured. I then updated all of my tanks to have heavier glass lids.
I just had my 2nd jumper hop out of a 29 gallon tank with a well secured...
My betta is alive but keeps laying on the top of the water on his side. He isn’t bloated so I don’t think it is swimmers bladder but I really need help. I got him yesterday but he had been doing this in his cup he came in before I bought him.
My betta used to have such a beautiful billowing tail, but now it’s short with big chunks missing. A few weeks ago, he was not doing so well and so I put some catappa bark in his tank, and he has been doing so well since then! The water is very brown which you can see in the pictures, and the...
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! I woke up to feed my betta but he seemed very lethargic and I’m now starting to see some white spots on him along with some scratched skin (see photos). The white spots make me think it might be ick but I’m not sure about the scratches. It might also be...
I woke up this morning and went down to feed my betta only to realize his fins look a little different. Is it fin rot? (See picture) and if so what should I do?
Hello everyone! (wow, I'm back? :oops:)
After (almost) finishing the first semester of year 2 in my aquaculture studies at Dalhousie, I've found I've learned more about finfish and shellfish than I've bargained for, and a notable subject has crossed my path while caring for my own fish that I...
I’ve had my betta for about 2 months, and he was very healthy for the first 1.5 months, but about a week ago, he became very lethargic and staying up in the very top corner of his tank, not eating and with clamped fins. The water parameters were 0 chlorine, 0 nitrite, traces of ammonia, and...
I believe I have a 'fancy' halfmoon male betta (see picture, may be wrong) and I am going to try and breed him with one of my females (currently all veiltails). However, I read somewhere that the veiltail gene is dominant and thus would result in all the fry having a veiltail... is this...
Hello. My betta fish has been with me since the summer, in a 10 gallon planted tank that I've worked hard at keeping in good condition. While originally with me at home, I took the whole setup and my fish with me to college once the school year started (don't worry it's all social distanced, we...
Hi --
I started a petition for Petco to raise their recommended min aquarium size for Betta fish from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their Betta Care Sheet. Right now when you grab a Betta care pamphlet in their store or look online, it says min: 1/4 gal!
Here is the link...
Hello forum,
I was just wondering if what has happened to my betta fish is normal. I understand they can marble over time, but I’m worried about his size. I got him in July (the white picture of him) and he’s now much slimmer and even his head and body looks smaller (the metallic picture of...
Hello all! So I have an old tank that I'm planning on setting up using tetra safestart, however I have a few questions:
1. I'd like to do a fishless cycle so want to use the TSS to jumpstart the cycle. I'll be adding ammonia to the tank but I'm unsure how much to add? The tank is about 68...
My sister has a freshwater tank and was wanting to treat her betta who has finrot so I recommended aquarium salt in a water change. Unfortunately in the water change she forgot to include the stress coat water conditioner. This means she put in a water change of unconditioned water treated with...
I’ve seen some conflicting information out there about these fish. My 10 gallon is almost cycled and I’m looking to add a betta fish when it is. I don’t have any experience with imbellis but they are so beautiful I was wondering if anyone could share about their personal experiences. I also saw...
Hi everyone,
My betta is clamping it’s fins and seems to be acting strangely. He is very lethargic, resting on the gravel for long periods and his fins seem like they have been nipped. He is in a tank with 6 neon tetras and some shrimp. I haven’t seen the tetras annoying him nor have I seen him...
I'm looking into starting a betta sorority in a 55 gallon with 13 girls and some dither fish. I have a backup 20 gallon and 5 gallons in the case that there is fighting. To minimize this chance, I'd like at least some of the girls to be sisters or to have been raised around other bettas. Does...
im planning to get a betta in a 2.5 planted tank but im keeping it in my room with AC, i turn my AC on sometime when its hot, im planning to get a heater but still... how the heck can i avoid temperature fluctuations in an AC room even with heater?
Perhaps this is a question for the oddball section, but does anyone know if I could keep female betta fish and a peacock eel in the same tank provided it's a 55 or 65 gallon with plenty of backup tanks?
I've read some mixed things on sorority tanks in 20 gallons... but what about in a heavily planted 55 gallon? I'd really like to try this out but have no idea where to start - how many betta's should I get? Species only, or add some endlers/cardinal tetras as distraction? Is this even worth...
Hello, so I have a betta fish and she has a tear on your fin and it’s been weeks and it won’t heal. I saw at the store they have API betta fix and I was wondering if I should try that. I think it’s just tea tree oil. Also, there’s brown spots all over my fake silk plants. Could it be something...
Hey guys! It's been a while. I think Hank (betta, 10g, with mystery snail, can list tank params at request) is in the early stages of dropsy. I was a week late on this recent water change due to my personal life, and he's been bloated for the past 2+ days despite a consistent feeding schedule...
I got my betta Neptune four months ago and he has been doing amazing until this past sunday (five days ago). I noticed he was tending to the corner of the tank and didn’t sleep in the leaves of my java fern like he normally does. I noticed a bulge towards his tail and that he would tend...
I got this betta about a month ago, she was sold to me as female but now I see a bit of a bubble nest starting so I’m wondering if it could be a male after all? I’ve tried using a mirror to get her to flare up but shes doesnt seem to react. I only had one betta before (had him for almost 5 years...
My brothers office closed due to covid and I ended up with these beautiful Betta fish on my hands. the first thing I did was move them to a bigger environment , I admit I am still working on it but this red guy is either a really picky eater or I worry that he has fin rot (from what I read). I’m...