45 Gallon Stocking With Angelfish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2013
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Hey guys, I'm back! I have currently decided to turn my 55 gallon into a cichlid tank and display in my living room. I just bought a 45 gallon and a 10 gallon and did some rearranging, moving my filter from the 55 to the 45 and rehomed my post natal platy and her fry. Anyway, I heard some bad reviews from Aq -- advisor from another forum about stocking so Im turning to others. 

I want an Angelfish as the centerpiece of my 45 gallon. However, I also want maybe one large group of schooling fish that are colorful (such as neon tetras) that my angelfish WONT eat, and they wont nip my angelfish, or two smaller schools of fish. So obviously neons are out of the question. Any ideas? Here are my tanks currently:

55 gallon
***Turning into Cichlid Tank - cycling with new filter currently**

45 Gallon
-6 False Julie Cory
-1 Bristlenose Pleco
-1 Rainbow Shark

10 Gallon
-5 Female Betta
-4 Blue Wag Platy

5 Gallon
-1 Male Betta

Just need some ideas so I do not overstock, or shock my bioload. The Angel will be added last after I give my filter bacteria time to play catch up to adding new fish. P.S., I won't remove the rainbow shark. Its the only fish my boyfriend wants, so hes staying. Thanks
rainbow sharks are agressive fish and unsuitable for the size of a tank, + 1 on the dimensions
ncguppy830 said:
rainbow sharks are agressive fish and unsuitable for the size of a tank, + 1 on the dimensions
I have nooo idea what shark you are talking about, but a rainbow shark will not outgrow a 4 foot long tank. Bala sharks, yes. 

47-48" x 13 x 21 but I am only filling it up to about 19" give or take at the moment due it being heavily planted in the future (lighting, etc..)
opps that was the 55 tank dimensions.

45 gallon is 36 x 12 x 23

Im not here about the shark, I'm wondering about the angelfish and possible community tetras or barbs that will leave each other alone. I can place the shark in the 55 or a possible 125 gallon I have my eye on in the future after graduation next year
Mylesmom08 said:
rainbow sharks are agressive fish and unsuitable for the size of a tank, + 1 on the dimensions
I have nooo idea what shark you are talking about, but a rainbow shark will not outgrow a 4 foot long tank. Bala sharks, yes. 

47-48" x 13 x 21 but I am only filling it up to about 19" give or take at the moment due it being heavily planted in the future (lighting, etc..)
opps that was the 55 tank dimensions.

45 gallon is 36 x 12 x 23
Im not here about the shark, I'm wondering about the angelfish and possible community tetras or barbs that will leave each other alone. I can place the shark in the 55 or a possible 125 gallon I have my eye on in the future after graduation next year
obvisouly your not fully educated on the fish and its needs 55 gallons, but were not talking about that right. the angel needs 18 inches depth so i dont see why not but someone can correct me here.
No, I just knew someone would come on here with a Ph D in fishology,  no offense. Would he work in the 55 with cichlids
Any idea what kind of tetras or barbs can go with angelfish? I know Tigers nip, and neon tetras are basically lunch :(
Angelfish will be fine, but only one.
Cardinal tetras or Rummynose tetras will most likely work, make sure to buy the angels young so they grow up with tetras and don't see them as food.
Ive read many things that said the same thing as you said, but one day they woke up and no neons, I don't want to sacrifice poor fish with the risk lol 
I've never had a problem with my angelfish eating anybody. I have 3 breeding pairs and have never had a problem with any smaller fish I keep with them. I believe it is a combination of keeping them in larger numbers (they chase each other instead of everyone else) and having a large number of schooling fish. I keep mine with a school of 16 lemon tetras and I put the tetras in the tank when they were still very small. Schooling is protection in the wild and it is effective enough so that the angels don't look twice at the tetras. I also keep my angels well fed. ;)
That is awesome! I was going to do 2 schools and one angelfish, but you think one large school of tetras (possibly rummy nose) and two angelfish would be ok for the tank size?
A 45 gallon? Yes. More than enough room for two. And a single large school always looks better than a Noah's Ark or multiple schools in my opinion. I have mixed similar looking tetras in the past, but nobody is ever as happy as they could be with a huge school of the same species. (Bloodfin and Rummy Nose FYI)
I completely agree. I like balanced tanks, rather than the multiples. I went to my LFS (Jims Aquarium in Kenosha WI if anyone is near the area - they are awesome!!!) and fell in love with some Odessa Barbs. I originally went in there to check out tetras, but Jims wife assured me they would be ok regardless of the 'barb' name, so fingers crossed! I only picked up 5 for now to let my bioload catch up, but I plan on going back for at least 3-4 more ;) thanks!

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