Dying Guppy


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
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A week ago we lost a guppy due to a mystery illness. Then a few days later another one fell ill, I noticed him with a bent spine and swimming very tail heavy so moved him into a hospital tank, where he's been since.

I've added swim bladder meds and aquarium salt, and after fasting him tried to feed garlic and peas. He looked like he was getting better but then went downhill again.

He's had a little bit of food but just mostly sits on top of his filter now, when he does venture out into the tank he's still almost vertical, or having to swim hard to stay level.

I just tried feeding him a flake soaked in garlic but he has no interest so I'm guessing he hasn't got long to go.

Any idea what is wrong with him? I can't see any lesions or anything, nor could I on the other one that died, and the other fish are fine so I'm hoping its not fish TB.

Edit: forgot to mention his bloating has gone down a bit so we thought he was getting better.
Does it appear as if his scales are sticking out? Like a pinecone? A picture might help.

Can we have some water stats? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? A liquid testing kit is the best.

Try to do a big water change and see if it helps.
Thanks, no he's not pineconed.

I used water from the main tank with some gravel moved over to the hospital tank, Ammonia was 40ppm, all other stats were 0. Ph 7.5.

I will take a picture later as Im about to go out. There isnt a light in the hospital tank so its a bit gloomy in there.

Edit, just changed out 30%, I do this every few days. Its a mystery what is wrong with him. I thought maybe parasites as his back is bent and he has the swelling, but then I cant see anything and when he was still excreting it was normal.
OK here is a photo:

Ammonia 40 ppm???!! Yeah, that's probably why... Ammonia should be at 0 ALWAYS. anything above that is harmful to your fish. I'm assuming your tank is new, right? You need to do a 90% water change in both tanks.
Ammonia 40 ppm???!! Yeah, that's probably why... Ammonia should be at 0 ALWAYS. anything above that is harmful to your fish. I'm assuming your tank is new, right? You need to do a 90% water change in both tanks.

Thank you for your advice. I meant 4.0ppm for ammonia. I misread the test kit though and realise that is still very high so I have done as you suggest with both tanks.

Before the water change my hospital tank was down to ammonia 0.5ppm. I will change out more water tomorrow. I think the guppy is now looking up a bit, he is still stuck on top of his filter but he is looking a little more lively.

In the main tank my Ph is 8.2. Ammonia and Nitrite were 0, but I was horrified to see that Nitrate was 160ppm. I immediately changed out the water when I saw that reading.

I think my tank must have decycled when I used some antibiotics to treat fin rot in the one surviving healthy guppy. I probably also added too many fish and shrimp in too little time.

I really didnt think I was doing anything wrong and I feel really bad for my fish, especially the one who has already died. I only got a full test kit a couple of days ago as they cost so much over here.

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