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  1. N

    Shrimp Catastrophe When Added New Plants

    They all seem to have recovered now. The hospital tank is uncycled though, anyone know what the ammonia output is for shrimp?
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    Shrimp Catastrophe When Added New Plants

    Cabomba? Thats what one of the plants is, the other is an Amazon sword.    2 out of 3 shrimp seem to have recovered in the hospital tank. #3 looks 50/50. In the main tank they were all on their side and they had all gone white, it seems amazing that they could recover. I am keeping fingers crossed.
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    Shrimp Catastrophe When Added New Plants

    I bought two aquarium plants today from a new shop. Immediately my amanos started going nuts, first thought they were just agitated due to the disturbance.   A few hours later and I see to my horror they are all on their side and dying. :-(   Obviously the plants have been treated with some kind...
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    Which Shrimp?

    My amanos always hide to shed. I would love to see them do it. In any case they are very nice shrimp and make good tank mates for all my fish.
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    My Platy Hurt. Lost Scale, Little Blood Mark..

    This thread genuinely made me sad.
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    My Guppy Is Acting Strange

    Guppies are tropical fish, goldfish are cold water. They shouldnt really be in the same tank as far as I know.
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    Stressed Guppy (need Help!)

    @proud pastry Re. Your guppies interest in one anothers under carriages. Fish trail waste from their vents which other fish can basically smell. This gives them information basically as to whether it's another fish of the same type they can breed with. Eventually they should learn that the...
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    Sigh Guppys Now In My Tank:(

    Unless I'm mistaken you have a 200 litre plus tank. I doubt 5 guppies are going to push you over capacity. What does ##150### say? Edit: Well sorry about that. There is a useful website where you put in your tank parameters and it gives you your overall stocking...
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    P@h On Watchdog Next Week

    Just watched the programme. The stores they showed seemed worse than the ones I've been to.
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    Sinking Platy

    Sorry to hear that. :-(
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    Sinking Platy

    I havent used the strips myself but they are not reported to be very accurate. If at all possible its better to get a liquid kit where you can see the different values. Even they cant test for everything of course. In the meantime I would do 50% water changes every one to two days and see if...
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    Sinking Platy

    You usually feed cooked peas as they are laxatives for fish. If the fish is bunged up and there is pressure on the swim bladder it can alleviate it. You can also try feeding garlic as this can help counteract internal parasites temporarily. In many cases there will be concurrent symptoms like...
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    P@h On Watchdog Next Week

    I've been to quite a few Pets at Home and they are generally ok. Some are better than others depending on who is staffing them at the time. Sometimes the fish tanks are a bit iffy, but the cute and furries all seem fine, and they give you free vet care for a few months after you buy them. The...
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    Sinking Platy

    You can try swimbladder meds from a petstore. Also you can try a salt bath a few times a day as this will change the osmotic balance inside the fish. Google should tell you how to do that. Before doing that I would check water parameters and do a big water change, as it could also be ammonia...
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    This is a sensitive and informative video about the subject:
  16. N

    Id My Plant

    It does look a lot like dragon flame, but all mine just rotted away until I learnt it wasnt aquatic. If you've found an actual aquatic analogue though I'd love to know what it is as the colours are nice.
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    Problematic! 5ppm Nitrite. 3+ Year Old Tank.

    Thats a good question actually. The only way I would know to find that out would be to ask the company.
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    Problematic! 5ppm Nitrite. 3+ Year Old Tank.

    My mopani wood stained the water for months. I wouldn't boil it though, the tannins are good for the water.
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    Need Advice Urgently!

    I found this video a while back about seeding new tanks quickly. It seems plausible.
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    Fin Rot

    Sorry about the fish, my sick fish put me on a real downer, it reminded me a bit of The Beach where they all start avoiding the Swedish guy who gets bitten by the shark, then when he dies they all feel relieved and guilty. I didnt leave him dying in a hut though, I did everything possible for...
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    Need Advice Urgently!

    Is your tank fully cycled? You've had quite a lot of fish in there over a fairly short period. Ammonia and nitrite spikes can happen very quickly so if you arent testing for everything then it can creep up on you. I used myaxazin in my main tank and it crashed it. I then had an ammonia spike...
  22. N

    Fin Rot

    I got some from Boots. Its in the pain relief section as its used for toothache on people.
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    Fin Rot

    Its just a different type of medicine you get from the LFS. This is a good youtube video about the clove oil.
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    Fin Rot

    Based on research I've done on the net, bacterial fin rot apparently starts in the fish's intestines and then leaks out into the blood stream. This causes blood vessels to rupture, this is most noticeable in the tail as the tissue dies off as the blood flow stops, but it is also going on inside...
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    Help Plz, Guppy Doesn't Good

    Yeah, thats what mine looked like. He seemed a bit bloated for a while too so I starved him for a few days but by that point he wouldn't really eat. He hung on for a long time and looked to be getting better at one point, but in the end his swimbladder totally gave out on him so I decided enough...
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    Help Plz, Guppy Doesn't Good

    You should isolate the fish immediately in a different tank. Which way is it curved? One of my guppies became curve spined, a bit like a boomerang, and also became very tail heavy so he would rest vertically in the water. I put him in a hospital tank and tried everything from swimbladder...
  27. N

    Have You Bought Plants From Aquaticmagic On Ebay?

    Don't know I'm afraid but here is a bump for you. Customs in most countries will intercept occasional things, especially if they are alive, but they can't do this for many of the millions of parcels are shipped each year. We once sent some fresh tea from Malaysia to the UK as a present for the...
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    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    How is it going? Sounds a bit like ich.
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    Ill Guppys

    Ph and nitrate are quite important, can you get a testing kit and check for abnormalities in those. I am finding guppies can be very fragile.
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    Help, Fish Has Bit Of Plant Stuck In Her!

    Thanks, tried that but it seemed like we were going to pull her insides out. The bit that was sticking out has gone now so she's either coughed it up or swallowed it. She's started being mean to the other platies again so seems to be feeling more like her usual self.
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    Help, Fish Has Bit Of Plant Stuck In Her!

    I am feeling like the world's worst fish keeper at the moment. I lost a guppy a couple of weeks back, just had to euthanise another one, and now I come back from holiday to find our largest and greediest platy has got a long fiber of dead plant leaf (like a bit of cotton) sticking out of her...
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    Hello From Sussex!

    I am new here too. Also from West Sussex. I still seem to be at the fish dying stage...
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    Dying Guppy

    Thank you for your advice. I meant 4.0ppm for ammonia. I misread the test kit though and realise that is still very high so I have done as you suggest with both tanks. Before the water change my hospital tank was down to ammonia 0.5ppm. I will change out more water tomorrow. I think the guppy...
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    Dying Guppy

    OK here is a photo:
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    Dying Guppy

    Thanks, no he's not pineconed. I used water from the main tank with some gravel moved over to the hospital tank, Ammonia was 40ppm, all other stats were 0. Ph 7.5. I will take a picture later as Im about to go out. There isnt a light in the hospital tank so its a bit gloomy in there. Edit...
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    Dying Guppy

    A week ago we lost a guppy due to a mystery illness. Then a few days later another one fell ill, I noticed him with a bent spine and swimming very tail heavy so moved him into a hospital tank, where he's been since. I've added swim bladder meds and aquarium salt, and after fasting him tried to...
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    Is My Fish Just A Jerk?

    Just to draw a conclusion to this. We added three new guppies, and the bully female platy (Mo) is like a different fish. Most of her aggressive behaviour has gone and she now tends to hang around on her own at the back of the tank with the plants. She doesnt seem to have any interest in the...
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    Is My Fish Just A Jerk?

    We have three platies. One male and two females. We moved them from a 17 litre tank to a 54 litre tank a few weeks ago. Female #1 (Mo) is the largest fish in the tank. Female # 2 (Tallulah) is the smallest fish in the tank. She is also the cleverest and most entertaining. Male platy (Mitzy...
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    Moving Platys To Larger Tank, And Adding More Fish

    The platys are now happily in their new tank, which is about half full with some of their previous water and some new treated water. I'll add some more treated water later in the week unless I should wait longer? I just did a Ph and nitrate test and all seems to be well. Clearly the fish are...
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    How Many Live Plants For A 55 Litre Tropical Tank?

    Should plants be taken out of those little pots they come in?