
  1. V

    Betta head injury

    Hi my betta has this odd marking on his head im not sure what it is ive noticed it only a few days ago it seems like its gotten worse if anyone has any ideas what it could be i appreciate that alot.
  2. P&BtheBetta

    Pineconing due to old age

    As my betta has gotten older, his scales have been more and more raised. The tank is filtered, heated, and cycled. He's around 3-4 years old now, gradually becoming more lethargic, having less appetite, and losing color in his scales. It's gotten to the point where I can look at him from the...
  3. katienewbettakeeper

    Ten gal planted betta, beginner needs advice!!!

    first time keeper looking for advice!!! planning a ten gal planted aquarium for a betta fish. bought the basics in prep for cycling: 10 gal fluval stratum 8.8 lb test kit flourish tabs gravel vac omega one flakes Fluval 50 watt heater thermometer strip seachem water conditioner Aqueon...
  4. M

    Switching from spring water to tap water

    I’ve been using spring water for my betta fish for as long as I have had him (since September) I am finding it hard to keep up with buying enough spring water to make frequent water changes as i do not have a car. Would it be hard on him to switch over to tap water at this point? He currently...
  5. Y

    Betta Breathing extra heavy after Jungle fungus cure

    I just added jungle fungus cure three hours ago to treat my betta for columnaris but now he's breathing extra heavy. I added the correct dose but I'm scared that I poisoned him! Should I do a emergency water change or is it too late?
  6. B

    Betta Fish Unwell

    Hi everyone I am reposting since my last thread was quite some time ago. If you need context please see: But now my betta Itachi who I got in 2019 isn't doing so great. His tail has almost completely receded and is...
  7. L

    Betta fish is sick

    Hi everyone, I’m new to owning a betta and he isn’t doing too well. We’ve had him over a month but the last week he’s getting worse and worse. I’ve checked the levels in his water and they’re fine but I’ve also made sure to do regular water changes incase. He has been spending more time at the...
  8. L

    My Cory died after only 2 days and now I am worried that something is wrong with my tank!

    Hi! I have bought a cory and died no long after max 1/2 days. I never had issues with putting fishes in my tank since I had it (6 months). I am worried my tank might have some toxic algae because it has a electric Blu green algae that's never been there before! So I am worried for my other...
  9. DragonScales+Doubletails

    New betta breeding pair.

    I bought a blue and black marble knight male betta to breed with a female Galaxy koi. I will breed them in a few weeks. male: Female (Extremely similar): I'm very excited to finally breed again since the first time wasn't planned. (I ordered a small group of females to accompany my...
  10. ember04

    betta mahachaiensis

    Hello So if anyone has seen my last threads, I've had a problem with stocking my tank due to my hard water. I could not find a fish I liked that I could keep. Then I found Betta Mahachaiensis which naturally come from freshwater but also brackish water so like harder water compared to the rest...
  11. Falconwithaboxon

    Betta Mates

    I have started cycling a 29-gallon tank with black gravel substrate for my Betta fish and was wondering what fish might work well. I was thinking of a school of darker colored Cories(He currently lives with 5 Cories Emerald Cories) and some snails(rabbit maybe) but was wondering if there was...
  12. ellamay

    Planted aquarium floors

    I’m about to set up a small tank for my betta (currently thinking about a dennerle nano cube 20l) and would like some advice. My first question is what do you do about keeping the aquarium floor clean when it’s completely planted like in the picture below? I use a gravel vac on my current...
  13. ellamay

    Setting up a hospital tank for fin rot

    I think my betta may have fin rot as his fins are looking pretty ripped around the edges. Im doing regular water changes and using aquarium salt first. I know I can get medication if this doesn’t work, I was thinking of moving him to a smaller hospital tank if he doesn’t improve. Do I need to...
  14. M


    Hello So this morning I was checking on my baby bettas that I bred myself and one had a long and CLEAR tendril coming out of it. The tendril isn’t moving so I assumed it is not a worm/parasite. It’s similar to a fish bone almost. I will attach a picture, it is hard to photograph it but you can...
  15. April_ht

    Betta Tank & Questions

    I've come to the decision to turn my 4.2 Gallon spare tank into a Betta tank. This was thought up last week, and I've finally got the tank set up and the betta on the way. The tank was cycled for about 6 weeks before I tore it apart yesterday and reset the whole thing, though the sponge filter...
  16. kapsey

    Help! Betta Fish Tumor(?) Turning White?

    Hello! I posted a thread a few months ago regarding my Betta. I thought he had bloat initially, but the consensus seemed that it was a tumor. I noticed yesterday that it seems to be turning white. It also seems to be a bit stringy, as you can see in the second photo. I realize there isn’t...
  17. J

    Norbert, my Betta, is sick and not getting better with treatment

    Hi. I am hoping for some help and insight for my sick betta, Norbert. Let me know if you guys have other diagnoses for him as Im not sure what he has but hopefully the items below shed more light for more insight. Symptoms: He has been off-feed for a week. There was 1 day he ate 3 pellets but...
  18. xipo817

    Is this really Betta imbellis?

    I bought this betta in shop in japan as betta imbellis. But I am not sure if this fish is really imbellis. This fish has red bar in his gill, so I think this betta looks more like splendens or siamorientalis. I don't know well about betta because I've just started betta rearing only 2 month ago...
  19. M

    Sick betta

    Can anyone help me with my sick betta. Has been loosing color just wants to sit in corners up top
  20. MattW

    White spot on betta's face

    Hello, I was just looking at my tank when I noted a white spot on the side of my betta's face. I am aware of some diseases such as ick can cause similar-looking spots however this is my first betta so I would like to ask for some opinions. On what the actual spots are and what medication would...
  21. bettafishlover86

    New betta setup

    do y’all like it?
  22. bettafishlover86

    Betta difference

    This is a 5 day comparison. No idea what happened. The first day he looked bad but now he is pretty.
  23. Kaleidoscope

    Betta Breeding Advice

    Hello! :fish: I am planning on opening up a specialty fish and reptile store. It was mentioned to me that I should start off with breeding and selling from home, which is probably a good idea for now since I'm looking to buy a new home next year. Once I get my house, I do have a plan to set up a...
  24. OliveFish05

    5 gallon betta biotope journal

    Hello! I am getting started on a relatively loose biotope for a male betta. Here is my plan so far Tank - 5 gallon rimless tank - 16x8 inches Aqueon Nano planted tank light Stock - 1 male betta splendens Plants - Crypts (2) Water sprite vals Willow hygro dwarf Pennywort bamboo pothos i may...
  25. CozyCat

    Mysterious death...

    Hi all, Found my betta dead this morning and I have absolutely no idea what happened😔 Since I got him he earlier this year he has been great, behaving normally, eating, and no sign of disease. Water parameters are fine; pH 7.6, Ammonia and nitrite both 0, and Nitrate below 20ppm. Water temp...
  26. H

    Does my betta have popeye?

    She got white rings around both her eyes a few weeks ago so I used melafix for a week. It didn’t seem to change much. They seem to be more prominent now but I honestly can’t tell if it’s her coloring or not. She also has a weight issue, I don’t think it’s a disease since she’s very active and...
  27. F

    HELP Betta not doing well

    PLEASE see attached. I know it’s only a betta but my young daughters first fish and part of family. Usually swims up to us and on bottom of tank. There is a white “tail” off its side when hes swimming. Can’t tell if infection or cut itself SEE ATTACHED Water Quality is fine There are “suds” on...
  28. Salt

    Blanco the Betta

    He keeps growing =)
  29. A

    Worried about my Betta

    Hello everyone. Recently I got a new Betta from my local pet store. I'm new to keeping Bettas but after doing research for around the past year I finally decided to get one myself. He's just a common Betta but after a few days I realized the reason his fins didn't look the best was he had been...
  30. E

    Converting a Biorb Tank to a Different Filter/Substrate

    Hi, I have an 8 gallon Biorb Flow tank. I've had it for about a year and a half. I love the tank but I hate the filtration system, and the biorb ceramic substrate is tearing up my current Betta's fins (he likes to sleep on the bottom). So I'm wanting to change up the filtration system and...
  31. jessicarf00

    help- betta fin rot?

    just this week i noticed my betta, harry’s, fins looking jagged/ a little shredded? nothing else seems very different about him, so i don’t know if something is wrong with him he’s my first and only fish, by himself in a cycled and heated/filtered 10g tank. he has live plants (swords, floating...
  32. S

    Baby Betta Help

    Hi there! I recently got a baby male Betta from Petco. He was swimming around happily in the little container he came in. Yesterday I filled his tank (2.2 gallons), added the water conditioner, turned on the filter it came with, and turned on the heater. After 12 hours, my husband slowly...
  33. L

    Betta chunk missing please help!

    Sorry about the poor photo, will do my best to describe. This is Bella, we have had her about 2 months. Last week I noticed she had a small white spot next to her gill and she was hiding a lot which is unusual. We were away at the weekend and now she has this open wound/sore- it is white with a...
  34. C

    Is my Betta ok?

    I’ve had my Betta about a month now and today I spotted this white/grey stuff on his tail. Is this a sign of disease? Or has he just got something stuck on there? His behaviour has not changed, he is still swimming around, eating and coming to the front of his tank to be sociable. He has a...
  35. A

    Betta has a white bump on its side

    Hi, What is wrong with my Betta fish? It looks a bit like a tumour. They’ve had this since I got them a few months back, but it was considerably smaller, and has grown bigger since this picture. I thought it was due to stress at first as I had a few tank changes, but it’s been at least a month...
  36. M

    Aggression levels of betta brothers

    Hey so, recently my opal male betta and koi female mated and I have been raising their fry for 3 weeks now. I plan on selling/giving away the male offspring and actually wondered if male betta brothers who have always lived in the same space together will get along as adults too. I am assuming...
  37. jessicarf00

    betta missing scales or coloring?

    i was just trying to take some pictures of my betta, harry, and i noticed this spot on him. i can’t tell if this red spot on his body is part of his coloring, or missing scales. any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated:) the photo with the spot circled is from today, the other picture...
  38. pimudh

    Overbred bettas?

    It's a question that has been going around in my head since my betta died in the start of July. I've finally decided to write about it here. I kept him in an 8g (cycled) planted tank. After a few days I noticed he had a funny swim to him, which I had not noticed at the fish store. There was a...
  39. April_ht

    4.2 Gallon (16 Litre) Stocking

    About a month ago, I bought a 16 litre tank for some platy fry (tank dimensions around 35cm x 20cm x 25cm maybe). I’ve placed 5 into the main tank to see how they do with adult platy and White Cloud Mountain Minnows, the latter of which chased them though could not fit them in their mouth. I’ve...
  40. O

    Shrimp Tank for Bettas?

    I have been looking to get a small tank for a single Male Betta fish and recently stumbled upon this. Despite it being advertised for shrimp, it comes as a 30 litre (8 gallon) and includes a filter and heater (preset to 25c.) Is there anything about this tank that would make it unsuitable for a...