
  1. The Big Figfetti

    The Big Figfetti

    Hi! I’m Candy, the impulse buyer. I’ve been watching a UK hobbyist on YouTube for a few months and really wanted to try my hand at a low tech ecosystem or wasteland style tank. I’ve never kept freshwater before. I used to keep saltwater tanks in my teens and 20’s. I got out of the hobby when I...
  2. 2tank

    Betta fish sick with a distended stomach

    hi everyone, I have got a sick fish one of my breeding Betta have become sick with a very distended stomach, and I have no idea what illness it is. he is also eating very little and his colour has faded, he used to eat 4 pellets a day hikari vibra bites. now only a bit of blood worm. PH:6.5...
  3. ellamay

    Will Popeye medication kill shrimp?

    I need to treat my betta for Popeye, I’m doing water changes every few days and need to treat him but I don’t have a hospital tank and online it says not to use the medication in a tank with shrimp. If I take him out and use the treatment in a separate container will it still work? This is what...
  4. M

    Moving with African Dwarf frogs

    Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I have to unexpectedly move (3 hours away). I currently am the owner of two African dwarf frogs and 1 betta. I know that this move will be stressful for them and I want to do anything I can to make it more comfortable so I have a few questions. What can I do...
  5. bettafishlover86

    R.I.P Heatwave the Betta

    I was cleaning up around my fishtank a few minutes ago and I saw this black thing on the floor. I picked it up and realized it was a betta fish. I was confused, thinking my betta was still in his 29 gallon tank. I looked at the tank and noticed he was missing, and then I had the heartbreaking...
  6. M

    Betta has been dying for months, I’ve tried everything.

    My betta was sick when I bought him about three months ago but I got him into a heated, filtered tank and his condition improved drastically. He was doing just fine for about two weeks and then it all went to hell. Out of no where his color began to fade again, he began clamping his dorsal fin...
  7. M

    Fish Sick. Possibly graphite??

    Early this morning I noticed that my betta fish had a grey streak going across the side of his body that was not there before. My fish was also laying on the bottom of the tank at one point breathing very heavily. From research I have done it looks like it could possibly be graphite but I am not...
  8. O

    my betta is lethargic i think

    he just sits in one of these positions since i did a water change 2 days ago. and i also think he has swim bladder but he won’t eat the daphnia i give him. I’ve been feeding him 4 pellets once every 4 days but no improvement.
  9. O

    Can I have any mates for my betta in a 25l tank?

    yes no maybe so? probably not im assuming and NO snails and i will obviously wait until the tank is cycled
  10. O

    what is this in my tank is it snail eggs

    i did a 80% water change yesterday and cleaned the gravel so i don’t understand. is it snail eggs? I’m going out to buy crustaceans pesticide today because im sick of this
  11. O


    why is there snails in my tank and i never bought any snails make sense. HELP ME PLEASE WHAT THE HECK. AND WORMS
  12. A

    Fish Help!

    Hey guys, first time on a forum and looking for some help and or info, i currently have a red Betta named gimbal and ive had him for roughly 6 months and had absolutely no problems, hes extremely active eats often and seems extremely happy, however that all changed recently, we had him in a 3...
  13. O

    Betta fish fins torn to shreds

    I’ve removed all the plants as soon as I noticed. He’ll have to go without for a few hours but i’m going to the pet shop in the morning to get all real plants and return the fake ones. Anything I can do to help him?
  14. O

    white stringy in aquarium

    not sure if you can see very well but there is white string like substance in the tank what is it and is it safe?
  15. R

    New Fish and Shrimp and Fuzzies

    Hello everyone, thank you for taking a look here at my situation and giving me opinions. A few days back I got some new fish and set up multiple tanks anew in addition to adding to one of my current tanks. The only problem is with my betta and by extension my new shrimp. Originally the betta...
  16. S

    HELP! Betta is sick!

    My king betta, oneday, is about 2.5-3 inches long. About a week ago (i know i procrastinated this) I noticed he was floating to the top. buoyancy was a slight problem. i fasted him and it seemed to get slightly better. Now? It seems like he’s not getting better. He may be getting worse. I...
  17. S

    Translucent Fins

    Good morning everyone! I bet you all get sick of newbies coming in here and panicking about their betta's health, and I am sorry to add to that pile, yet here I am anyway! Attached is a photo of Valentine, a betta I've owned for about 2 weeks. I've noticed now his fins becoming translucent...
  18. J

    White Spots on Bettas head

    Hey everyone, I was away for the weekend and when I came home I noticed these white spots on my Bettas head. It doesn’t look like the Ich I’ve encountered in the past, but I could be wrong. Can someone tell me what it is / what could treat it? Thank you!
  19. R

    Betta with swollen gill.

    I've owned fish for a good 10 or so years and got back into bettas about 1 or 2 years ago and I've finally got the understanding for betta keeping I wish I had when I started fish keeping. Recently my betta fox has gotten a swollen gill that looks extra "scaley", I was hoping someone else could...
  20. B

    Guppies at top of tank

    Hi, I have a cycled 15 gallon planted tank. Today I added 6 guppies that I bought today. After 4-5 hours I added in my male Betta from my 5 gallon tank. Now my guppies are at the top of the tank (not dead.) Is it possible that I’ve added to many fish at a time? Is there anything I can do?
  21. V

    How do you cycle a 5 gallon?

    I know that I'm supposed to wait for beneficial bacteria to build up. I'm planning on doing this by putting fish food in the empty tank. I know that I could also transfer stuff from another tank into the new tank for bacteria. Most resides in the filter, so can I transfer filter media? What I...
  22. V

    Today I found out that my parents know nothing about cycling

    I asked my parents for help because I want to set up a new betta tank. They've been keeping fish for years and currently own a community tank and a turtle tank. I said, "I'll have to wait like a month for it to cycle." They had no idea what I was talking about. They said they've never waited...
  23. V

    Betta separated - now what?

    My betta in a community tank killed a fish when I came home from vacation. So now she's in a quarantine tank, and I'm going to have to get another tank for her permanent home. I already know about the basics, but my biggest question is, will I need to cycle the tank? I already have a 20 gallon...
  24. omega59

    Betta With White Lump

    My male Betta has this lump on it's top side I'm not sure what it is. I tried Pima Fix for body fungus i did 2 rounds and its still there. I also just recently started adding aquarium salt each water change, as suggested by my LFS. Can someone help me with this and what to do. I live in Canada...
  25. 1

    Hi everybody!

    My name is Mirta, I'm from Italy, and I share an aquarium with my boyfriend Chrysovalantis. We have two aquariums and half(...). I'll explain what I mean! We have a 30L aquarium (with glass structure), a 16L aquarium (same as the previous one) and a 5L aquarium that we use as quarantine. We have...
  26. L

    how do i convince my parents to get me a betta pair instead of platies and guppies

    i have 2 5 gallon aquariums that can fit a betta pair better than platies and guppies, unfortunately my parents will just say that i wont take proper care of it etc etc EDIT: forgot to say, i want to own a betta pair because i will breed them and sell the babies bacause bettas are more...
  27. L

    Why do my fish keep dying

    Hi, I seem to be having an issue with my tank and so far every fish I’ve got has died after a few weeks. I have cycled the tank, checked all levels are ‘good’ and the only issue I can think of is that our water is hard with a PH of 8. I have had two bettas (not at the same time) but after...
  28. B

    do you fast your male betta?

    I have been fasting my male betta once a week for as long i keep him, like more than 1 month. on the fasting day he seems really hungry and would kick the gravel up. im afraid he might injured himself doing that. what is your experience with fasting your male betta, would you recommend doing it?
  29. katienewbettakeeper

    New betta fish, white discoloration

    I got this fish yesterday from petco, he had raggedy fins that indicated fin rot and a very sad expression, and he won me over so I brought him home. noticed this white spot on the drive home, not sure what it is. fungal infection, tumor, scar? He’s very sluggish and stays at the bottom unless...
  30. ajr0053

    Dropsy Spread Prevention

    I have a betta that’s possibly coming down with dropsy. I sterilized my siphon, but I’m afraid that whatever caused my betta to get dropsy could have been transferred to my other tanks by plant changes, using the same siphon, etc. before I noticed. I know that dropsy is a symptom of a larger...
  31. Ava


    I typically only ask questions on the forum, so I decided to show my male half moon betta. I’ve had him for about 4 months now. I love him to death 💕
  32. MattW

    White spot on betta's face (follow up)

    Hello, I made a post about this problem of a white spot on my betta's head on Jan 1st this year. Since then the spot has turned into a form of growth. I have read up on bettas of this species being more prone to getting tumours. However, the white growth on my betta has a different look to it...
  33. P

    Betta fish needs urgent help!

    Guys i would appreciate a quick response, and i would be very thankful for all responses, im a new betta fish owner and i have no idea whats happening to her. my betta fish was being inactive for a last 3-4 days, I had it since 1 year now its my first fish and im very attached to it, few days...
  34. F

    Fin rot, lethargyc behaviour, fish stays at the top of the tank. I need help.

    Hello everyone, hope you're all having a great day. I'll start by writing about my tank setup: Housing: How many gallons is your tank? 5gal Does it have a filter? yes, sponge. Does it have a heater? no What temperature is your tank? 80F stable (live in tropics) Does your tank have an air stone...
  35. bettafishlover86

    What in the heck happened?

    So this morning I noticed my betta was missing, but I didn’t have time to look for her until after school. It appears as if she is attached to the driftwood by some sort of fungus. Does anyone know what this is or how it happened? I don’t know if she is dead, but I will update in a few.
  36. Z

    What are these little spore-like… things?

    They are everywhere and I’m hoping they aren’t a threat or anything to the tank. Just a 15 gallon with a betta and 3 nerite snails. Read that they may be Hydra but I am not 100% sure as they’re green and not white. I would just like them gone.
  37. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    This grey mark showed up on my betta months ago and I thought he had burned himself on the heater since he figured out how to rest on top of the suction cup, but now I think it's changed shape and I'm concerned. I want to check with more experienced people before putting in treatment for it...
  38. Lo Ki Gorgeous

    So there are two types of betta forums... where does mine fit in?

    Hi.. So... there are two different betta forums.. splendens and non splendens... Where does mine fit in? I don't know what "kind" he is.. I'm not sure what the difference is.. Is it something you can see? Is it wild bettas vs domestic bettas? Also.. he's so cute! He's young and still growing...
  39. danajs

    Lump on Betta’s tail?

    For a few weeks now, one of my boys has had what I can only describe as an air bubble on his tail and I was told it’s nothing to worry about, but I came down this morning and it’s more than quadrupled in size! He’s actively swimming and feeding, so it doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all...
  40. C

    An inquiry about my betta

    Hello, I just started fish keeping and i am very invested in it. Yesterday I was looking at my betta and he seemed a little bloated but not really. I am not sure. I tried looking for pictures online to fit his current stated but everything seems so exagerated. I don't think he is constipated...