Help, Fish Has Bit Of Plant Stuck In Her!


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
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I am feeling like the world's worst fish keeper at the moment.

I lost a guppy a couple of weeks back, just had to euthanise another one, and now I come back from holiday to find our largest and greediest platy has got a long fiber of dead plant leaf (like a bit of cotton) sticking out of her mouth, about three inches.

We caught her and tried to pull it out but its stuck and wont come out of her mouth. She keeps trying to swallow the rest of it so we've cut it as short as we can near her mouth. She won't eat and is moping.

I've taken the plant out. Anything else I can do?
Hey nightstar!

The only thing i cam think of is... Try taking a VERY small pair of tweezers(like the ones that comein Swiss Arm knives) and carefully try to pull it out. :good:

Thanks, tried that but it seemed like we were going to pull her insides out.

The bit that was sticking out has gone now so she's either coughed it up or swallowed it.

She's started being mean to the other platies again so seems to be feeling more like her usual self.

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