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  1. silenthawk2x3

    Accuracy Of The Api Test Kit

    The API is chemically the most accurate, because most others are paper strips with the chemical indicators trapped in the paper... Technically as long as you follow instructions the API will be the most accurate. We use a pill in my Environmental Science course, but it is not nearly as accurate...
  2. silenthawk2x3

    Needs Stocking Idea's

    Larger tetras are always nice, can stand up on their own to the other fish and there is safety in numbers. I would say that you already have enough schooling type fish and would probably up the number of kuhli loaches as they are often more confident and interesting to watch in larger numbers...
  3. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish With Swimming Issues

    How tall is your tank? It may not seem exceedingly important, but angelfish need a taller tank in order to have space to move vertically in addition to moving from side to side. If they feel they don't have enough vertical space they often swim at an angle. When my angels hide under my curved...
  4. silenthawk2x3

    Touching Fish?

    Most people will say excessive handling isn't good for the fish, you'll stress them out, you'll damage their slime coat, or injure them, but as long as you don't force yourself on them they should be fine. Fish (and animals in general) won't let themselves be injured. Just make sure your hands...
  5. silenthawk2x3

    Natural Companions For Angelfish

    I have mine in with 12 corydoras, 16 lemon tetras, 2 BN plecos. Everyone is happy and its a good-looking tank. I tried hatchetfish, but I found they have no will to live and a tight fitting lid is not optional. 
  6. silenthawk2x3

    Losing A Lot Of Fish

    Maybe it's your LFS? Do you always frequent one in particular? It might be the store's tanks or the supplier. I know sometimes we get in poor fish that just don't thrive, or come in ill / overly stressed / ammonia poisoning. Sometimes it's something in our tanks; kids playing in the water /...
  7. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Eggs Always Infertile, Who Is The Problem?

    Exactly. It's not like I don't have three pairs at home and a huge batch of month old fry I'm raising at college. But whatever... I must not know what I am doing. Also, I feel that melafix and primafix aren't your best options. I added three drops of methylene blue to my ten gallon and had no...
  8. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Eggs Always Infertile, Who Is The Problem?

    No problem. I didn't think it was true until I had seen it in my own tank! That was the only way I found out that I had three of each sex. Woo! :D Only unhealthy or non-mature males and females should fail to show their tubes if there's a female ready to breed.
  9. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Eggs Always Infertile, Who Is The Problem?

    +1 That is always a chance. Especially if it seems that the "male" isn't fertilizing. A good way to know for sure is to look to see if the male drops his breeding tube when the female starts laying eggs again. All males in a tank should do this when a female is ready to breed, regardless if she...
  10. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Eggs Always Infertile, Who Is The Problem?

    Chances are it is fungus or your water parameters aren't what they should be. Infertility is rare in fish, and although it is not unheard of it is very likely something isn't favorable for spawning in your tank. If you want baby angels it is an investment and you're going to have to spend the...
  11. silenthawk2x3

    Cat Drinking Out Of Tank

    Only problem you might have is if you're medicating your cat. I have lost an entire tank of invertebrates to flea medication that was on the cat. 
  12. silenthawk2x3

    Could You Add Lily Pads From A Lake To Your Aquarium?

    +1 Some just don't thrive in tanks.
  13. silenthawk2x3

    Could You Add Lily Pads From A Lake To Your Aquarium?

    I have lilies in my 55 gallon and it adds a beautiful effect with the lighting. I did have a large African lily with leaves of around 6 inches diameter. I found some smaller leaved lilies, around an inch in diameter taken from up north, (Maine) and put them in my tank. Beware - depending on what...
  14. silenthawk2x3

    45 Gallon Stocking With Angelfish

    A 45 gallon? Yes. More than enough room for two. And a single large school always looks better than a Noah's Ark or multiple schools in my opinion. I have mixed similar looking tetras in the past, but nobody is ever as happy as they could be with a huge school of the same species. (Bloodfin and...
  15. silenthawk2x3

    45 Gallon Stocking With Angelfish

    I've never had a problem with my angelfish eating anybody. I have 3 breeding pairs and have never had a problem with any smaller fish I keep with them. I believe it is a combination of keeping them in larger numbers (they chase each other instead of everyone else) and having a large number of...
  16. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    Thank you! I try. They're a quite a bit bigger (and easier to see) this morning. I have a lot more than I initially thought. I believe some of them are moving themselves around a bit because there are suddenly babies where there weren't any before.
  17. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    There... Finally.
  18. silenthawk2x3

    Thinking About A Career Change But Unsure On The Specifics

    Environmental biology is a good starting block. It's what I am going into at the moment.
  19. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    YOU WANT ME TO TAKE PICTURES?! I can try, but they are the tiniest babies I have seen other than CRS. Mostly I'll just show you my set up, eh?
  20. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    Babies hatched today after I moved them to a ten gallon last night. The move didn't hurt them any and they've all been turkey basted into some hornwort to float until they're free swimming. :) It's so darn exciting! And thanks. :D
  21. silenthawk2x3

    Square/cube Shaped Tanks, Having Difficulty

    I would say narrow just because it would lend the tank some size. Narrow leaf plants make the tank look bigger to our eye.
  22. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    Well I just had another spawn, this time on an Amazon sword leaf! SUCCESS! I clipped the leaf off and moved the eggs in a pitcher full of tank water to a tank that was 1 / 2 water from the well and 1 / 2 water from the tank. Being only a two (or so) gallon "betta" tank was on hand I moved them...
  23. silenthawk2x3

    Fat Fish But Looks Male To Me ?

    I would guess tumor or internal parasite... But I will say it looks like something from a horror story with how large it is. 
  24. silenthawk2x3

    Amazon Sword- Brown Leaves

    As a general rule with my own swords, if it is starting to look ratty, broken, brown or melt I scissor it off. It doesn't bother them too much and it will likely be fine if there is new growth. Word of advice... Don't use your mother's nice fabric scissors. Or the meat ones in your case I suppose. 
  25. silenthawk2x3

    Plants To Create Shade?

    A broad leaf background plant that you can't go wrong with is amazon sword. I've had astounding luck with it considering most of its leaves are near a foot long and 4 or so inches across. Very beautiful and very green. :)
  26. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    My angelfish (only confirmed female) decided that she need a new man and has taken to one of my marble/black males (didn't know he was a male, but oh well.) Those stupid, idiot bums spawned on the shaft of my filter intake! There's no way I can remove it even if I wanted to hatch the eggs...
  27. silenthawk2x3

    What Sand Do You Use?

    Pool filter sand. It's a little coarse, but it doesn't bother my corydora shoal.
  28. silenthawk2x3

    How Do I Get Rid Of The Iron In My Water!

    I don't think a magnet would help you any. Either an RO unit would work or you could supplement your regular water with RO water when you do water changes. It really depends on when you want to spend money. An RO water unit is an initial investment, yes, but perhaps you should look at how much...
  29. silenthawk2x3


    I work at a local LFS and we DON'T take monster fish, fish that people are trying to get rid of because they are sick, fish that have been stunted, or fish that people don't have a big enough tank for. That being said, we also DON'T sell those fish or have them in stock. It's a huge risk to...
  30. silenthawk2x3

    South American Centerpiece Fish

    Thanks! :D You've been very helpful. I'll go talk to my fish lady tomorrow as she is doing an order for me Thursday. ;) I work at the LFS so it shouldn't be hard to finagle. 
  31. silenthawk2x3

    Let's Do A What If ...?

    The dosing is a huge part of it. I'm still a college gal so I'm not home to watch my fish as often as I wish I could be. I know that I've set up a stable enough ecosystem for my fish to not only survive, but thrive and for the plants to be healthy too. I do minimal maintenance on the tank...
  32. silenthawk2x3

    South American Centerpiece Fish

    Dimensions are 24" x 12" x 16". If two pairs would be appropriate for the space I would keep two pairs if not I would keep one pair, but as I said, I don't know much about cichlids. I am going to assume that it is enough for one pair only as more space is better. :)
  33. silenthawk2x3

    South American Centerpiece Fish

    I had read a lot about rams being hard to keep well because of captive-bred/wild-caught individuals. I really like the look of the Laetacara curviceps. A pair would be suitable for a 20 High, right? 
  34. silenthawk2x3

    South American Centerpiece Fish

    Discus are definitely off the list... Too big, too expensive, I would be terrified of not giving them the space and care they deserve, or have them die. :C   What I really want is some help deciding because I don't know much about cichlids. I need some direction. If this was your tank what would...
  35. silenthawk2x3

    Let's Do A What If ...?

    I don't do CO2 personally because I feel that the expense is too much/time/hassle/fear of killing every living thing in my tank. Instead of all of that I do dirt! If anything I would say do a dirted tank with your play sand. My cories love it and I have a hearty shoal of twelve in my 55 gal that...
  36. silenthawk2x3

    South American Centerpiece Fish

    I am BIG into the South American biotypes and I have one wall of my house devoted to them. I have a 20H that I am looking to find a centerpiece fish for.    Substrate: Organic potting soil Black gravel Black river rocks   Plants: Red melon sword Amazon sword Small variety of lily (native to...
  37. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    I condition with mysis, bloodworms, high quality flake and algae wafers that they eat like piggies when I treat my cories. Plus they have anything they can pick up around the tank including my cory spawns.They just get a variety of foodstuffs. They have yet to spawn again, but it looks like they...
  38. silenthawk2x3

    How To Revive Dead Java Moss

    Looks good to me, good luck!
  39. silenthawk2x3

    How To Revive Dead Java Moss

    Agree with the cutting of the brown, but java moss is well known for surviving adversity. I wouldn't worry about it being all dead if I were you. From what I see in your picture your moss should be fine.
  40. silenthawk2x3

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    Following. My angels haven't had their second spawn yet... Mine only went six hours before they got the munchies on their first batch. I'm about three weeks behind you in my angelfish escapades. :)