Angelfish Eggs Always Infertile, Who Is The Problem?


Mostly New Member
Jul 28, 2013
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They have been having eggs together for a while but everytime after 2 days they are all infertile. Is it the male's fault, or the female's?
Possibly the water's?
What are your parameters?
Ph, kh, nitrate and if you have gh and phosphate that would be useful.
I have had them in multiple tanks. I dont have much money so I dont want to do all the tests
Chances are it is fungus or your water parameters aren't what they should be. Infertility is rare in fish, and although it is not unheard of it is very likely something isn't favorable for spawning in your tank. If you want baby angels it is an investment and you're going to have to spend the money. 
Fishkeeping is not a cheap hobby. As silenthawk said you'll have to fork out for tests if you want to breed fish, and not the strips which are notoriously unreliable, you'll have to get liquid tests.
Alm0stAwesome said:
Maybe they are both females? It's not unheard of!
+1 That is always a chance. Especially if it seems that the "male" isn't fertilizing. A good way to know for sure is to look to see if the male drops his breeding tube when the female starts laying eggs again. All males in a tank should do this when a female is ready to breed, regardless if she is his mate or not.
You should be able see the eggs being deposited. just watch both fish closely to insure only one is leaving eggs.
Silenthawk, thanks for that brilliant tip about all males showing their breeding tubes when the female is ready to lay. I didn't know that! :D
No problem. I didn't think it was true until I had seen it in my own tank! That was the only way I found out that I had three of each sex. Woo! :D Only unhealthy or non-mature males and females should fail to show their tubes if there's a female ready to breed.
I have them in a tank with nothing else in it and change the water 20 percent each day while applying Pimafix and melafix. I know which is the male. He just skims over them. The mother cares for the eggs mostly,one time he ate the eggs right after they were being placed. I know enough about angels to sex them without them spawning. Aside the babies who do not really show the signs yet and mutated ones.I removed the male from the tank and replaced a new male with her, but if he isnt infertile, should I try again, and remove the parents after? The mom does her job but doesn't pick the bad eggs out. Which turn out to be all of them.
NomNomTiger said:
I have them in a tank with nothing else in it and change the water 20 percent each day while applying Pimafix and melafix. I know which is the male. He just skims over them. The mother cares for the eggs mostly,one time he ate the eggs right after they were being placed. I know enough about angels to sex them without them spawning. Aside the babies who do not really show the signs yet and mutated ones.I removed the male from the tank and replaced a new male with her, but if he isnt infertile, should I try again, and remove the parents after? The mom does her job but doesn't pick the bad eggs out. Which turn out to be all of them.
You say you haven't much money but are using Primafix and Melafix everyday? Why? These products aren't cheap and if there's no valid reason for using them..? Also, overdosing and overuse of these products can do more damage than good, although on the plus side you're removing some of it when you do a water change - better off tipping it down the sink? :p
Tbh - sexing Angels without them spawning is never 100% guaranteed. The only guaranteed way is checking the papillae as stated above that drops when spawning is about to commence. I've seen many males with female qualities and females with male qualities.
I'm not sure about the swapping one male for another, Angels pair and choose their mates, they may not be monogamous but I don't know about just dropping another male in and guaranteeing they will get on?
Also, again stated above, if you haven't much money, breeding is not really a viable option unless you have adequate housing for the hundreds of fry produced?
Having nothing in the tank could easily cause them to be stressed and either not spawn properly or eat the eggs after.
Try providing some form of shelter for them - Some people don't agree but I am a strong believer of fish becoming bored in tanks with nothing in, like being in an empty room with no furniture!
Another reason could be that they just haven't got the hang of it yet. When my breeding pair spawned for the first time, there was more infertile than fertile, but by time 3/4 all were fertile. 
I use it every 2nd day when fry is in, and less than regular amount. I have a breeding tank, im not stupid. Its a tall hex and I have their breeding slate and fake plant till the fry, after I remove the plant. I breed my others. I am not a newbie at this or something. That's why im wondering if he is just infertile. And after being split for around a month the female usually does find another mate. I have 3 other males. But no one really helped so thanks anyways.
Pardon us for suggesting anything to someone who knows it already? I can not understand why you posted on a general fish site rather than a site devoted to angel experts like yourself.
I mean who here would have a clue about angels

I know it is probably not me.
TwoTankAmin said:
Pardon us for suggesting anything to someone who knows it already? I can not understand why you posted on a general fish site rather than a site devoted to angel experts like yourself.
I mean who here would have a clue about angels
I know it is probably not me.

I c wut u did thar.

I couldn't decide between which, both were just so appropriate!

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