Stressed Guppy (need Help!)

Thank you all for your replies!

All male guppy tanks work too in the same way as the male to female ratio works. You sometimes get some more persistant males than others, but with a good sized group (my number hangs around 7-10 at any given time) they alternate pestering each other and no fights or damage has occured. I've only had one (whom I still have) that was a problem at first and I put him in the breeder from time to time until he worked it out, now he's fine.

Male guppies live to pester someone, anyone... whether its females or other males. If you don't want babies, I'd just get more males.

Just thought I'd offer that differing opinion.
Thank you :D I was highly considering getting some more males, I just wasn't sure if it would help or not haha
Question about male guppy behavior...
I know that males will fan their tails to flirt with the other fish, but what does it mean when they try to get at the others belly? My blue guppy always tries to get at my orange guppy's belly, almost as if he wants to bite him? I'm not sure if it's aggression or if he just wants to mate...
Also, does it matter what type of guppy I get? Or should I stick to one type of guppy? :eek:

Split fins could well be caused by the serpae tetra as well. Nasty nippy fish in my opnion. They are a shoaling fish, and the fewer there are the more likely they are to nip other fish. I had some once and every other fish in the tank had bits missing. After my experience with them, I'd never have them in the same tanks fish with long fins like guppies.

If it were me I'd see if I could trade the serpae for another male guppy!
I did read somewhere that they do that, but my tetra never goes after my guppies, he always stays to himself. I'll keep an eye on him though :)
I'll also ask the pet store if I can trade any of my fish in for a different fish ^_^

Hi hun,

Welcome also from me!

In terms of not wanting to let the fry get eaten and so giving them away, don't forget there is a classified section on these forums where you could advertise the fry for people to come collect for free. It's what I am going to do as I have 4 (2 of which started as fry in the bag from the LFS when I purchased the girls) males and 6 females (who have so far produced 10 fry!. Just another option x
Thank you! :D I'll remember that! ^_^
Thank you all for your replies!

@PrairieSunflower: Thank you :D I was highly considering getting some more males, I just wasn't sure if it would help or not haha
Question about male guppy behavior...
I know that males will fan their tails to flirt with the other fish, but what does it mean when they try to get at the others belly? My blue guppy always tries to get at my orange guppy's belly, almost as if he wants to bite him? I'm not sure if it's aggression or if he just wants to mate...
Also, does it matter what type of guppy I get? Or should I stick to one type of guppy? :eek:

@essjay: I did read somewhere that they do that, but my tetra never goes after my guppies, he always stays to himself. I'll keep an eye on him though :)
I'll also ask the pet store if I can trade any of my fish in for a different fish ^_^

@angel308: Thank you! :D I'll remember that! ^_^

No, you can get different kinds of guppies, it doesn't matter! :good:
And you either have a confused fish or that blue guppy is very, very, sassy :rolleyes:
No, you can get different kinds of guppies, it doesn't matter! :good:
And you either have a confused fish or that blue guppy is very, very, sassy :rolleyes:

:D Great, thank you!~
Haha Oh dear... at least now I can put my mind to rest and no longer worry about him possibly trying to hurt the other :p
I've got all male guppies in one tank and they get on with each other great. I've never seen anyone of them nip the tail of the other and I'd blame the tetra too, probably at night when the guppies are very calm and half asleep. Don't get more females if you don't want a constant supply of guppy babies and you've nowhere to house them. It's not a solution. What's the difference whether they'll chase females or chase each other? That's the way guppies are and they will chase any female of any breed. They'll chase a female gourami too and the gouarami will probably kill them for that, so don't get this type of fish to eat your babies. The guppy males don't beat each other up, they play and show off to each other curling their bodies but they never hurt each other. Those nips are more likely an accident rather than intentional nipping and this should be very rare if indeed the nipped tails is caused by them fighting as it can be numerous other things(caught on filter, high flow, etc...). It just heals itself as long as the water quality is good(no ammonia or nitrItes)
I've got all male guppies in one tank and they get on with each other great. I've never seen anyone of them nip the tail of the other and I'd blame the tetra too, probably at night when the guppies are very calm and half asleep. Don't get more females if you don't want a constant supply of guppy babies and you've nowhere to house them. It's not a solution. What's the difference whether they'll chase females or chase each other? That's the way guppies are and they will chase any female of any breed. They'll chase a female gourami too and the gouarami will probably kill them for that, so don't get this type of fish to eat your babies. The guppy males don't beat each other up, they play and show off to each other curling their bodies but they never hurt each other. Those nips are more likely an accident rather than intentional nipping and this should be very rare if indeed the nipped tails is caused by them fighting as it can be numerous other things(caught on filter, high flow, etc...). It just heals itself as long as the water quality is good(no ammonia or nitrItes)

Thank you for your reply, a lot of useful information!
I'm not planning on getting any female guppies, I just couldn't possibly keep up with all that fry haha, and I'm also not getting any gouarami :)
The rips in their tails could be from the tetra at night while I'm asleep and not watching. From what I've seen though he never goes after them... but hey, it's possible! Just in case, I'll see if a pet store will trade with me. :)
I changed 25% of the water and added some stress coat in just the other day, I'll make sure to keep the water clean and keep an eye on their tails, wouldn't want my boys getting sick!
The tails will heal just fine as long as the tank is free of ammonia and nitrItes and weekly maintenance is done.
I would trade the tetra for a male guppy too. I would even trade the female platy for a male platy or another male guppy, or trade the tetra and female platy for two male platies, whatever you prefer. Keep all males and you'll have no problems. Mine chase each other all the time, absolutely no harm done and they actually seldom separate from each other too, always in a bunch around the tank. It's their own way of living and sometimes it looks like it's aggressiveness but it's not. They are just one of the most playful fish from the livebearers.
The tails will heal just fine as long as the tank is free of ammonia and nitrItes and weekly maintenance is done.
I would trade the tetra for a male guppy too. I would even trade the female platy for a male platy or another male guppy, or trade the tetra and female platy for two male platies, whatever you prefer. Keep all males and you'll have no problems. Mine chase each other all the time, absolutely no harm done and they actually seldom separate from each other too, always in a bunch around the tank. It's their own way of living and sometimes it looks like it's aggressiveness but it's not. They are just one of the most playful fish from the livebearers.

Alright :) I'll make sure to do a 25% water change every week and add in some stress coat ^_^

I asked my boyfriend if he'd be okay with trading in our tetra and he doesn't like the idea lol, he really likes our tetra... haha :p
And both my boyfriend and I fell in love with our platy, she was the last one in this way too small tank with a recently deceased platy which made us both really sad... so we took her home : )
Since my boyfriend wants to keep the tetra we'll just keep an even closer eye on him and change the water to help our guppies tails heal. :)
Would maybe getting another tetra help?
The problem with keeping the tetra is that they are a shoaling species and you need at least six of them if you want to keep it. But a 10 gallon tank is too small for a shoal of serpaes.
The problem with keeping the tetra is that they are a shoaling species and you need at least six of them if you want to keep it. But a 10 gallon tank is too small for a shoal of serpaes.

Agreed :( Thanks for the info!
I just brought that up with my boyfriend and I think I convinced him to let me exchange him if I can, then maybe I can get another male guppy. :)
@proud pastry

Re. Your guppies interest in one anothers under carriages. Fish trail waste from their vents which other fish can basically smell. This gives them information basically as to whether it's another fish of the same type they can breed with.

Eventually they should learn that the other one really is male and stop doing it.
@proud pastry

Re. Your guppies interest in one anothers under carriages. Fish trail waste from their vents which other fish can basically smell. This gives them information basically as to whether it's another fish of the same type they can breed with.

Eventually they should learn that the other one really is male and stop doing it.

Oh that's really interesting! :eek: Thank you very much!

A small update:
It turns out that the tetra is the source of the nipped fins (not really surprised lol. I saw him go after the new guppies :() I got 3 more male guppies who have taken to the tank really well!
I called a pet store and asked if they'd take my tetra and they said they would, so I'm taking him in tomorrow morning :)

Also, I have another question. I have a female platy who I'd personally would not like to get rid of... and my orange guppy is still trying to mate with her (seems like he's taken a liking to her :p) would getting some more female platies even things out?
I'd appreciate any help or advice anyone has to offer!
If you are keeping the female platy then a few more might spread out the chase, they may eventually stop when they realise it's not working too. But keep in mind that 99% of them come pregnant and stay like that for months. I only bought two to keep my partner happy and I have a bunch in two of my 4 tanks without trying to save any babies.
If you are keeping the female platy then a few more might spread out the chase, they may eventually stop when they realise it's not working too. But keep in mind that 99% of them come pregnant and stay like that for months. I only bought two to keep my partner happy and I have a bunch in two of my 4 tanks without trying to save any babies.

I guess I'll get a couple more platies then! :)
My guppy has been trying to mate with my platy for a while and has had no success. I've been taking video/pictures of her to watch her size in case he did get to her, but nothing has changed :)
I'll keep that in mind though, so I wont be surprised if it happens haha
If you are keeping the female platy then a few more might spread out the chase, they may eventually stop when they realise it's not working too. But keep in mind that 99% of them come pregnant and stay like that for months. I only bought two to keep my partner happy and I have a bunch in two of my 4 tanks without trying to save any babies.

I guess I'll get a couple more platies then! :)
My guppy has been trying to mate with my platy for a while and has had no success. I've been taking video/pictures of her to watch her size in case he did get to her, but nothing has changed :)
I'll keep that in mind though, so I wont be surprised if it happens haha

Guppies and platies can't interbreed but male guppies will chase anything that they think is a female. :lol:
Guppies and platies can't interbreed but male guppies will chase anything that they think is a female. :lol:

Oh phew, that's good news!! Haha So then I wont worry about it :p

Bah... Silly Petsmart... When I purchased my new guppies, they charged me for two guppies and a loaches XD I was wondering why it cost so much...

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